Part 7

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I feel someone pushing my body trying to wake me up. Damn, my head hurts. I barely open my eyes and see Allyson panicked, trying to wake me up.

"What's going on?" I ask her.

"Gwyneth is knocking on the door and you're in my bed naked. We fell asleep here last night. Get dressed quickly!"

"Oh shit" I groan and stand up quickly collecting my clothes and wearing them one after another.

I fix myself in the mirror as Allyson unlocks the door and lets Gwyneth come in.

"Allyson, why did you lock the door?" Gwyneth asks confused.

She turns her head and spots me sitting on a chair across the trailer and then looks back into Allyson's guilty eyes. She then spots the empty bottle and our glasses.

"Oh my God" she gasps.

"I should be going, I really need a coffee" I say trying to get quickly out of this awkwardness.

"I need to have a word with you, we're leaving together. Allyson we'll talk later" Gwyneth says and follows me as I leave the room.

She doesn't say a word as I go to the other room to make myself a coffee. Black coffee.

"You want one?" I ask her but she refuses.

I sit on an empty table and she sits opposite of me, judging me with her look.

"I know you want to say something, just do it" I say feeling her eyes burning me.

"Tell me you didn't get her drunk to sleep with her" she says abruptly.

"Jesus Christ, Gwyneth, most women are glad to sleep with me without alcohol. I'm not a pervert" I almost spit out my coffee.

"I expected you to say something about you two. How could you keep it a secret?"

"Nothing's going on between us, relax"

"Nothing's going on between you? I just found you two hangover in my trailer and don't tell me you didn't have sex!" she whispers so no-one hears her.

"It was probably a one time thing. Besides, it was our first time. And second. And multiple if you get me" I smirk playfully.

"Stop laughing about it. Every site was already talking about a possible involvement between you two. Imagine what will happen if they find out you're sleeping together"

"No one's gonna find out unless you tell them. Only me, you and Allyson know it"

"How did it happen anyway?"

"We both stayed late here, I had the bottle, we started talking, I told her about Elizabeth, one thing led to another, we kissed, drank and banged" I explain.

"You told her about Elizabeth? I thought you were keeping it a secret"

"I am keeping it a secret, I just felt like telling her at the moment" I shurg my shoulders.

"Be careful, Robert. You might get too attached and I'm not sure if you're ready"

"I'm not getting attached, stop overreacting" I roll my eyes.

"It's none of my business but I'm happy for you" she finally smiles.

We both leave and I go to my trailer to relax before start shooting. I remove my clothes and step into the shower. I let the cold water run down my body and recall last night's events. My mind can't seem to let go of the images of Allyson's body on top and beneath mine. The feeling of her touch and her lips on my flesh. I step out of the shower and cover my wet body with a towel before putting on some clothes.

Going to the shooting room I take the clothes I should wear and then the make up artists do their magic to prevent me from looking like a dead man walking in the studio. With the corner of my eye I spot Allyson also getting ready. When we happen to look at each other at the same time she blushes and looks away. When I get ready the director informs me we're going to shoot the more romantic scenes between me and Allyson. I laugh to myself and get ready.

Allyson slowly comes next to me to start shooting. I can sense her feeling awkward and I make an attempt to relax her.

"Just because we enjoyed each other's company last night doesn't mean we must be awkward around each other"

"This is not what's happening" she whispers.

"What? You didn't enjoy my company last night?" I tease her.

"No, I enjoyed it...a lot. I mean, I'm not awkward around you"

"Yeah, your body language clearly says so" I reply sarcastically.

"I have no problem being around you, I just feel like everyone's judging me for sleeping with you" she whispers again.

"Besides the two of us, only Gwyneth knows about it. She's not gonna tell anyone, relax and enjoy the shooting"

"I hope we finish quickly with this" she exhales.

"This is not what you were saying last night" I proudly say.

"Shut up" she says hitting me playfully.

The shooting begins and we get directions on what we should do. We basically have to make out on the desk but improvise. We say our few lines before the shooting of this snece begins.

I grab her in my arms and she jumps locking her feet around my waist. I throw the stuff from the desk on the floor and put her on it. We share a passionate kiss for quite a few seconds. I start unbuttoning each button of her shirt revealing her bra and skin. We both breathe heavily and our arms travel all over each other's bodies. She unbuttones my shirt and I lie her down flat on the desk. I lean down to kiss her and then the director interrups us.

"Cut" he shouts and we kiss for a few more seconds before breaking apart.

"Was it enough? Do you need us to change anything?" I ask him.

"No, guys, that was pretty good actually. This passion shows me how great actors you both are. We may not need to shoot this again"

"Okay, great"

We leave the room and Gwyneth finds me. She looks at me slightly smiling.

"You two couldn't stop, could you?"

"Did you take a good look?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just pointing out what I saw, Robert" she says and leaves, letting me think about the situation.

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