Part 11

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I spent the following day at Allyson's house. I'm still here with her. She needed someone to be there with her, next to her. This event tore her apart. It seemed impossible to make her feel better. Even when she almost did, if she checked the phone or the tv people were there to remind her of what happened and ruin her mood again. The relationship between us isn't damaged. In contrast, I think she now trusts me more. She opened up to me about her feelings and we shared things. We spent the day together like friends. Nothing sexual. I think this might be the only part of our relationship that got affected. She probably won't have sex with me on set again or even worse won't have sex with me again. Anywhere. This is a possibility I like to believe won't happen.

I am not so affected by the event. I am not feeling embarrassed or sad. I am feeling mad and betrayed. Mad because someone did something so stupid which he knew would have many consequences and betrayed because that someone is someone from the crew. Someone we talk with, we may have gone out for drinks together or hang out on set together. When I find out who did this I want many answers. Why do it? Was it money? Because I could have given him as much as he wanted. Was it to embarrass us? Because I don't think we've done anything to hurt another member of the crew.

"I imagine you won't show up on shooting tommorow" I say as we're both on her couch. She's laying down with her head on my lap.

"God no, I'm not ready for everyone's look especially when we'll be together"

"You can't ignore them forever though. Eventually you're gonna have to show up, otherwise you'll lose your job"

"You think I don't know that? Last thing I want is staying unemployed"

"Well, you're gonna find it easier now to find a job. People know you"

"They don't know me as an actress, they know me as a woman that f*cked Robert Downey Jr"

"Does it matter though? Others have done far worse things to get a job or to become famous"

"You seem very calm about this whole situation"

"Trust me, I'm not calm. I want to punch in the face whoever did this so badly. And not about me. I don't care about my image anymore. I've been through drug abuse, people have already judged me. I wanna do it for you. Because it's a shame a girl with your talent to be judged for something that's not even wrong"

"Thank you, Robert. It means a lot to me that you've stayed with me these days"

"It was my pleasure. And to be clear I wasn't talking about talent at sex, I was talking about your acting skills"

"I got that already, thank you" she replies laughing.

"Because I have to admit your sex skills are pretty good too. You can't notice them easily on the video though. Maybe we have to make another sex tape ourselves to show people how good we are"

"I think I'll pass"

"We'll leak it anonymously"

"It's still a no from me"

"Yeah, I thought so"

I cooked for us for the second day in a row. It's not that she doesn't want to cook or can't cook, I just want to treat her well now that she's feeling down. I even helped her clean up the house, something I don't even do at my own house.

"I'm going to shooting tomorrow. I would recommend you coming with me but if you don't want to I get it"

"I'll stay here at least for tomorrow. You should go get the first inappropriate looks from everyone if you want it so badly and let me know. After that I may consider coming the day after tomorrow"

"You little devil" I say laughing.

"You must act like a gentleman"

"I am a gentleman. I'm gonna prove it by defending you every time someone gives you an inappropriate look or comment. And don't forget they've seen you naked so they're probably wishing it was them in my place on the video"

"That's disgusting" she mames a disgusted grimace.

"You should get used to it. And I should be going"

"You can stay until later if you want, it's not like I'll do anything"

"If I stay here any longer you'll probably convince me to follow your lifestyle and not show up at work tomorrow" I chuckle.

"You're not wrong"

"I just hate finding reporters outside my house taking pictures and asking me all these stupid questions" I exhale sharply.

"I'm so glad I'm not you right now. No one knows where I live and no one's outside my house"

"Keep reminding me of that and I may move in here" I say looking at her.

"Is that a threat?" she asks smiling.

"Depends on how you see it"

I left her house and took a deep breathe before arriving at mine. As I expected reporters were waiting for me outside my house. I wanted so much so hit someone with my car but being the gentleman I am I walked through all of them and got inside. I took a bath and prepared myself for tomorrow. I have to see everyone's reaction and try to figure out who leaked this video.

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