Part 41

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It's early in the morning and I woke up again without enjoying as much sleep as I'd want to. Allyson is laying next to me and as much as I'd love you wake her up to satisfy my morning needs once again I decide to not be selfish this time and let her sleep. After all, she's done nothing but please me the last few mornings. Standing up from the bed carefully I make my way to the kitchen. I take a glass and fill it with scotch and light up a cigarette. That's the next best solution for my morning demons right after sex. About 40 minutes later I hear Allyson calling my name and see her showing up at the kitchen. She walks until she finds me and stands behind my back. She leans down because I'm sitting on a chair and gives me a kiss.

"A little early for scotch and smoking don't you think?" she asks unhappy looking at the multiple cigarettes I've already smoked.

"Well, I thought you wouldn't be very happy with me waking you up again to have sex"

She sighs not knowing what to say.

"But since you're awake now maybe we could work it out" I say and pull her on my lap and push my lips onto hers.

"I'm sorry but I can't" she says against my lips.

"What better things could you possibly have to do right now than me?"

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't. I've lost count on how many times we've had sex these last days. My body is exhausted, I'm very sore"

"I'll be gentle" I whisper kissing her neck.

"That's not enough, it was already painful yesterday, I need some rest"

"Okay, I see. I'm sorry. You should've said something" I say and she stands up standing once again behind me putting her hands on my shoulders and massages me.

"I wanted to but you were so excited and it kept your mind away from your problems"

It's my turn to sigh now and I grab another cigarette from in front of me. Before I light it up she takes it from my lips and looks me with a cold look.

"You're gonna kill yourself. You're quitting this right now"

"Don't be ridiculous, I can't just quit smoking like that" I say seriously and take the cigarette back in my hand.

"You haven't even tried. You just sit here all day drinking and smoking. Quitting drugs is great but you need to start quitting the others as well" she pulls the cigarette from me again and now I'm really pissed off.

"Back off, okay? I'm not a f*ucking robot to just stop smoking and drinking and doing drugs like it's nothing. It's called addiction, look it up because you're pissing me off" I didn't mean to yell but that what I ended up doing.

I was feeling very tense so I stood up and without even looking at Allyson I left the kitchen. I didn't know what else to do so I went to my personal gym, closed the door behind me, put some loud music in the background and started working out.


The door opens and I hear light footsteps coming closer to me. It's obviously Allyson. I carefully put the weights I was working out with on the floor and sit down to drink some water.

"I'm sorry" she says.
"You're trying your best and instead of helping you I'm asking for more" she apologizes.

"I shouldn't yell at you. After all, you want what's best for me"

We smile at each other understanding we can't stay mad at one another for long.

"You've been in here for more than 2 hours, I think it's time to take a shower and come relax with me"

"It's been 2 hours already?"

"Yes and I'm out of things to do in your house without you"

"You could do me but it seems that you want me quitting that too" I try to make a joke out of it but it sounds like a complain, unwillingly.

"Seriously, Robert? Does it bother you so much that I need some rest? It seems to me you only want me here for sex" she says annoyed and stands up heading outside.

I close my eyes realising I shouldn't have said that with that tone and run behind her grabbing her wrist and turn her around.

"I was joking, I'm sorry. I don't want you here just for that and you know it. I love you. Please take that as a failed attempt to make a joke"

"Fine, I'll accept your poor sense of humor" she smiles.

"Don't be cruel, you're hurting my feelings" I say and pretend to cry.

She hits my arm playfully and I lean in kissing her nicely.

"You... Need.. To take... A shower" she says between kisses and pushes my body lightly away from hers.

"You are so right" I laugh.

"I'm gonna leave though"

"Why? Please, stay. What do you have to do?"

"I have to go back to my house. I need new clothes and actually I left a mess back there before coming here"

"I'll send Jimmy to bring you everything you need and I'll hire someone to clean it up"

"No offence but I don't want Jimmy around my underwear" she says raising an eyebrow.

"Fair enough"

"I'm sorry about before, okay? I'm very proud of your progress"

"I'm sorry, too. Thank you"

"Love you"

"Love you, too"

We kiss and she leaves for her house.

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