Part 27

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"You had performance issues?" Gwyneth asks shocked emphasising on the you.

"Not exactly, alright? I just didn't want to do it at the moment and my body was following my heart"

"Did you tell her that?"

"Of course not. I told her I was tired and that I had a few more drinks"

"That means she thought you had performance issues"

"Holy shit. I just wanted to wait a bit longer. It felt like I was cheating, you know?"

"You were and weren't at the same time. This is a really messed up situation you're into. You have to overdo yourself to get out of this mess"

"I have a thing in mind. But first I have to talk with Ally, is she here?"

"She just came when I left the trailer"

"Okay, please go tell her to meet me behind the building right now"

As soon as Gwyneth left, I went there waiting for Allyson. She was fast but she didn't seem very happy to see me.

"Is everything alright?"

"I don't know Robert, is it?"

"Wait, what? Did I do something?"

"I texted you last night, remember? I was expecting a reply"

"Shit, I'm sorry. Things were really complicated at the moment and I forgot about it later. I wasn't planning on ignoring you"

"I can imagine your night was very heated"

"Not at all, why would you think that?"

"I saw some pictures of you two smoking and being all over one another outside a bar"

"Oh, that. If it makes you feel better she took me to her house after that and I couldn't satisfy her needs, if you get me"

"What? That surely complicates things"

"That's why I'm planning to finish what we started yesterday tonight at my house" I say hesitating.

I can feel her shock when she hears what I just said but she gulps and after taking a breath she replies.

"Yes that's a nice idea. You can't let her thinking you don't want her"

"But you know I don't want her, right?"

"Sure, yes. It's just the plan"

We stare at each other and we slowly kiss and then stay a few moments in each other's arms. I place a kiss on her cheek and wait a few minutes after she leaves so I can return to the studio myself. I spot Grace talking with a few persons from the crew and I approach them.

"Hello, everyone. Grace can I have a word with you?"


She stands up from her seat and we go somewhere more private.

"Listen, I'm so sorry for last night. It's never happened to me before"

"I believe that and I think I know why"

"I had a few drinks that's why"

"That's bullshit, Robert. You had 2 drinks because you had to drive. The real reason is that you're using me to get over Allyson"

"That's not true and I can prove that"


"Come by my place tonight. I'll make it right to you, I promise"

"Fine. But do something else first"

"What? I'll do anything"

"We'll go back there and you'll kiss me like you did last night in front of her"

I feel my stomach tighten. I know it will break her to see us with her own eyes.

"She could be in her trailer or getting ready" I say trying to avoid it.

"No, she's there" she says after taking a look.
"And if you don't do that, whatever you and I are doing it's over" she continues and walks towards her previous seat.

After exhaling sharply I take some fast steps to reach her and I pull her hand so she turns to look at me. I waste no time and pull her body into mine. I kiss her roughly and I can feel her smiling.

"Was that good enough for you?" I ask her smirking after we break the kiss.

"See you tonight, Robert. Text me your address" she smiles and walks away.

With the corner of my eye I notice Allyson heading back to her trailer and then I spot Gwyneth giving me a stone cold look. I go back to my trailer and after closing the door I immediately call Allyson. She doesn't reply and I know I f*cked up. I call her again but still nothing. I text her that I can explain this scene but I get no answer. I sigh and lock my phone not knowing what to do.


It's night and I still haven't heard anything from Allyson. All I know is what Gwyneth told me which is that she's upset but she'll talk to me when she's ready. I'm expecting Grace to be here but I don't know when since I only texted her my address and told her to come over tonight. My phone rings and I expect it to be Grace but it's Allyson.

"Ally, thank God you called me" I say relieved.

"I just needed some time"

"I understand"

"You said you can explain so do it"

"She wouldn't believe I was into her unless I kissed her in front of you. She thought I was using her to get over you I had no choice"

"She's smarter that I remember"

"That's how it seems. We're fine, right?"

"Yes, we're fine. So, how-"

"I'm sorry I have to go, she's here. We'll talk tomorrow, alright?"

"Alright, enjoy your night" she says and the tone of her voice breaks my heart.

"Goodnight, Ally" I sigh and hang up.

I take a deep breath before opening the door and put on a bright smile as soon as I see Grace.

"Thank you for coming"

Allyson's POV

I didn't like the way out conversation had to end but I get it. I can't keep my mind from imagining the two of them together. All the things he's supposed to do to me he'll be doing to her tonight. I wonder if he'll enjoy her more and eventually forget about me and choose her. But that can't happen. I'm being ridiculous. He assured me it was just for our plan. I have to show him I trust him. I spend the rest of the night studying my dialogues for tomorrow trying to keep my mind occupied. When it was time for me to sleep my thoughts came back to me and made it really difficult to close my eyes and not see them. But eventually I succeeded and fell asleep getting ready for the long day I have ahead tomorrow.

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