Part 17

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I went by the studio the following day even though my cheekbone is bruised and I can't act. I still had to collect all the information I can to discover who leaked us.

"Hey boss, as you can see I'm not in a position to act at the moment. I might need a couple days off"

"Jesus Christ, Robert, what happened?" the director replies just when he notices the bruise.

"Ask Alex West, I'm sure he can share every single detail"

"I can't believe this. We're already a lot of scenes behind, I can't afford losing you too"

"I'm sure that with the help of the make up artists I'll be back like nothing happened after a day or so"

"I surely hope so. Do you have any news from Allyson? When is she coming back? She's not showing up for way too many days now"

"She'll show up any day now, I'm certain"

"She better be or else I'm gonna have someone else to take her place. I believe none of us wants this to happen"

"I'll talk to her, just be patient"

"And you, Robert, be careful and lay low for a while. I need my protagonists"

"I'll do my best" I say patting his back and moving further inside the studio.

Passing outside Gwyneth's trailer I check to see if she's inside but I don't see her. Although, her purse and cellphone are here so I wait for her until she returns. After several minutes she comes back and quickly notices me on her bed.

"Oh my God, who did this to you?" is the first thing she says.

"I had a small fight with Alex at Allyson's house last night"

"That makes sense"

"No it doesn't. This man hates me even more than I deserve. I admit I've done done ugly shit but he thinks I'm the devil"

"C'mon Robert, what did you expect? You admited in front of millions of people that you and his sister are having sex just for fun without feelings in between. It doesn't sound so good in the ears of her family"

"Sometimes we don't wanna hear the truth. Anyway, where were you?"

"James took me on a ride with his new car for a few minutes"

"Are you still going out with him?"

"Yeah, I don't want to hope for too much but I think we have something good. It's the first date I have after the divorce after all"

"Damn, I've lost many episodes from this. You should've told me"

"You had too many things on your mind, my personal life can wait"

"Don't be rediculus, I always have time for friends, especially for you"

"Thank you. Any news from who taped the video?"

"No, I still have no clue. I have to continue looking though. Let me know if you hear anything suspicious" I say before leaving her trailer.

I spent the next following hours in the studio trying to take a step closer to the person I'm looking for. I listened to people gossiping about me, I tried to trick people into telling me anything useful, I even flirted with a couple of colleagues to get more information but nothing. The only thing I could do was leave for today. Everyone started leaving, it was getting dark. I took my stuff and went to the parking lot to find my car. To my surprise I noticed another beauty parked close to mine. It was new, clean and expensive. Someone spent a lot of money for this.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" I hear a voice behind me and I turn around.

"Yes, it surely is. Almost as stunning as mine" I say proudly and we both laugh.

I recognised him, he was James.

"I can't compete a superstar, I just do the best I can"

"You're James, right? The guy that's going out with my very close friend, Gwyneth"

"That's me, I'm flattered you remember me"

"Of course I remember you. That's the Audi RS7, right?"


"It must have cost you a small fortune. Did you happen to gain a bunch of money recently?"

"No, man. I was collecting money for a long time"

"You must have. I'm just saying that because there are people that would do sick things to earn some easy money. Take paparazzis for example, they don't respect your privacy and cross the lines sometimes for money and fame. But you're not that kind of person, are you?"

"Definitely not, man. And if you're accusing me of something you're wrong"

"I'm not accusing you of anything. Besides, if this thing with you and Gwyneth continues we must have the best relationship possible"

"I hope it does and I hope that we can hang out more"

"Me too, James. I don't wanna keep you here any longer, enjoy your night"

"You too"

Now, this is something that I definitely need to look into more. It doesn't prove anything but sure as hell triggers my suspicions.

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