Part 8

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A couple of days have passed and the shooting continues. The tension between me and Allyson doesn't seem to fade away. I can feel it every time we touch and kiss for the scenes. We can't let go of each other easily, we dont want to. We haven't had any more personal moments since the night we spent together but we clearly have to talk about it which I intend to do today.

Minutes after I arrive I settle my things and have a few conversations with some people I want to. Now I just wait to find Allyson and have this conversation. I spot her leaving her trailer and I approach her.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask her.

"Yeah sure, tell me"

"In private" I continue and notice her face getting more serious.


I get inside the first empty room I find because I don't want anyone to hear us. It's the dressing room which has all the costumes and clothes we need for the shooting.

"So, what do you want to talk about?"

"This thing that happened between us, I don't want it to affect our relationship or our work. I think it's best for us to clear things out" I say seriously.

"I totally agree with you. It happened once, it probably shouldn't happen again and it surely should stay out of our work" she agrees immediately.

"I know but it doesn't stay out of it, does it?" I ask and look at her eyes.

"Why do you think that?" she looks away and bites her lop nervously.

"Oh, c'mon. We literally can't stop making out during filming, we want these scenes. It's time to make a decision. Either we stop lying to ourselves and continue where we left it or we forget about it and move on. So which one should it be, Allyson?" I ask her with a seductive tone, wanting her to make the same decision I've made in my head.

She takes a few moments to look into my eyes as I move closer to her. She swallows sharply before replying.

"Where did we leave it?" she asks and a smile spreads on my face.

"I think on your bed, naked but I can't be sure. I think this room will have to do"

"Anyone could get in any moment"

"We'll be quick" I say and kiss her.

Gwyneth's point of view

I enter the studio late. I quickly throw my bag on my bed and leave my trailer to find the director. He tells me to get ready quickly because I have to shoot some scenes in a few minutes. I walk fast to the dressing room which is the first time that I find it with the door closed. I open the door and find Robert and Allyson getting dressed and breathing heavily. We all freeze and I quickly get inside and close the door which unfortunately does not lock.

"Are you insane?" I ask both of them.

"Relax, we were quick, nothing happened" Robert replies calm as ever.

"What if someone else found you? What if you weren't even finished yet? Does that not cross your minds?"

"We're sorry, Gwyneth. I don't know what we were thinking. It won't happen again" Allyson adds.

"It better not happen again. At least not here! You have your own houses to go and have sex, why does it have to be around my stuff? I hope you didn't make a mess around my clothes"

"I can promise you every drop was under control" Robert says with pride.

"I don't even want to know. I'm just going to leave you two and go get dressed in my trailer because I don't trust this place anymore"

Robert's point of view

"That could go worse" I exhale after Gwyneth leaves the room.

"She was right, Robert. What if someone else saw us? We must be more careful"

"We'll be more careful the next time"

"You really don't worry at all, don't you?"

"Worry about what? Someone catching me having sex? Is that a bad thing? It might be a bit awkward but I think that's all"

"I respect your opinion but I personally don't want to get caught during sex so forget this. We're not doing it here again unless the door is locked and there are not people everywhere"

"Okay, deal"

"I think we have some shooting to do" she says and opens the door ready to leave.

I grab her hand before she leaves and she turns around to look at me.

"Come by my house tonight" I suggest.

"I-I don't know if I can" she hesitates.

"C'mon, it's not like I will kill you or something"

"I hope you won't" she chuckles.

"So does this mean you'll come by?"

"Yes, but under my conditions"

"Okay, what are these conditions?"

"We're not gonna have sex and I won't stay there for the night"

"I'm sure we can spend a few hours together under these conditions. Do you remember the address?"

"How could I forget?"

"Great, text me before you come. I'll make dinner"

"I don't have your number" she laughs.

"Right, I forgot" I laugh too and we exchange numbers before getting ready for shooting.

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