Part 29

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Robert's POV

I can't believe she didn't call me back. Actually, I can't believe she didn't answer my call. It's impossible she was asleep at this time which means she avoided me. I contained myself and didn't text or call her again. I'll find her somehow today at the studio and we'll discuss this. I drive there and take a quick look in their trailer which is empty. I get my phone and text Gwyneth to come see me in my room.

"Good morning" she says and takes a seat on an empty chair.

"Morning. I don't mean to sound rude but have you seen Allyson?"

"Not rude at all" she says sarcastically.
"Yes I have"

"C'mon you're not helping. Where is she? I need to see her"

"Oh, you do now"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask and frown.

"You didn't seem very eager to see her yesterday, that's what I'm saying"

"Before you blame me, know that she's the one who ignored me last night"

"I already know that, Robert"

"Did she brag about it or something?" I raise an eyebrow.

"No, I was with her when it happened"

"What? Why would she be with you at that time?".

"We're friends, you know. We had a drink together"

"Now I'm getting mad, where is she?"

"I don't know Robert, I'm not her babysitter"

"Fine!" I say and leave the trailer to find her.

I search her trailer again but I spot her in a corner holding a piece of paper in her hand and looking at it.

"Meet me behind the building right now" I whisper passing through her and continue my way there.

I go to the same place we met last time and a couple of minutes later she joins me.

"I'm not used to being intentionally ignored"

"You better get used to it then if you keep your attitude like this"

"Like what? What did I do wrong?"

"Should I answer chronologically or alphabetically?"

"C'mon, just tell me, I'm really curious to see what possible reason you have to be mad at me"

"Does the fact that you didn't even text me yesterday or talk to me when you came hours late? Or maybe the image of you two devouring each other at the parking lot right in front of my eyes? And let's not forget the fact that I had to hear all day from your slut all about your nonstop sexual adventures and about your magic tongue and stuff I wish I didn't picture in my mind"

"First, I didn't text you because I was drowning in work and when I did find time you ignored me to have drinks with your new best friend. And second, I don't get why you're upset about the sex part, you knew it would happen"

"I'm not upset about that. I'm upset because I see you getting attached to her. There's a big hole between having sex with her and having sex with her I don't know how many times and even doing it on your way here"

"That wasn't sex"

"Stop, I don't need details"

"I wasn't gonna give you any! And I'm not getting attached"

"Yeah? Then explain the making out on your car and then tell me how's our plan going"

"I'm working on it. And she attacked me and you know it. I couldn't just push her away"

"Yes you could, but still, you could be more contained. I'm surprised you didn't get a boner. Or maybe you did, I didn't stay long enough to see"

"Well, excuse me for giving in to a hot chick who I'm supposed to be approaching"

"Oh that's great, I thought you could play the role but I was wrong. Enjoy your hot chick, Robert" she says aggressively and leaves before I have time to reply.

I clench my jaw and kick the wall a few times to calm my nerves. Move that I regret right after feeling my leg hurt like a b*tch. I don't give up and go back inside determined to find her. When I do I pull her in a room where we're alone.

"I'm sorry for being so provoking, don't think for a second I'm forgetting about you" I say calmly and kiss her forehead.

"It's just the way she makes everything sound. She knows how to say what she wants to make my blood boil"

"It's all just an act, alright?"

"You did say she is hot"

"Yes but did I say you're hotter?" I say smirking.

"No you didn't"

"Then I'm happy to say it now" I say and lean down to kiss her.

Our lips meet and I admit I love this feeling. I grab her hips and she stops me before going further.

"It's not safe"

"You're right" I say and grab her hand.

I notice she's holding the same paper she was holding before.

"What's that?"

"Oh, it's nothing" she says and tries to hide it but I grab it. I unwrap it and see a number and name written on it.

"You have to be kidding me. Who the hell is Brad?" I ask aggressively.

"He's no one, he just gave me his number last night"

"That doesn't sound like no one. Did he maybe give you something else as well?" I ask and she knows what I mean.

"If that's what you think of me I'm really disappointed in you" she says and pushes me back.

"C'mon, don't be like that"

"Leave me alone, Robert" she says and leaves again.

Why do I have to ruin everything?

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