Part 45

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"Let's go again" I say kissing her neck eagerly.

"No, we don't have time" she replies and tries to escape from under my body.

"C'mon, I promise we won't need much time"

"That's what you said before this round as well"

"You didn't complain if I remember correctly"

"No, I didn't but now we really don't have time. The food will be here any minute now"

I open my mouth to speak but before I can say anything we hear the doorbell and I sigh against her skin.

"See? I told you. Please go get it, I need more time to get dressed"


I stand up and put on my boxers and my t-shirt. I notice my arousal through my boxers is still visible and I look at Allyson.

"I'm coming back for this" I say pointing at my erection and then run towards the door.

"I would be worried if you didn't" she laughs loudly so I can hear her while running away.

I hide my erection behind the door as I open it to welcome the delivery guy but that's not who I see. I see a man and a woman who I've never seen before and I clear my throat.

"You are not here for the chinese" I say not knowing what else to say.

"No, we're not. Is Allyson home?" the man asks.

"Yes" I turn to the other side of the house and shout her name.

"What is it?" she asks walking towards me.

"These people are looking for you, do you know them?" I step aside and she opens her eyes wide open.

"Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?"

"What is he doing here, Allyson?" they reply pointing at me.

I'm speechless, my mouth slightly open, not knowing what to say or how to react. I'm literally in my boxers in front of her parents, a few seconds ago I still had a hard on and Allyson's clothing doesn't help the situation. If I wasn't this shocked I probably would have had a boner all over again.

"Why don't you come in and we'll talk about everything?" she says calmly and they nod.

She pulls me with her in her bedroom to get dressed again.

"Oh my God, I'm in so much trouble" she says terrified.

"What am I supposed to do? At least they like you. I didn't expect meeting them like this"

"Look, they don't know about us so you probably won't have to say much because they'll interrogate me all the time"

"Why don't they know about us? We've been together for months!"

"They're not your number one fans you know. I was waiting for the right time to tell them"

"Well, I hope you're proud of the situation you put us in" I say annoyed.

"Let's not fight right now, please. I already have my parents to worry about"

"Okay, but you have some explaining to do later" I agree understanding how anxious she is right now.

"Thank you" she pecks my lips and drags us back to her living room where her parents are.

Their looks on me are actually painful. I can feel them judging me for everything I've ever done in my life. We sit together on another couch in front of them and we wait for the first one to speak. Of course this won't be me.

"Will you be kind enough to explain what he is doing here?" her mother speaks first quietly.

"He's here because, uhm, we're together" she says between pauses and then gulps.

I first look at her parents' reactions but then I focus on her. She's almost shaking while waiting for them to speak.

"What do you mean together? Allyson, did you forget what he's done to you?" her father says seeming angry.

I open my mouth to speak but Allyson stops me and speaks quickly before me.

"He's done nothing to me, dad. We've talked about this, you have the wrong idea about him"

"Sweety, are you sure this relationship is good for you? We worry about you, he is not a good influence-"

"Excuse me for jumping in the conversation but you're talking like I'm not here" I interrupt her.
"You don't know me, you only know what you've read about me which I know are not the best things but I love your daughter and I think she's happy with me so please don't make this harder than it has to be"

We hear the bell and I stand up to get the food. They stay there and I can see them talking but can't hear what they're saying. I return with the food and put it on the table in front of us.

"Listen, Robert" her father says and I look at him with all my focus.
"We don't exactly agree with our daughter's decision but we can't do anything to change it. We just want Allyson to be happy and if you're the one that makes her feel that way then it's alright with us. But if it crosses our minds that you're being harmful to her or her career we won't be this friendly with you"

"I understand, sir. I promise you all I care about is your daughter's happiness"

"We'll leave you now. Allyson we'll see you later"

We all stand up and they share some hugs before coming to me. I try to hug them but her father avoids it making the awkwardness rise in the room.

"We're not that friendly yet, Robert"

"Of course" I reply and shut my lips.

They leave and Allyson closes the door after them. She stands there with her back on the door and looks at me.

"That was awkward" she says.

"Yeah, it surely was" I sigh.

She walks over to me and cups my face with her palms.

"Please tell me you're not mad at me"

"I'm not mad, I just don't get why you didn't tell them. Yes they hate me but it feels like that was not the reason"

"Whatever reason you think is the right one I can assure you it's not" she says looking right into my eyes.

"So, you're not ashamed of me? You're not trying to decide whether I'm worth it or not? Because that's what I think" I say breaking the eye contact.

"Look at me" she says pulling me to look at her again.
"I told you I love you. I wouldn't do that if I didn't think you're worth it, right?"

"You're right" I sigh.
"I'm overreacting" I hug her tightly.

"I'm so glad we're okay" she says and we kiss.

"Me too. They took it better than I expected"

"Let me be the judge of that. I'm sure they'll try to change my mind during dinner tonight"

"They won't succeed though, right?" I ask and frown.

"Of course not, don't worry. I love you"

"I love you, too" we kiss and my stomach makes a sound.

"We should probably eat" she laughs.

"I thought you'd never say that" I laugh with her and we continue our day.

Leaked (RDJ Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora