The Truth

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The song is The Truth by India.Arie just a thought I had listening to the song.

My eyes fluttered open as the sunlight peaked in through the blinds, I lifted my face from the soft tattooed skin I'd grown to love so dearly. I watched his chest heave up and down as he slept so peacefully.

Let me tell you why I love him.

I lifted my finger ever so softly grazing the pad over the outline of his many tattoos, retracing them carefully so I didn't wake him, I wasn't ready for his peaceful slumber to end.

Cause he is the truth. Said he is so real. And I love the way that he makes me feel.

I felt him start to stir under my fingertips. I halted my movements, waiting for him to doze off once more. He slowly turned on his side now facing me. Once I saw his body relax back into the California king, I resumed my project. Lightly running my finger down every black line, curving and zig-zaging down his smooth skin.

And if I am a reflection of him then I must be fly cause his light it shines so bright .I wouldn't lie.

My fingers trailed up his chest carving out his huge chest piece. His mouth began to fall slightly agape, letting a little bit of drool fall from his lips. I smiled to myself loving the sight of this beautiful man drooling all over my pillows.

I remember the very first day that I saw him. I found myself immediately intrigued by him. Its almost like I knew this man from another life. Like back then maybe I was his husband and maybe he was my wife.

My mind couldn't help but to wander back to the day we met.

*I was walking into the children's hospital, my neice had to be rushed here after she fell from her treehouse. I called my sister letting her know I'd be in the waiting room when they were done.

I sat there for awhile, my knee jumping up and down worrying like crazy about my neice. My thoughts were interrupted by a southern drawl.

"Excuse me?" I asked not quite catching what he said.

"I said, are your nerves bad?" (AN: its something we say in New Orleans idk if anyone else says it.) he asked.

"Well. I am in a hospital, which would mean someone I know is sick so, that would cause bad nerves, so yeah."

I looked up at the man who had sat across from me. He sat back nodding his head his fingers intertwined at his chest as he sat back in his chair.

"Why aren't you worried?" I asked taking in his calm demeanor, hospitals just made me nervous.

"I brought my neices with their mom here for their routine checkups. They're fine. " He said with a smile.

I couldn't help but swoon under his gaze. I smiled down, blinking my embarrassment away to respond.

"Oh, Well, that's really sweet. Their father must've been really busy, it was nice of you to step in." His smile faded slightly, and I instantly regretted saying it.

"My brother.. Their father, he died awhile back. I'm no hero or nothing like that, I'm just doing what I gotta do for them, I love em' like they my own, you feel me?" he said sitting up in his chair his posture now very tense.

I swallowed hard the air between us all of a sudden very thick and awkward, but I studied his zoned out expression, the way he clinched his jaw and now looking more closely I could clearly see his tattoos peaking out from his blue button down shirt. 'Made' graced his sideburns and usually facial tattoos would have me running for the hills and clutching my pearls, but on his caramel skin, they seemed so desirable.

♡August Alsina Imagines♥Where stories live. Discover now