Prisoners (Preview)

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So I have an announcement! I am starting my first book! I know I said I wouldn't but, I had the idea and I really wanted to share it with you all, I've written the first few chapters already, I don't know when it will be released yet, since I'm still in the editing process but I'd really like to know what you think. So here it is, Prisoners:




I found my seat, putting my duffle in the overhead. I sat down with a sigh. I was more than ready to leave this city behind, to start over, and to finally be free.

“Excuse me, ma’m” a southern drawl broke me out of my trance. I jumped up slightly startled.  My eyes focused on the tall fuzzy figure in front of me. He wore all black, his hoodie rolled up at the sleeves, tattoos peeking out from his arms, his buttery, smooth, caramel skin stood out against the dark fabric.  A backpack was slung over his shoulder as he stood over me with a cool grin.

“Aw, I’m sorry,” he chuckled.  “I just need to get to my seat.” He said pushing up the dark shades that had fallen slightly under his eyes. His grin spread into a full on smile, when he caught me staring.

I blushed under his gaze, scooting up to allow him to pass. Our bodies brushed up against each other as he passed, his back pressed against my chest. Damn, he was fine… Mm, and he smells soo good. I thought to myself taking a deep sigh as I adjusted back in my seat.  He sat next to me, taking the window seat, sitting the black LV backpack on the floor. He pulled out his iPhone and started to reply to his messages, his fingers gliding quickly over the screen. My eyes wondered off his phone, working their way up back to his face. Gosh, he was handsome. ’SELF.’ adorned his sideburn, and his grown out black hair had started to curl on top of his head. He was a sight to see, I just wish he would take off those damn shades so I could see his eyes.

“Like what you see?” he chuckled, his eyes still glued to his phone. I looked up startled, realizing I was staring again.

“Oh…I-I-I’m sorry.” I stammered clearly embarrassed.

He smiled to himself, turning the screen off his phone, and sitting it in his lap. My eyes falling to the very evident imprint in his sweats. My eyes widened slightly before I averted my gaze to my feet.

“It’s alright. I’m enjoying it.” He said tapping my elbow with his on our shared armrest.

I blushed, still looking to the floor. Kirko never let me look another man in his face, “Keep your eyes down, bitch.” His voice rang in my ears, making me shudder.

“You, Okay?” The stranger asked seeing my reaction.

“Uh, yeah..just cold.” I said zipping up my hoodie.

“I have a blanket in my carry on, you want it?” he asked starting to stand.

“No. It’s okay, I’ll be fine.” I said feeling my teeth start to chatter.

His hand reached over to mine, the tips of his fingers grazing my skin.

“Nah, you’re ice cold. It’s no problem, really.” He insisted moving around me, to the overhead. He pulled out the blanket and draped it over me before taking his seat.

“Thank you.” I said clutching the blanket around me.

“No problem love.” He smiled.  Oh, his smile is beautiful, he’s beautiful. Oh my God, I sound like some kind of love sick teenager, get it together, girl. You thought Kirko was beautiful once too. I clenched my jaw, and cleared my throat pushing the thoughts out of my mind. I felt a pang of guilt, he brought the blanket for him.

“I feel bad, taking your blanket. We can share it.” I said, regretting it as soon as I said it.

“Nah, keep it love, I’m straight.” He said.

“I insist.” I persisted. D’oh! Shut up!

He smirked, pushing up the armrest and scooted closer. I spread the blanket so it covered us both. I sat back quietly, feeling the awkward tension rise as our foreign bodies touched. “You look tired, you should sleep, I’ll wake you when we land.” He smiled down at me. He pushed closer so that his shoulder rested against my temple. I smiled, letting my body relax against his. It was strangethat suddenly it didn’t feel weird or wrong, I felt comfortable with him, and honestly a bit safe. I nuzzled my nose into his arm breathing in his scent. God.

The seatbelt light dinged on, signaling take off. I quickly buckled up, only shifting slightly not wanting to move from the position I was in.  After succeeding in my maneuver, I settled back in my previous spot, cuddling up next to the kind, handsome stranger next to me. Soon after takeoff my eyes fluttered closed, I hadn’t noticed how weak I was until I’d finally settled down..

2 ½ Hours Later….

 I didn’t know exactly where I was but I knew I wasn’t in Atlanta anymore. I’m on a plane right? I could feel the landing, and all of the passengers passing me by, but I couldn’t find the strength to get up. I tried lifting my head but it wouldn’t budge. My eyes opened slightly by I felt them roll closed again. I didn’t want to, but sleep was all I needed. As I drifted the darkness took me and the quiet crept over me. I felt a hand shake me and a familiar faint voice,

“Hey? Baby girl? Are yo---.“  Then I was out.  A black cloud taking over my mind, it felt like eons before I felt myself being jolted awake. 

“I have a pulse.” I heard a strange voice say.

What's going on? I heard the sirens go off then I remembered. I left Kirko, I got out. I opened my eyes, to be met with bright lights. I squinted, seeing figures over me, touching me. I looked around taking in my sterile surroundings. 

I gathered that I was in the back of an ambulance and one of the figures was a medic, but I still tried to fight them off, I was terrified then the flashbacks hit me like a wave. “Get up bitch.”I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard his booming voice echo through my mind, I could almost feel his boot colliding with my ribs, I screamed out, kicking and scratching trying to sit up, but multiple hands held me down.

“PLEEAASE, STOP! I’M SORRY! JUST STOP KIRK, PLEASE! YOU’RE HURTING ME!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, still thrashing, another image rolled through my mind, Kirko’s sweaty body hovering over my withering one. His nostrils flared in anger as his chest rose and fell rapidly. His Timberland boot stomping into my already broken body. I’m trying to run but I’m being held down by something.

“She’s hallucinating. Give me the Vicodin.” I heard the unfamiliar voice say again.

“Vicodin?” I heard the same voice from the plane question.

“We need her calm, the Vicodin is going to ease the pain and settle her down, if she keeps moving she’s going to keep losing blood, she could die if we don’t stop this bleeding.” The voice said as I felt a pinch in my arm.  I tossed and turned a bit more and then I felt numb, I laid there on the gurney and relaxed.  I opened my eyes again, unable to speak, my eyes darting all over the cramped vehicle. I saw the medic pull the long syringe from my skin. Then I was met by the most beautiful brown eyes I'd ever seen.

“Hey, you're going to be alright, love.” I heard him whisper to me as he ran his fingers through my hair, comforting me. I rolled my eyes shut at his touch, a small whimper escaping my dry lips. Why was he even here? Why did he care?

So leave me a comment and let me know what you think, I will really appreciate your feedback :)


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