Prisoners (Preview) 2

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Another preview since I'm being a lazy bitch today....


I awoke to the sounds of the monitors. I looked around the sterile room and took in a sharp intake of breath, I hated hospitals. I hadn't been to one since my dad died. I tried sitting up but immediately fell back holding my side in pain. I heard a light snoring next to me, I looked over at the sleeping body in the chair next to my bed. His face was beautiful as he slept, he looked as innocent as child, His caramel skin still glistening under the harsh lighting of the hospital room, his eyelashes fanned over his cheeks casting little shadows against his cheeks. His mouth was slightly ajar and a bit of drool had started to pool in the corner.

I laughed, a bit too loudly because he began to stir. His eyes opened slowly and a quiet yawn escaped his lips. The back of his hand came across his mouth, wiping of his drabble. He looked at me and smiled, I couldn't help but smile back the boy was fucking beautiful.

“Hi, How you feeling?” he asked wiping his eyes.

“Um, I'm okay. Just a little banged and bruised—you know I never quite caught your name.” I said furrowing my eyebrows in realization.

“Oh I'm sorry, I'm August.” he said.

"Oh." I said with a slight nod.

“And your name is?” he asked a smile playing on his full lips.

“I'm -S-Sha-Sharron.” I stuttered out staring at his mouth, the corner tugged up into a small causing butterflies to erupt in my belly.

“Well it’s nice to formally meet you, Sharron.” he smiled, reaching his hand out to grab mine, placing a small kiss on my knuckles. His soft lips against my skin made electricity shoot through my body, I wanted to let go but I couldn't let myself, his eyes never leaving mine, his brown liquid-like irises bore into mine, then they suddenly turned sad.

“What happened to you?” he said in a whisper. “Who did this?” his eyes were no longer the brown liquid, they were dark and hard.

“I don't want to talk about it.” I said almost inaudible. "Especially with someone I don't really know." I pulled my hand out of his grip, laying it back down next to me.

He looked away and nodded obviously not happy with my answer. We stayed in the tense silence for a while before he cleared his throat and spoke again.

“So where are you from?” he asked, sitting back in the chair.

“I'm from Atlanta.” I said dryly, not wanting to give away too many details about myself.

“So what’re you doing in Houston?” he asked obviously not catching the hint.

“Why do you care?” I asked with a bit of attitude. “Why are you here? You don’t even know me. We only met a few hours ago but you’re in here holding my hand and sleeping next to me like we’re old friends. Nobody’s that nice unless they want something. “ I snapped.

“Was I supposed to leave you for dead then?” he snapped back.

“No, I-I-I I  just don’t believe you’re just being nice, everyone who’s ever helped me always wanted something in return, you think I’m gonna fuck you or something?”

He scrunched up his brows at my accusation.God, he looked disgusted with me.

“Girl, you are fucked in the head. You think, me actually caring to see how you are after almost fucking dying on an airplane means I want to fuck you? Then you got more issues than I thought.” He said picking up his backpack from the floor.

He was leaving....Don't go.

“Wait, I-I’m sorry, I just, I just haven’t had the best luck lately. Sometimes, you’re just around so much evil that you forget what kindness looks like.” I said looking down at my thumbs. “I didn’t mean to offend you, August.”

He looked down briefly, dropping the bag at his feet. He took his seat next to me, wiping the side of his face. “It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” He mumbled “I do care, Sharron.” He said, “Honestly… I don’t know why I care so much. You’re right, I don’t know you, I shouldn’t even be here but, I couldn’t leave you alone and broken. You’re just so beautiful, I can tell you were once whole…and perfect I see the pain behind your eyes and I can’t help but want to… fix you… You’re not completely helpless, Sharron.” He spoke his eyes peering into mine. My breath hitched as I felt tears stinging my eyes.

“August. I’m shattered and unfixable, it’s actually touching that you think I have potential but, it’s over for me. Damaged goods is all I’ll ever be now.” I said wiping away the tears that’d slipped from my eyes.

“You don’t know.” He said shaking his head. I looked confusingly, not sure what he meant.

“Know what?” I asked.

He shook his head with a slight smile. “Nothing. Nothing.” He said before quickly changing the subject. “Where you stayin’?” 

Fin! That's all you get. Haahaa.Since everyone liked the first preview here is another. This will probably be the last, I don't want to give too much away before I actually release it, cause then no one will want to read it, just know these are not the full chapters just parts,so when its out you'll have more to read. So let me know what you think!

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