Daddy Day Care

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Since I love me some 'Big Daddy August', here's another 'August as a Daddy' imagine.


Y/N pov

I sighed heavily, throwing my car in park. It had been my first day back at work in over four years and God, I'm tired.

I missed working, being a stay-at-home mom was cool, but it was boring. After a long discussion and a few fights; my husband, August, finally agreed it was time I went back. In return he would have to stay at home with our daughter, Alaina (Uh-Lane-a) when he wasn't working. But after today spending all this time with grown ups really made me miss my baby girl. Maybe, August was right, this was too soon.

I hopped out of my car and made the short walk to my front door. I pushed the door open with a smile but it quickly faded as I took in the mess.

I walked in, kicking the discarded blankets and toys that were spewed in front of the door. There was crayon on the walls and Spaghetti O's smeared on my usually sparkling hardwood floors. Empty soda cans and crumbs littered my carpted living room, there were even half-empty bowls and pizza boxes on my custom made coffee table.

"August?! Alaina!?" I screamed. "Shit!" I heard a curse and a giggle come from the top of the stairs. I looked up seeing my toddler and my equally childish husband taking off up the steps with startled faces.

I took off my heels throwing them over my shoulder and taking off behind them. "August, come back here!..This is not funny!"

"Then, why we laughing? " he yelled from behind Alaina's bedroom door followed by fits of laughter.

I pulled at the door to find it was locked. "This is so childish, if you think for one second, I'm gonna clean this shit up, you got another thing coming August! Now, open the door" I yelled banging on it.

"I ain't cleanin' it eitha and I sure as hell ain't openin' the door." he laughed.

"Oh yea?" I said crossing my arms over my chest.

"Yea." He replied.

"Yeah mommy!" I heard Alaina laughing behind the door. This nigga turning my own daughter against me? Hell nah.

"Okay then. Well, I guess no se- uh, mommy and daddy time for a month then, August." I said catching myself.

"Wait!" the door flew open revealing a very apologetic looking August. "Come on baby don't be like that, you know I was just playin'." He said coming closer to wrap his arms around me.

I moved away, shaking my head. "Nope. Ya cut off."

"MOMMY!" My little Lainy yelled running into my legs and hugging them tightly.

"August, why are y'all still in pajamas? Didn't you take her on the playdate like you were supposed to?" I asked.

"Nah, I ain't taking her on no playdate with no snot nose lil boy, I don't know. No dates til she 35, right baby girl?" He said holding up his hand to Alaina. She jumped up slapping it. "Right Daddy!"

She'll regret that when she's sixteen.

"Boys have cooties, yuck." she said sticking out her tongue and squinching her eyes and nose.

"That's right." he smiled giving her another high five.

"Daddy took me to see RIO 2, Mama!" she smiled.

"You took her looking like that?" I stared. "Look at hair! "

"That's what she wanted to wear and I don't see nothing wrong with her hair." he shrugged.

"Daddy, did my hair." she said smiling up proudly at her Papa.

I, however, was not proud, I looked down at my baby's hair, it was all twisted and knotted and sloppily thrown into two ponytails on side of her head. He even TRIED to part it in the middle.

"She's four, August, we can't give her everything she wants. If it was up to her she would eat ice cream for breakfast, but you wouldn't give her that now would you?" He guiltly crossed his arms and looked down, shooting his eyebrows up and poking his lips out.

"August, you didn't!" I said backing up to the wall.

"It was just one scoop but, if it makes you feel any better, it was just vanilla." He said seriously.

"Why would that make me feel any better? " I said looking at him as if he had two heads.

"I don't know." he shrugged.

"I can't. I just can't. Its official, I'm going to give up this whole working thing, all day all I could think about was my Lainy, And after today I'm never leaving you alone with my child again. So you win this round August." He smiled down at me, leaning down for a kiss. I rolled my eyes, walking away.

"Where you going?" he asked picking up Alaina.

"To shower, oh, and when I'm done I better find your ass downstairs cleaning up that mess or no ice cream for you, daddy." I turned around walking to my room.

Omniscient Pov

"Oooo. You in trwoubblee." Alaina whispered into August's ear.

August smacked his teeth sitting down the toddler. "Man..See how much trouble you get me in lil girl? Come on. Let's go clean up so we could both get some ice cream tonight." he said reaching out his hand. "But you had fun with daddy, huh ,Lainy?"

"It was the best day ever, Daddy!" Alaina said as she grabbed his hand and happily made her way downstairs to help her daddy clean.


So how was this one? I loved little Alaina Alsina, I was really happy with the love I got on the last imagine and I even have a few new readers so I'm updating again. This was something I just threw together from a random thought I had about August combing a little girls hair. I kind of think it would be a disaster. But Idk he could have mad skills in that shit, I wouldnt know. So anyways comment, let me know what you think!


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