Chapter 6

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Daniel POV
When Stella fell asleep I walked out of my bed room and locked the door from the outside of the door. I need who ever that guy was. He hurt my mate and no one hurt my mate. I was mad. I needed to find that man that almost raped my mate. I couldn't think straight because of it. I got knocked out of my thoughts because I ran into someones shoulder I looked who it was it was my best friend Jonah
" Whoa Daniel what's wrong did Jack eat all your watermelon again?" Jonah asked and chuckled. I looked at him angrily.
" What the hell no, some fucking guy was all over my mate and tried to get I her pants and now I'm gonna find him so I can beat the shit out of him" I snap. I felt my face get hot. Just by thinking what that guy did to my mate. "Whoa calm down Daniel" Jonah said and puts he's hands on my shoulder to stop me from going to find that guy. " Don't tell me to calm down my mate was getting touched inappropriately by another man that wasn't me so I have a right to be mad" I snapped I want to kill everyone in this room I couldn't hold in for too much longer I need to find that fucking asshole. " Hey guys, Whoa Daniel I promise I didn't eat your water melon this time it was Zach" I heard jack say I looked and saw him walk up with Gabbie he had his arm wrapped around her.
" Jack not the time he is not mad at you he is mad at a drunk asshole because he was touching Daniel's mate inappropriately" Johan explain to Jack. " We need to shut the party down and put Daniel some where to calm down.
" I can handle my self Johan I'm fine" I snapped.

Jonah POV
"I can handle my self Jonah I'm fine" Daniel snapped at me and shoved my hand off his shoulder. I sighed and grabbed his arm so he could not get out of my grip.
He was everything but fine I could feel him shaking from anger. I hadn't never seen Daniel this mad in along time. The last time I seen he this angry was wen he lost his sister Sydney. He was mad at the guy who hurt her I will never forget that day.
"Jack end the party we need everyone out now or we are gonna have a blood bath if we don't, I'm gonna takes Daniel the my room to calm down, and Gabbie go find Zach, Corbyn and Christina and tell them what going on" I ordered they nodded and ran off. " I don't need to go too your room I need to find that guy the hurt my princess" Daniel snapped and tried to pull out of my grip but it failed miserably.
As we were walking up stairs I heard Jack yelling.
" OK PEOPLE PARTY OVER EVERYONE OUT NOW" everyone yelled aww and started leaving. I walked up to my room with Daniel. When we got to my room Daniel started to pull out of my grip. " No I'm not going to your room I'm going to mine" He said and walked to his.

Hope u liked it
Sorry for the last chapter I messed up Stella name and called her Emily I have another book and the main characters name is Emily. So I messed up and put her as Emily Instead of Stella.

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