Chatper 34

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Daniel POV
It's been 2 weeks since we got Stella back and she still has not woken up. I haven't eaten much either. I haven't left my room since we got Stella. I didn't want Shawn to take her again. I wanted to kill that bastard.
He hurt the love of my life and he is going to pay.
I looked over at Stella limp body. Her eyelids covered her chocolate brown eyes that used to shine the brightest light. Her soft pink lips were in a straight line. Stella once long , soft, curly brown was in to two pigtails braids. Gabbie and Lexi did that the other day. Oh how I wish she could wake up. It was killing me inside.

I took my eyes off her body that was laying on are bed. She look so peaceful. I looked out the window, the sun was shining and the birds were out. It was a beautiful day outside but my baby was still unconscious. She couldn't enjoy this day. I sighed and stood up from my chair and started to walk towards the closed bedroom door. 'Please wake up Stella this is killing me' I thought and grabbed the doorknob and walked out of the room.
I shut the door behind me and saw Jack approach me, he gave me a smile sad smile. " Hey man how are you holding up?" He asked putting his hand on my left shoulder. I sighed.
" I don't know what I am feeling all of my emotions are all over the place-like one minute I am on the verge of crying, next minute I am really pissed off to the point if someone is just so looks at me I will rip there head off, Jack I feel like I am going to fucking lose my shit, I need her so bad....I miss her beautiful soft voice, I miss her stubbornness, her laugh, just everything about her I miss" I took deep breath and looked Jack in the eyes. " jack I am going to fucking lose me shit if she doesn't wake up, I will shut off my humanity and go fucking psycho if she doesn't fucking open her god damn big beautiful chocolate eyes." I said snapped. My hands were clenched at me sides. Tears where blurring my eyes but I didn't let them fall oh no. I took a step back and let Jacks hand fall I turned to the a wall right beside us and punched it so hard and left a whole.
" DANIEL CALM DOWN!" Jack growled at me. I snapped my head to him and glared at him. I shook my head and started walking away from him.

" I need a drink" I mumbled and walked down stairs and graded my keys ignoring everyone that was asking me if I was ok because frankly I was far from ok. I was debating on turning off my humanity. I can't stand the aching in my hart. The weight on my shoulder. The constant regret and guilt that runs though my head. Why couldn't I have kept her safe. I knew better, I knew Shawn was out there looking for her.
I hoped in to my car and drove to the nearest bar because damn I need a fucking drink.....
Stella POV

Everything pitch black.
I couldn't move.
What hell happened.
I slowly started to see light then I realized I wasn't dreaming anymore. I was opening my eyes. I slowly tried sit up but I couldn't I didn't enough strength
I looked around the familiar bedroom trying to find him. But all I saw was....
"Jack" I whispered

I am back!!! Yes I know I have been gone for awhile and I am sorry. I am going to try my hardest to start updating again. I have been sooo busy with work and school work. On top of that I was having trouble on how to write this chapter. Sorry that it was short.
But.... Stella awake. Now how is Daniel going to take it?

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