chapter 43

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"Haz? Haz," Liam called quietly checking to see if Harry was asleep. When Liam was assured that Harry was asleep he talked to himself. "I think Harry should stick with the antibiotics because I am scared if he goes through with the surgery. What if I lose him? What if the surgery doesn't go well? I can't lose him. I don't want our boys to lose a father. I don't want Anne to lose a son. I don't want to lose the love of my life." Liam said.

"I know the antibiotics have the side effects of vomiting but I can care less. Vomiting isn't bad. I will and can always clean up the mess if that ever happens, this is his decision. And I will support him whatever he chooses to do." Liam said as these thoughts echoed through his mind. "I think I should talk to Anne and see what she thinks," Liam said as he dialed Anne.

"Hello Styne residence," Anne said into the phone. "Anne it's me again." Liam said. "Hey honey what's up," Anne said. "Harry told me he changed his mind about wanting to do the surgery," Liam said. "He did babe. He told me he was scared." Anne said. "I understand he is scared. I am scared too. I am worried that if he does the surgery he won't survive it. I don't want to tell him that's the reason why I don't want him to the surgery," Liam said. "I understand honey this is both stressful for the both of you," Anne said trying to ease the tension.

"What do you think I should do? Should I tell him to stay with the antibiotics or should I tell him he can do the surgery?" Liam asked. "Honestly honey it's both of you guy's decision. I know you both are scared but you both have to be brave for each other, a decision should be mutual," Anne said. Liam nodded his mother in law was right.

"How is Harry," Anne asked. "He is good we just told the doctor we had to think about our decision and right now Harry is getting some rest," Liam yawned. "That's good. I think you could use some rest too babe, it's been a rough day for the both of you," Anne said into the phone. "Thanks Anne, I mean mom," Liam said. "No problem sweet heart. If you ever need to talk call me anytime love," Anne said ending the call. "I will Anne love you too," Liam said ending the call. As he finished the call he hung up the phone and snuggled up to Harry to try and get some rest that he truly deserved after a long stressful day at the hospital.

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