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Chapter 9: Ruined my mood

Ok, I have to admit. I fucking hate myself for what happen the other day because Yongsun's been so close to me already. I'm not saying I hate it but it's just weird. She never stops looking at me. Well, sometimes she just gives stares or glares but still I feel weird.

It's seven in the morning and Manager told us to wake up early for our meeting on our next concert tour. Of course I'm happy but I'm nervous for what will happen on the concert. Where will it be held? When? Questions like that keeps me nervous. I don't know why but it's keeping me nervous.

I stood up from my bed and stretch my arms like what I always do once I woke up. I gave a long yawn that tears would appear out of my eyes. I just don't understand why they plan the meeting on a seven o'clock in the morning. They should just do it in the afternoon or something.

I groan still feeling sleepy. I didn't sleep well last night because I kept thinking a lot of things I can't explain. Like for one second my eyes would shut, but then after a few minutes I'll be awake just because of something I can't get off of my mind. It's just some bullshit I can't understand.

I walk towards the bathroom and did my business as I went out already cleaned for the meeting. Now, I have to wait for the rest of the members.

I walk past Yongsun's bed and stared at her while she was asleep. Her long blonde hair scattered around her face but still looking gorgeous, that lips that was press together looking so peaceful, and the perfect time to kiss her. Ok, I know I'm thinking dirty but all I really want to do is rip her clothes off and kiss every part of her body.

Yeah yeah, I know how much I only think of her as a sister even from the start, is starting to fade away. I'm starting to feel something deep for her. It's really different. Like, I'm starting to like her?

And yes, that fucking dream I had a week ago changed me. That stupid stranger changed me. She fucking knows how to work that hypnotizing magic to someone. And glad she accomplished her mission, even though if I don't know if she has a mission.

"Moonbyul, you need to stop staring at me." Yongsun suddenly utters making me startled. I look away with my hand behind my neck pretending to scratch it trying to look for another excuse but I gave up. I got nothing.

"Says who, when you keep staring at me every single time I'm with you." I argue crossing my arms looking at her with annoyance. Sure, I have my chance to make a 'greasy or flirty' move but I don't feel like it. This whole thing annoys me.

"I'm just watching you-, You know what, just ignore that." She says groaning sitting up on her bed. "Good morning, Moonbyul." She changes her tone and mood quickly and face me with a fake smile.

"It's bad to be fake in the morning, Yongsun." I told her wanting to laugh so badly but now is not the time to be stupid. "Well, say so... Good morning to you too, Miss Yongsun." I said with a dramatic bow showing respect. She gives a plain look not even bothering to say anything else. She stood up and stared at me looking confused.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asks feeling her eyes looking up and down on my outfit. I check the time and it is already 7:30.

"You have to go and get change now. Manager will be coming." I told her having her gasp in realization.

"Fuck." She mutters going to her drawer. She picks her clothes out and head towards the bathroom. "Why didn't you tell me that it's today?!" She told me still gasping and panicking while moving quickly.

"Because I didn't want to bother your beauty sleep." I smirk sitting on my bed watching her enter the bathroom. I fetch my phone out and went to my contacts to message Manager.

'Good Morning, Manager!'

I sent it smiling like an idiot and continued typing for more.

'We'll be running late. Please pick us up after ten minutes. This unnie is still sleeping."

I lied but at least she still have time to fix herself. I smiled once again and closed my phone looking at something so unfamiliar. I walk towards it and saw a picture of Eric Nam and Yongsun together with their hands wrap together showing that they love each other, which is really not true.

I know how much Yongsun is when she shoots this program with him. She hated it and she felt so uncomfortable. The way he hold her, she felt uncomfortable. She told me. She told me how much this whole thing bothers her. But why does she still have it with her? What if she liked him? Or what if she was planning to throw it but didn't have the chance to throw it? I don't know. But something in me wants me to tear this thing apart. I know it's non of my business but still, I want to know why. I'm her best friend right? She could come to me if anything bothers her. But why isn't she coming to me yet?

"Moonbyul..." Yongsun went out of the bathroom and looked at me with her eyes in a shock. Why is she so shock? Even though she saw me with this she would have said, 'I forgot to throw it. But you may if you want.' But why so shock?

"I would have known you liked him from the start." Fuck, why would I say that? She gives me a shock look and a small chuckle that I've never heard before. It wasn't adorable but it was scary.

"Hahaha, I see. Jealous?" She asks taking the picture away crumpling it in front of my face. "Look, I know what your thinking and, NO. I don't like him. So please stop jumping into conclusions that aren't real because your just going to make everything worst than it really is." She told me which made a small feeling inside of me. Like the feeling when someone pinched you but it's inside. And it hurts.

"Ok. I'm not even mad or 'jealous' of you dating or liking someone else ok?! I'm just curious." And again, fuck! That is not even close to what I said earlier.

"That wasn't even related to what you said earlier. It was way off the line, Moonbyul." She said with a stern voice giving me a hard stare. I look down feeling dead inside.

"You should be thankful I lied to the manager to give you time to fix yourself. And whatever happened, that was shit. I'm done with this and this morning because I'm not in the mood anymore." I said groaning as I head out of the room not bothering to wait for her. "I'll be waiting outside. Just come if your done." I shout across the living room and went down ignoring whatever she's saying.

I'm now pretty pissed and annoyed with all this because I am just not feeling it today. I just hope that Yongsun finds someone fast before I start to 'fall' in love with her.

Next chapter....

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