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Chapter 29.

Moonbyul's POV

"How's Yongsun?" Dad asked for about the second time this week and I don't understand why he always asks about her. I mean, he doesn't really have to care. I know I could take care of her, so why not leave it to me.

"She's alright. Nothing unusal about her but she's adjusting, which is good." I answered and smiled at how stupid she has been in the couple of days. I mean, it's not an insult, more like a compliment. She could just make me she smile in the most random of times. Like this morning, I was doing some of my paper works needed to be done. And all of a sudden I started laughing by just remembering about those times when Yong just randomly tries to make me laugh and it really doesn't work. But here I am laughing at how stupid and cute she is. I couldn't just get over her, honestly.

"That's good. Any complaints? Anything like wanting to go back home?" He asks but this time his tone felt a little worried. I shake my head even though he couldn't see me.

"Nope, don't worry." I assured him with a smile, again he couldn't see me through the phone. "I got everything in control. Oh and please help mom. She must be struggling on looking for my real mom." I told him which I heard a gasp from the other side feeling like I offend him a little.

"Excuse me. I am doing my job as her husband Moonbyul. Don't tell me something like that, I could manage whatever problem this is." He told me sounding angry and aggressive.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry. I just want to know who is really my real mom." I told him sounding desperate making me cringe again. It's been a long time I gave a desperate kind of plead. And I'm not used to it ever since I started living all alone with Yongsun.

"Okay." He said and left an awkward kind of silence which is making the both of us uncomfortable.

"Alright, I'll get going now. I'll update you if anything wrong happens."

"Okay." He said and hung up leaving me in beep. I frowned and sat on my chair sighing when I leaned on it.

This hiding is really tiring. There were no signs that those bad guys hacked into my system or even know where we are. We're completely safe, no one catching after us. But when would this end? I'm starting to get tired of this playing and killing each other just for Yongsun.

Wait... are they after Yongsun or I? Now, I'm questioning myself. Who are they after?? Me or is it Yongsun? What do they want? If they are after me, I know they wanted my power and wanted me dead. Just like how they are trying to kill me during the fire.

I rushed inside a room where it was clear of fire and smoke after watching Yongsun getting injected by Eric. I held my stomach tight still feeling the compact of the punch that Eric gave me when I was trying to drag Yongsun out of the building. He was strong but not as strong as I am. I groaned at the pain and wipe the sweat that's on my face but I winced knowing that I wiped a scar on my head and blood started to flow continuously. I was hopeless that I couldn't get out of this building. I am literally in the second floor and I don't know how to get down if the fire is all over the first floor. I groaned louder hating how trapped I am in this situation.

I fidget back and forth trying to come up for a plan for me to leave this building. But I got none. My head's empty for me to think. I try looking for a window and there I saw one but it's small, too small for me to fit. I look for another window and finally there is one, and it's quite bigger than the first one. I smiled but it immediately turned into a grimace when I saw smoke entering the room. I got no time to waste so I open the window and see if there are any possible way out.

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