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Chapter 32.

Moonbyul's POV

It's too bright today. Mornings were not like this. It is usually always dark and rainy; it hasn't given the sun any chance to give out a little sunshine for the past month. Well, I guess, time does fly so fast. Time has given the sun to shine again, to give warmth, to let it out some light. How I wish this would stay longer . . . It is a great time to have a picnic with Yongsun. It would be nice if we would stay out for a while. The safe house was suffocating and I'm sure Yong misses the outside world.

The beach is definitely wonderful and it is such a breathtaking view. The water is warm too! It seems like a great time to take a deep or a swim right now, but unfortunately, I didn't bring any swimsuits for us. Well, all we could do now is to take a small walk and admire the fantastic sight we miss for a long time, and at the same time, I could explain to her everything right now.

"It's too quiet." I utter, noticing the deafening silence we've been handling ever since we arrived here. The waves of the sea and the water splashing again our feet every time we walk was the only sound taking over this unbearable silence.

"Okay, I'll start talking since you wouldn't say anything." I nervously mumble knowing that nothing will happen if I would stay quiet and wait for her to say something. Also, I don't want to waste any of my time . . . I only have three days left to be able to stay with her and with those days, I can finally tell her everything.

"Where do I start?" I gave a small chuckle feeling pressured about this. I seriously don't know where to start. "Okay, what do you want to know first?" I ask hoping to get a response from her. She must be also thinking about what to know first.

"Tell me about what you meant . . . When we were talking in the garage." Her response was quick. I knew she was wanting to know about that first before I get into the deeper details.

"Okay, we only have limited time before someone comes to that safe house we've been living in for the past two years. I thought we would have three more years but unfortunately, they did something called "the death search"." Yong gasps after hearing something she isn't familiar with.

"What the hell is that?" She raises an eyebrow and I get down to explaining thoroughly.

"A "death search" is something high-paying or private organizations do to get or look for something by the use of money. They can use anything, like satellites, they can track down anything by using high-tech machines or sensors by using a huge amount of money. They search every location, every corner, or every spot on this planet to know who lives here or there. Mostly the military uses this to track down enemies or whoever they want to track down on. So, there will be a possibility that we'll leave this place if I haven't found any way to not let them track us." I briefly explain almost losing my breath when I'm done explaining. I pant slightly but managed to fill my lungs up with air. I then take a look at Yong to know what she thinks about what I just told her.

"I'm a little bit shocked." She finally said something which made me serious. "I didn't know we'll be staying there for five years . . ." She stops walking and faces me showing how shocked she is after saying that. I stop walking as well thinking of what to say to her.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you how long it will take for us to live in that safe house." I felt guilty for not telling her in the first place, I also regret it. "But we wouldn't be staying there anymore . . . hopefully. I'm sure it feels like a prison if we continue living there for three more years. I'm sorry for involving you into this, but there's no point if you wouldn't be involved in this case because they're also looking for you."

"OKAY, BUT WHO?" She yells at me knowing this would happen. "That's the thing I want to know. Who is looking for us? What do they want? Do they want my fame? My power? My money? Because I do not have any of that. I don't have anything. But if they want my body . . . I can-"

"Please don't say something like that. I wouldn't let you give your body away, that's really disgusting." I mumble but mean it anyway. "I'd do anything to protect you, okay? I wouldn't let you get hurt. You're my top priority." I told her seeing no reaction but a shaky sigh.

"I just want to know who and what do they want." She crosses her arms and sighs again. "What else do I have to know?"

"Before I proceed to another topic, you have to promise me you wouldn't do anything to hurt yourself even though you see or know that I'm hurt. Move on from what you saw. Don't mind me if I got hurt. Just continue living and ignore whatever is happening to me."

"What do you mean??"

"Just promise me that, okay?"

"I- uh . . ." She obviously hesitates not liking what I'm saying but I held her hands into mine showing how sincere I am about what I'm talking about.

"I shouldn't be saying this to you . . . but I love you okay." I look straight at her eyes but I can't handle these emotions right now so I immediately look at the floor avoiding eye contact. I don't want to cry right now, just not now. "Please promise me that." I look away from her and continue walking towards the car which I realize that we walk quite far from it already.

"Moonbyul." She calls out for me but I ignore her, quietly head towards the car without a word. Now that I've reached the car, I entered and shut the door a little too hard but held my tears in avoiding them to spill out of my eyes. I don't want her to know that I'm actually so weak right now. I need to show her that I'm strong, I don't want her to feel the same way once that time comes.

"Yong, I'm going to tell you everything once we arrive home okay," I told her while driving back to the safe house. She nods and faces away from me and towards the window. There are a lot of secrets I have to tell her and those secrets might hurt both of us but its the truth anyway. I can't do anything about it. We just have to accept it.


"Dad, should I tell her?" I ask on the phone, fidgeting my fingers with a pen I've been holding just a second ago. We arrived home hours ago and I told Yongsun to give me a little more time to think about it before I could tell her everything. I know that I'm wasting my time, but I really have to think of what to say and do to hopefully not make her hate me.

"Tell her," My dad answers quickly with a brief voice. "Stop wasting your time, you should tell her sooner before you can get captured by them."

"Aren't you looking for any ways to prevent them from searching for us?"

"My people are trying, Moonbyul. You have to expose everything before that day comes. Remember you only have two days left." He warns me having me sigh at the pressure I am handling right now.

"Please, Dad, do everything you can. I can't be taken from them." I plead, already feeling tears almost falling on my eyes because of how scared I am.

"Be brave, my child." He changes his tone sounding strong and fierce. "We'll do everything okay? Just be sure to tell her everything and always be cautious around your surroundings. One of my men will be there to give you the equipment needed to be able to defend yourselves."

"Yes, Dad. I hope you find a way sooner." I hung up and started crying because of how pressuring this situation is for me. I guess I have to tell her now.


Next chapter . . .

oh damn, sorry if it's this short again.

but thank you for reading!!



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