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Chapter 17

I sigh.

The cold air enters my warm nose as I breathe making it feel weird and kind of painful. I cringe at the feeling and sat straight staring down at my steering wheel.

I am currently in my car, listening to some old song that really isn't familiar. I groan feeling unsatisfied about the tune and decided to turn that thing off. I groan even more punching my small fists into the steering wheel in anger and ignition that fills into my whole body.

Today's really not my day...

I stop the punching and wince at the amount of pain I feel from my fist after punching. I rolled my eyes at my fist and brought my hands into my face rubbing them everywhere feeling so mad and annoyed.

Then a ring from my phone startled me making me stay frozen. I took it over the cupboard after a few seconds and check whose calling me.

Well no surprise, its Eric.

I rolled my eyes once again and accept his call. He started off with silence but talks anyways.

"Hey." He started off making me wait for more other than a 'hey'. "Uh, do you want to go out for a while??"

"I'm sorry, I'm kind of tired right now... will you at least give me time to rest??" I ask grabbing the steering wheel with no mercy. I clench my hand around it waiting for him to end this stupid call. I'm seriously not in the mood to talk to anyone right now...

"Please??" He whines making me groan.

"ERIC." I said firmly and clear for him to understand that I'm not in the mood. He then gets it and ends the call with a plain 'Bye.', I groan at that response and throw my phone somewhere else that I don't really give a shit with.

"What your mad now??" I said to myself rolling my eyes at him. I just don't understand him... He should at least understand that I'm not in the mood to go out right now. But instead of cheering me up, he just ruined my mood even more.

I shake my head at his immatureness and looked straight into the empty streets at this late night wondering why am I still here just simply staring at nothing. I start my car ready for me to go home but something from afar tells me to stay here at this parking lot and keep staring at it.

A car with bright headlights on comes into view which made me squint my eyes because of how bright those lights are. I ignored the pain and give focus to it. I don't know why I'm still here just staring at it and not being cautious that something wrong would definitely happen. Few seconds later, it starts speeding up towards my direction which made me move quickly.

I immediately start my car increasing my acceleration speed in order to avoid this car that's coming towards me. I check my rear view mirror and the car isn't there anymore. He/she must have been drunk and didn't notice that there was a car right in front of their direction. But they shouldn't drive if their drunk, they'll get into an accident...

I slowly decrease my speed having me into an unfamiliar road which made me have the idea that I'm lost. And with the help of the darkness, I can't see anything around me. Well, all I could see right now is just a road and nothing else. No buildings, no trees, just an empty road. I stopped into a corner and start groaning. Arghhh... I'm now lost because of that car. 

Now this adds up into my stress...

I got fired for nothing, then Eric pisses me off, and now a reckless driver speeds up wanting to crash into me adds up into my freaking mood. Arghhh.... I don't get why I got fired just for nothing. Like seriously, I did nothing then my manager fired the three of us. Now I got no where to go except for Eric. My parents are somewhere out of the country... and my sister, I don't know what to do about her. My life's starting to be a hell already.

I took my phone from the passenger's seat and tried to contact any of my friends for help but no signal is found. I groan banging my fists into the steering wheel because of how annoyed and stressed this life is. I took a long stare into the road trying to look for a way on how to get out of this mess. And I finally have the idea on turning my car around retracing my steps.

But when I was doing that someone was tailing me from behind. I tried thinking that the person whose following me is going in the same road as I am but, I did some twists and turns and that person is definitely following me. I started getting terrified cause I didn't know what to do. So all I did was drive like I didn't know that someone is following me.

For a few minutes which felt like an hour, I stopped my car in a random corner and I kept an eye on that car. It stopped as well but it gave distance in order for me not to see it but I just did. I sighed not knowing what to do so I went out of the car and bravely stare at the black car that's a few meters away from me.

It made it's headlight brighter in order for me not to see who's in the car but that didn't stop me from going near the car. My eyes squint from the brightness which made me ignore it. I successfully reached the car and stand still on the driver's window knocking really loudly on the window so that the person could hear it.

I wait for a couple of seconds for that person to lower his or her window down, and to my surprise this person got me frozen.

My mouth agape in surprise, cold sweat falling, my body starts feeling nervous, and they way I look at this person made me confused.

I don't understand why this person is here.....

Next chapter...
This is a small highlight of the next chapter.

Get ready for the surprise because your minds would get blown in the next chapter.

Also, I apologize for the really late update...

Please understand that I'm pretty much busy about school and that exams are coming next week.
And I'm really sorry for giving you late updates....

Also, I want to apologize in advance for the the other chapters that might be updated in delay.

I really need to focus in my studies. Im really sorry...

But Hope you all enjoy the coming chapters though and thank you for all the support!!

Thank you for reading!!

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