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~3 Days Later~

Dr. Harris' POV

I was heading to Jack Johnson's room to tell his parents the bad news. I walked in and saw his parents and a girl and a boy sitting near Jack.
"Hello Mrs. Johnson. I am sorry to say that Jack won't make it. He's been in the coma for too long and his breathing is becoming slower each day. Im sorry."I said and walked out of the room.

Jasmine's POV

"So that's it?" I whispered to Matt, letting a few tears fall.
"His life is done?" I said. Matt hugged me.
"Im so sorry Jasmine, but now he can't suffer anymore. Dont you think this is best." He muttered in my ear. I just nodded and buried my face in his shirt, letting more tears fall.

Matt's POV

I looked over at Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and saw Mrs. Johnson crying into her husbands shirt. I can't believe this happened. We did this to Jack. It's our faults. I looked at the door and then the doctor came back in.
"Would you like to have a few moments with him before we do the stuff?" He asked. Mrs. Johnson nodded.
"Lets talk to Jack after them." I said to Jasmine and led her out of the room and we sat on the bench.
"I wish he was here." I heard Jasmine say.
"I know Jasmine. Everybody does. He didnt deserve to die like this." I said in her ear.
We sat silently for 10 minutes until Jack's parents came out of the room, telling us to go in. Jasmine and I got up and went into the room. We went next to Jacks body and looked at him for a minute.
"I'll miss you so much Jack. Thank you for being there for me." Jasmine said to him.
"Jack. Thanks for being my best buddy. Im sorry this ever happened. I wish We can restart out whole high school years, just so this wouldn't happen." I said to him and sat next to Jack.
"Can we start?" Dr. Harris asked when he walked in. I just nodded, trying not to cry. He nodded and brought another doctor in. Slowly they started to unhook his machines, until his breathing stopped. Permanently.

Jack J's POV

|This is like his conscience speaking|

"Grandma?" I asked walking over to her and hugging her.
"Hi Jack, I've missed you so much." She said hugging me back.
"Where am i?" I asked, releasing from the hug.
"Why Jack. You're in heaven." She said. I started to feel my eyes water.
"Im-Im dead?" I asked. "My life's over?" I cried.
"No hunny. Your life is no where near over. God's too early to take you. You need to experience the rest of your life." She said hugging me.
"Thank you. But I will miss you so much and I can't wait to visit you again." I said.
"You will visit me again. But not now. Not for a long time. You're too early." She said.
"Well I guess this is goodbye." I said releasing the hug.
"Bye Jack. I love you." She said.
"I love you too." I answered, before I saw her disappear in the light.

Jasmines POV

~After the thingy~

The doctors just finished unplugging Jack. I looked at his lifeless body.
"Why did this have to happen?!" I cried silently still looking at Jack. I kept looking at him until I decided to leave.
But before I left, I grabbed his hand and kissed it.
"I'll miss you." I said. Wait a minute. I grabbed his wrist again.
Oh my god.
"DOCTOR!!" I yelled. "DOCTOR!"


So what will happen next.
anyway can you please check out my other story
His Baby (Cameron Dallas)


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