Found in fire

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Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto or any of the characters except for Helen and Sam. Some of the jutsus are mine but the rest are not.
Sam is the one in the picture.

Kakashi's POV
Smoke? Is that smoke? When there's smoke there's fire. As far as I could tell it was outside the village but it can't be to far away so it's still dangerous.
"Iruka!" I called to the man coming up to me.
"Kakashi, we must keep that fire under control or it could destroy the whole village. I've already called the others. Let's go!" With that we jumped into the trees and headed towards the threat. On the way there we were joined by Might Guy, Asuma Sarutohi and Kurenai Yuhi. As we landed we took a glance at the fire. One word for it would be abnormal. It was raging around the trees and yet it seemed to do no damage to the vegetation around it.
"Kakashi look at that." Guy pointed to a girl about 14 years old lying down on the ground near the fire. Asuma picked up the girl and checked to see if she was alright. The girl started to open her eyes and stared at us like we were new animals just put in a zoo. Looking around all of us she started to stutter.
"Ka.........As..........Kur.........G..........Ir.....  HOLY ISH!" Is she ok?
"you ok? What's your name?" Kurenai asked with concern. She seemed to be in a daze but nodded and told us that her name was Sam. That's a weird name for around here. Then all of a sudden she looked around wildly spotting the fire eyes popping and screaming

Sam's POV
Right now I'm in the world of Naruto which means that all my dreams have just come true but all I can think about was Helen who at this very moment I could see was in the middle of a forest fire.
The sensei's all looked towards where Helen was and they all gasped.
Kakashi jumped on top of a tree and did a few hand signs.
"Water vortex jutsu!" A huge swirl of water appeared and smouldered the fire. I ran to my friend and surprisingly she wasn't burnt or even remotely hot.
"That's weird." Asuma sensei noticed that Helen wasn't hurt.
I shook her awake
"Helen, Helen wake up you bitch, you have got to see this."
"Go away bitch I'm dreaming about Gaara." I sighed
"You can see him for real if you just wake up. Helen were in the world of Naruto!" At that Helen jumped up and looked around eyes scanning every inch of the forest and sensei's in front of us.
Iruka sensei came up to us
"Hi, I'm Iruka, what brings you to the village hidden in the leaves?"  I gave a knowing look to Helen
"To be a ninja." We both answered. Guy sensei got this big smile on his face.
"I bet it was because you heard of what a legend I am."
"No," we synchronised. You could hear a faint 'how dare you.' Probably Lee. Guy sensei went to a dark corner to sulk while the others laughed.
"Lets take you to the Hokage then. He needs to hear about the fire anyway."
While walking back to the village a leaf ninja ran up to Iruka sensei.
"Sir, Naruto has just graffitied the Hokage's faces and is running from the chunin's. We need you." Iruka sensei turned towards Helen and I
"my apologies, please excuse me." With that he and the other ninja went off into the trees to go find Naruto.
Helen and I exchanged another look. We know what that means. Were at the beginning of the anime. SWEET!
At the Hokage's office Kurenai took us inside while Guy, Asuma and Kakashi took off; probably to do some ninjary things.
"Lord Hokage sir we extinguished the fire outside our village but we found these two there to. One of them was inside the fire, but wasn't hurt at all, even the vegetation wasn't damaged. They also asked if they could become ninjas so we brought them to you. Their names are Sam and Helen. Helen was the one in the fire." She briefed him.
"Thank you Kurenai. I will put both of them in the graduating class to see their potential as ninja."
"Thank you Lord Hokage." We bowed politely and left. But what stopped us is what we heard from inside the closed door.
"Kurenai we must keep and eye on them at all times. Especially that Helen girl, it's been a whole millennia since a ninja has been able to control fire without using hand signs and using up any chakra. Plus Sam might have these powers to.
Hmmmmmmmmm interesting. With yet another look at each other we left. This is deffinantly something to think about. I wonder if it's true. Do we have these powers?

Second chapter finished xxx

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