The Land of Fangs

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Shizuku's POV

Hibana and I were sitting in our favourite bbq place talking about the three new ninja we encountered yesterday.
"I like em." Hibana said increasing the fire on the grill. Kazan nodded in agreement and while still in kitten mode jumped on the table and snatched a piece of meat off the grill, Hibana calling out in protest.
A waiter put a large plate of two already cooked steaks in front of me and I thanked him picking up my fork. Using my wolf strength I stabbed one of the steaks and held it out for Nami who snapped at it and devoured it very very quickly.
Turning back to my own steak I cracked my fingers and bit into it, the piece I was biting wouldn't come off so I started to tug.
"Nee-chan what are you doing?" Hibana asked with a tilted head while she picked a few pieces of meat off the grill and onto her plate. I let the steak go and sighed.
"What a drag." With that I took one of my daggers out and cut the meat into smaller pieces. Hibana laughed as I ate the meat as if nothing happened.
Suddenly an ANBU ninja flashed in. Recognising him as our friend Shin we stood up while he bowed ever so slightly.
"Tsunade-sama has requested your presence." We nodded and he disappeared.
Picking up puppy Nami and kitten Kazan in our arms we left money on the table and teleported away into Tsunade's office. As we arrived the three other ninja were already there. 
"Now that we're all here I'll brief you on what we're going to do." Tsunade said.
"We have confirmed that the village in the Land of Fangs has in fact been taken over by a group of rouge ninja. They apparently call themselves 'The Millennium Revenge'." I narrowed my eyes at the name.
What kind of ninja would call themselves that?
"How many are there?" I asked.
"We're not sure." I nodded. Hibana stepped forward.
"What do you want us to do?" The three ninja looked at us with curious and pleading eyes.
"Team 11 is to go to the Land of Fangs and investigate this new group of ninja; determine if they are a threat and if they are, take them out. If possible bring one of them back to the village for interrogation." Hibana and I bowed slightly.
"Wait! What about us?" Yoshio exclaimed. Tsunade glared at him to shut up and he took a step back in line with his sisters.
"You three will remain here."
"What!!" Ayame shouted but quieted down when Nami and Kazan growled at her.
"With all due respect Tsunade-sama, this is our village and we should be apart of the team that helps save it." Yoshio said trying his best not to loose his temper.
"Yeah and Hiba-san and Shizu-san don't know the area. We would be valuable in helping them on the mission." Michiko said softly but with determination.
"You three came to us to help you, Team 11 is one of the best teams our village has ever had and will guarantee the missions success." I smirked at Tsunade's words. The three siblings nodded in defeat and backed up off the subject.
"Team 11, pack up your things and leave for the mission immediately."
"Yes Ma'am!" And with that we walked out of the building.
"Well, good luck on the mission." Yoshio said looking at me. I felt Hibana heat up next to me and grab my hand.
"Thanks, we'll be back soon!" Then the red head dragged me off back home.
"What's your thing with them?" I asked and she growled.
"Only him, he's trying to ruin my ship that I've worked so hard at!" She shook her fist up at the sky and Kazan jumped up and down around her.
"Idiot!" I whacked her head lightly but laughed nether the less and carried on walking back home, Nami by my side brushing against my leg.
"Shika-kun we're going on a mission. We'll be back soon!" I called to the ninja who was playing a game of shoji with Shikaku.
"Be safe!" They called back at us as we walked out of the house.
We arrived by the gate and looked around.
"Nee-chan, how do we get to the Land of Fangs?" I sighed and put my arm around her shoulder.
"We use the map." I replied smugly earning a glare from Kazan and Hibana 
"Come on." Nami said walking off by my side, Kazan and Hibana running after us. We carried on for hours until the sun started to set.
"Summoning jutsu." Hibana used the jutsu to summon Hiiro.
"Will you head over to the Land of Fangs and check out the ninja there please?" She asked.
"Be sure no one sees you and report right back." He nodded to Kazan and with a respectful bow to us he shot off in the direction of the country.
"Let's get some sleep." Hibana suggested and lay down against Kazan's pelt while I did the same with Nami.
Before we could wish our good nights I felt sleep take me over.

The familiar feeling of Nami nuzzling me woke me up, yawning I stood up to get all my things together. I looked over to Hibana who was doing a good job of ignoring Kazan who kept nudging her.
"Hiba! Get up!" Her eyes opened slightly at my voice and she sighed. With help from Kazan she got all her things ready and we set off again. A few minutes after walking I sensed Hiiro near so we stopped. He ran up to us and bowed again.
"The ninja are all around the country but they all seem to be in pairs so it should be easy to take them out." He continued.
"The village is under complete control and there seems to be a building protected by a lot of the rogue ninja where I think the leader is." Hiiro finished his report. I thought about if we could get around the ninja undetected.
Hmmm, I guess we'll have to just take them out as Hiiro suggested.
"Thanks Hiiro!" Hibana smiled and sent him home.
"Let's get to the border." I said and we carried on.
About an hour later Hibana and Kazan started to whine.
"Can we get there faster please?!" Kazan's tail started to sway dangerously.
"This pace is so slow!!! We're dying here!" Hibana cried.
"It'll take days to get there at this rate!"
"Oh shush you two!" Nami snapped at them who stopped whining but kept on pouting.
I sighed.
"Fine, but Hiba don't run off." I glared at her while she winked cutely.
Activating our second state we looked at Nami and Kazan who smirked up at us.
"See you there Nee-chan!"
"Bye Nami!"
With that the two cats shot off leaving Nami and I in their literal dust.
Water and ice started to swirl dangerously around us before we ran after the two.
Finally we got to the border where we saw Hibana and Kazan waiting for us with content smirks.
Growling, we pounced on them, claws out while they protested.
"We're sorry!!" They cried up to us. Scoffing I let the red head go, Nami following my lead, Kazan licking her cheek in an apology.
"So what's the plan?" Hibana asked rubbing her sore arms.
"We take them out one at a time." Nami said with me nodding.
Kazan and Hibana looked at each other and summoned their clan while Nami and I did the same.
"Yes Hibana-sama, Shizuku-sama!" After greeting them we told them the plan and with a nod the all shot off in different directions.
We walked into the territory and headed for the city that Hiiro had located for us.
Using my heightened senses I heard screaming and vicious snarling from the other side of the country followed by the scent of blood. It seems one of our clan mates found a hostile ninja.
"I think there's something up ahead." We suddenly heard further into the forest.
We jumped into the trees and waited for the two ninja to come into view. When they did Kazan growled and pounced down on the two ripping one of the ninjas side with his claws, Nami following biting the other keeping him in place. Hibana and I jumped out of the tree and looked at the two ninja.
"You!" The taller one exclaimed while the others eyes widened in fear.
We looked at each other and shrugged.
"We're famous Shiz!" Hibana giggled and I rolled my eyes smiling slightly.
I pulled my twin daggers out and stabbed the two ninja quickly. Nami and Kazan backed up from the ninja and we carried on walking to the city.
Nami's ears pricked up and she looked behind her.
"Shizuku, all of the ninja have been immobilised." I nodded and Hibana and I released the summoning jutsu so the clan members could go home.
"Are you from The Leaf?" A small town woman came out of nowhere and asked. Nami and Kazan flattened their ears as they scanned the woman to see if she was a threat, they finally decided she wasn't and so their ears perked up once again.
"Yeah, we were told this village needed help in getting rid of some rouge ninja." Hibana spoke up causing the woman to smile brightly and beckon us into a small, run down house.
"Where are the siblings? Are they safe?" We nodded and she sighed out in relief.
"I'm the village elder, Mayu. I sent the siblings to your Village. Thank you for coming and helping us." She bowed slightly and we smiled at her sitting down at the small table where Mayu started to pour out some tea.
"What are your names dears?"
"My names Shizuku Mizuku Inu. This is my partner Nami." Nami wagged her large tail softly.
"Hi, I'm Hibana Kasai no neko, this is Kazan." Hibana grinned and Kazan puffed out his chest to seem bigger.
Suddenly Mayu gasped, her eyes wide.
"Oh my, you shouldn't have come here!" She exclaimed while scurrying around the room to close all the curtains.
"Why?" Kazan asked as Mayu sat back down. She took a deep breath and looked at us.
"You're who they are after."

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