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Helen's POV

"You look so crap in that face Orochimaru."
The 'grass' ninja turned around shock written all over on his face.
"Hmmm even my old students couldn't know it is me. Tell me how you knew when I do not know you."
"No chance snake." With that I fire teleported away from the creep that just loves to experiment on people.
As I arrived where everyone else was, there was Sam standing right in front of me with her arms crossed and an accused look direct to me.
"Where were you?"
"COOKIES!!!" I jumped exclaiming my favourite snack.
"Where were you!?" Sam's voice had dropped and so had the temperature.
And I'm not even exaggerating; snow had started to fall and Sam seemed to glow an eerie white colour.
Great, so when she gets mad she turns the place into Antarctica. Note my heavy sarcasm.
"Hey look! It's starting!" Without waiting for a response from the raging teen I sprinted over to our gate with Kazan close on my heels.
"What did you do Hibana?" ISH! Kazan only calls me that when he's being really serious.
"All I did was provokeahighlydangerouskillerbycallinghimcrapnobiggie." Since Kazan is a cheetah he can easily understand my fast babbling.
"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOU SAID IT AND YOU CANT TAKE IT BACK!!!!!!!!!!!" I doubled over in hysterics and pointed at the mortified Kazan.
"I've been spending too much time with you guys." He muttered then stalked off up to the front of the gate.
Brrrrrrrrrrrr is it me or is it getting colder?
HOLY HOKAGE! SAM MUST BE COMING! Before I could run away a still glowing hand grabbed my shoulder and kept me from moving.
"What. Did. You. Do?" Sam said each word slowly to give off a scary feeling. And Holy Hokage did it!!
"Fine I went to hug Gaara again." LIE!! Sam just looked relieved and embarrassed.
"Now will you please turn off the weather?" I motioned to the still snowing sky.
"I don't know how." She whispered quietly.
Ohhhhh greeeeeaaaaat!
Fine it looks like I have to do it; hopefully my idea works. I don't normally use jutsus.
Making a few hand signs I breathed in, aimed into the sky and bellowed my attack
"FIRE BULLET!!" I huge amount of fire concentrated to what looked like a bullet shot out my mouth and into the sky. When my attack had reached a certain point in the storm clouds it exploded, blowing the snow storm away with it.
Who's awesome!? ME!!
When I turned back to Sam she had stopped glowing and was getting ready for the Forest of death.
"Sorry bout that Sam"
"It's fine, but you really worry me with all your Fangirling"
And we were off.

After walking for a bit we decided what we wanted to do before going to help Team 7.
"How about we go see Team 8? We haven't really spoken to them have we?" Sam suggested. Oh WoW, she's right. Well we have to go and fix that.
Since Kazan is pretty small he makes himself bigger for anyone to ride him. When he reached a perfect height Sam climbed on because I was just as fast as Kazan and Nami was too slow. No offence.
In less that a minute we had landed on a tree in the clearing where the Sand siblings were facing off against the other ninja who no one knows about. Luckily they haven't started. I need to get down there without looking like a stalker.
Now I know what your thinking 'but Helen they all know you're a stalker' yes well I have some dignity.
Suddenly an idea popped into my head
"Sam, stab me." I commanded. Sam has given me quite a few 'are you crazy?' looks, but this one overtook the others.
When it was clear she wasn't about to do it I reached for one of her kunai knives and stabbed it into my stomachs side letting out a small grunt of pain.
After I had given the bloody kunai back to a shocked, confused Sam I let myself fall back and off the high branch. As soon as I started falling, just like I had predicted, Gaara's sand came rushing up and caught me midair. Looking back up at my best friend I saw her mouth a quick 'you're insane!' Before she rushed to the bushes with Nami and Kazan to where Team 8 were hiding. Which I just just replied with a two finger wave.
As soon as I was gently lowered to the ground I felt the warm comfort of the sand gone and the scratchy feel of fabric wrapped roughly around me. Opening my eyes I saw that the opposing ninja had used the substitution jutsu to replace me with a log. So now Gaara's sand was holding a piece of a tree while I was being held in place by the ninja who's name and village escapes me. 
A sane person would be pretty worried at the moment but I lost my sanity years ago. Plus I knew that I had a guardian who would rip a guy to shreds just for looking at me (except from Sasuke because Kazan just loves to torture me).
"Why hello there little girl what are you doing here?" CREEP ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Killing you." I replied, my eyes catching on fire as they do when I get ready to use my powers. Unfortunately the ninja just laughed. Bad mistake bro.
"DRAGONS REVENGE!!!!!" Flames burst from my body and a fierce roar was echoed through it. The poor soul who was holding onto me screamed in agony as he was burned alive. Letting me go to try and smoulder the fire licking at his very existence, I unsheathed my katana and rushed forward slicing across the vulnerable stomach killing him instantly. But his misery will carry on. You see the attack Dragons Rage continues to burn you in the afterlife forever. I really like that move. After I took a couple steps back from the dead man, Gaara's sand wrapped itself around the other two ninja who were pleading for their lives and shaking like an earthquake and squeezed them to death. The blood came pouring down on us which I just casually wiped away.
A sharp pain in my side made me flinch in pain and stumble back. Oh yeah that's right. Before I could fall on my butt Kazan flashed out of the bushes and supported me by letting me lean on his back. Sam walked calmly out from the hiding place with Nami flanking her on her left. When she reached me, she bent down and took my hands off from where they were clutching the wound and instead put her own in the same place. Closing her eyes she started to concentrate really hard and after a couple of seconds her hands started to glow green. Medical jutsu!!! I never knew she could do that.
After my injury had healed Sam let go and then stood up and smiled at me while Nami smiled up at her.
"When'd you learn that?" I asked.
"I found some scrolls with medical ninjutsu techniques back at home. I've been practicing everyday." She shrugged.
"This is all very touching but if you will excuse us." TEMARI!! Time to execute my plan. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Taking a big scroll out of my bag I laid it down, opened it and using my blood already on my hands did a few hand signs.
Once the smoke had cleared the scroll now had a couple plates of delicious cookies, a pot of tea and cups on it.
What were you expecting???
After Sam, Nami, Kazan and I had sat down around our makeshift picnic blanket I called for Temari to join us. Luckily it only took a little bit of persuading before she came to sit next to Sam, leaving Kankuro and Gaara standing there wondering what had just happened.
"ARFFFF!!" A little bark coming from the bushes attracted our attention. Akamaru came running towards us followed by Kiba yelling after him, followed by Hinata and then Shino.
So now we were all sitting down, talking and laughing.
"Would you care for some tea Temari?" I asked in a mock posh accent.
"Hehe sure." She giggled.
That aside we also had a little argument.

Kiba- I'm not scoffing them you damn cat.

Helen- why you!!!!

Shino- Kiba, stop begging rude.

Hinata- I-I'm sure K-Kiba didn't mean it.

Helen- You don't have to defend Rover.

Kiba- WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!!!!?????

Helen- Awwwwwwww don't you like it Rover?

Kiba- NO, YOU DAMN CAT!!!!

Akamaru- ARFFFFFFF!!!!

"Your friend Helen, sure is something else." Temari whispered to Sam who just nodded while Nami and Kazan laughed at how vague that comment was.
Leaving Kiba to his now one sided trash talking I turned to where Gaara and Kankuro were standing board.
"Hey Gaara! Do you want a cookie?" I waved one around.
"No." Wow blunt answer. Then Gaara turned around to hide the blush on his face.
HOLY HOKAGE HE BLUSHED!!!! Quickly whipping round to Sam I saw that she had caught it on camera. So that devil camera does have some perks. Leaving the subject alone I raised the cookie to my mouth and bit down. Then out of nowhere Gaara's sand wrapped around the other end of it and tried pulling it out of my tight grip. With a big yank I was launched forward determined not to let go off my cookie.
"Who do you think will win?" Kiba asked
I got votes from Sam, Nami, Kazan, Shino, Hinata and Akamaru. Gaara got the votes from Kankuro, Tamari and Kiba. BETRAYER!! Time to prove them wrong.
Since me and Gaara were so close we could bash heads I used my leg to trip him up. Unfortunately he fell towards me when I thought he would trip the other way; so basically he was now squashing me to death. Hey, it's a bit like his sand coffin. I rolled out from under him with the cookie still in my mouth.
"I win." Walking back to the applauding people I halved my cookie and threw it behind me which Gaara caught.
"CRAP! Helen we have to go!" Sam could be a reminder app. Clearing everything away and saying goodbye to everyone I started heading for the route that would take us to where Team 7 and Orochimaru were.
"Tell me Sam. Helen wasn't injured by an enemy, was she?"
"She's sneaky that one."
"Don't I know it Mari-chan." When Sam ran past Temari they Hi Fived and then Temari went back to a still waiting Kankuro and Gaara.
Just wait guys. Were coming.

Hoped you guys liked it xxxx

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