Time Off

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Sam's POV

At the moment Helen and I were climbing the mountain that Kakashi and Sasuke were training on. Why? We want to learn Chidori of course. It took quite a lot of persuasion to get Helen to come up here considering what happened in the first part of the test a week ago. Long story short I had to leave my camera behind.
*chirp chirp chirp chirp*
We're here.
Jumping up we stood on a big rock looking down on the training session. To say that Sasuke wasn't doing well would be an understatement; he couldn't even start the Chidori.
"You have to focus and gain more speed if you want it to work." Kakashi sensei scolded him. Then Kakashi activated his Chidori and ran full force smashing a huge boulder into little fragments. Turning to Helen I saw her eyes flame in excitement. Knowing she's about to try the move I got into I ready stance.
"KAKASHI SENSEI!!!!" Helen yelled down causing both him and Sasuke to look up in surprise. Simultaneously we were able to focus our powerful source of chakra into our hand as lightening causing the sound of a thousand birds chirping.
Chidori. I smirked down at the two dumbfounded ninja.
Before I knew it Helen had ran full speed down the rock we were perched on. Now remember, Helen is faster than a ninja cheetah so all we really saw was a red flash before another boulder was smashed by her jutsu.
My turn.
Racing down at a much slower speed but still at wolf speed I pulled my arm back and sliced the rock blocking my way in two.
Both panting we turned around to give a 'that's right bitch' look at the two guys. That was before Helen, wearing the Uchiha replica smirk fell forward due to releasing too much power. Just as I was about to catch the red head, someone swooped in and caught her. I'll give you one guess who that is.
"Oh so you run lightning fast to save your hopeless crush but you can't do it when you're training Chidori?" Kakashi sensei questioned the now blushing ninja.
"I don't have a crush on her." Sasuke turned his head to hide the blush that was rapidly getting redder against his pale cheeks while he unconsciously pulled Helen closer to his chest.
What I wouldn't give to have my camera right now.

"HE DID WHAT!!!!????" That would be the sound of a furious and embarrassed Helen as she woke up to find out about the little Saslen moment on the top of that mountain.
The worst part was probably the angry ranting I had to listen to the whole way we walked to where Naruto and Jiraiya (Pervy sage) were training.
Luckily when we arrived in the clearing where Naruto was writing his name in blood on a scroll Helen stopped her little tantrum.
"Hey guys. You here to train with me?" I nodded while Helen just snorted in confirmation while her hair was still on fire.
Naruto looked over to me questionably and I just shook my head telling him to not even go there.
We got to work learning the hand signs and trying the summoning jutsu.
Let me tell you something. IT WAS SO HARD!!!!!!!
We tried again and again and nothing happened.
How can we master the Chidori the first try and not be able to do this??
"Urgh why can't I do it?!" Naruto whined for the hundredth time. We were all getting progressively more frustrated.
Helen ruffled the blonde's hair and he pouted like a child while pushing Helen away resulting in her falling over. Jiraiya and I laughed at the scene in front of us of a fire covered Helen chasing the frightened Naruto screaming lots of insults and different ways she's gonna kill him when she gets her hands on him.

We were back in the Nara house with Shika-kun, in mine and Helen's room talking about the next round of the Chunin exam.
"What do you know about your opponent Helen?" Shika-kun asked. Said ninja put her fingers to her mouth and looked up in a thinking motion.
"No idea, I think he uses lightning jutsus. That's bout it." She replied with a shrug.
"What about you Sam?"
"Well I'm fighting Dosu that sound ninja with the mask who beat Choji." Shika-kun looked a bit sad at the memory of his friend being so quickly beaten. Then shaking his head he looked back up at our worried expressions.
"What have you been doing in your training?" I asked him before Helen could say anything.
He tapped the side of his nose signalling that he wasn't going to share.
"What about you?" Oh so we're supposed to show you our training results when you won't show us yours? No never gonna hap..."
"Let's go outside. I can't wait to make you faint because of how awesome we are." With that Helen ran full speed out of the house and to the training field.
Sometimes I wonder if we think the same at all.

Finally reaching the training field Shika-kun and I saw Helen bouncing impatiently from one foot to the other.
"Ready?" She asked pointing to the two massive rocks placed on the other side of the field.
Just like last time we simultaneously formed a Chidori in our hands and ran forward. I saw that Helen had held back and was running at the same pace as me.
With a battle cry we lunged forward with our Chidori extended to the middle of the rock.
When the smoke cleared all that was left from the previous rock was a pile of dust.
"Impressive." THATS IT!!!????! THATS ALL HE HAS TO SAY TO THAT???!!!!!
"OH WE'LL SHOW YOU IMPRESSIVE!!" Helen and I both screamed in his direction. Feeling my clan's power surging my eyes started to glow bright blue and my hair started to float while water droplets swirled around me; out of the corner of my eye I saw the same thing happening to Helen.
Biting our fingers we did the summoning jutsu's hand signs then slammed our hand to the ground.
So something actually happened this time.
Through the fog caused by our jutsu we saw about 20 outlines.
When finally the fog cleared we were able to see what we had summoned.
Helen and I grinned.
Oh yes. This is good; very good.

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