War Is Declared

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Shizuku's POV

I had been training with Kano for a few weeks now back in our home land while Hibana has also been training with Jisoku. I haven't seen her for a few days now as our Masters want us to focus on our own training. Mine being strength and hers speed.
"Now Shizuku-san." Kano commanded. I crouched onto all fours and shot forward clashing with the giant wolf. Using what he had taught me I was able to push him back and overbear him with my attacks.
"You've learnt well little girl." He grinned shaking the dirt off his pelt.
"I told you not to call me that Master." I flicked the giant boulder next to me and it came crumbling down showing off my power. Nami padded up to me accepting my hand as I lay it on her back.
"I guess we better go check on Hibana-chan and Jisoku-sama." She said. 
Just as we were about to leave to cross the forest to the plains where the others were practicing I felt a rush of wind blow across my face.
I blinked the dust out of my eyes and opened them to see the fire ninja standing in front of me, Kazan clinging to her shoulder, his fur sticking up in all directions due to the speed they were traveling at.
"That was five seconds faster than last time. Very well done child." Jisoku appeared in a puff of smoke praising his student who beamed in happiness.
"How's your training going Nee-chan?" She asked me, I smirked and gestured to the rubble next to me. She laughed at the sight.
"Shizuku-sama!" Arufa called out gaining everyone's attention.
"What is it Arufa." Nami asked as he bowed his head slightly to us.
"I think Konoha is in trouble." He said.
"What?" Hibana cried out in distress.
"The Village is crying." His ears twitched. Nami and I heightened our own hearing before we could hear it. It was very faint since we were so far away from the Village but it was there. The people screaming and buildings collapsing.
"It's the Akatsuki." I deduced.
"Pain." Hibana sighed.
We turned to our Masters.
"Thank you for everything Kano-sama." I bowed to the big jet black wolf.
"It's been real you old fur ball." Hibana grinned angering the small cheetah who Kazan had to hold back from attacking the girl. Has their training always gone like this?
"Be safe. I don't want all my work going to waste ya hear!"  Kano growled.
"Get going then. And don't come back without some fish!!!" Jisoku threatened.
"Will do." And with our final goodbye we teleported back to the Land of Fire.
We were almost there. After one last teleportation we had arrived on the outskirts of our village.
Arufa was right, some of the buildings had been destroyed and had caught fire. This was obviously due to the giant centipedes that were running rampant over the village.
"Ok first priority, find Kaka-sensei." Hibana said looking at me. We activated our second state and I focused on finding our teacher.
I was able to locate him trapped in a pile of rubble with Choji and Choza.
"Found them. Get over there Hiba-chan, fast." I warned her of the danger which she acknowledged. Kazan gripped to her shoulder ready to use the summoning jutsu when they get there so we can join them right away since weren't as fast.
She adjusted her balance and wind rushed around her before she disappeared leaving no trace behind. We waited for two seconds before we had been summoned and had arrived in the centre of the village where Hibana and the others were.
Kakashi looked to be in real bad shape and Choza even looked like he was dead, I could tell he wasn't though as I could still hear his heart beat.
"Choji! Go to the Hokage and tell her what we found!" Kakashi ordered. Choji while crying his eyes out started to run towards the Hokage building. Suddenly one of the Pain's we had assumed had been defeated revealed he had one last trick which happened to be a missile aimed straight for the escaping Choji.
"Rest now Kaka-sensei." I summoned Sairen who got to work with medical ninjutsu while I dug him out of the rubble. He collapsed as soon as I lay him down.
Hibana dashed forward stopping the missile buy absorbing the explosion allowing Choji to safely get to Tsunade.
She quickly came back wondering on Kakashi's condition. I told her he would be fine as Sairen was looking after him.
"We need to go and help the others." Kazan said.
"Summoning jutsu!" The smoke cleared to reveal our clans ready for battle.
"Orders boss?" Arashi my giant wolf asked.
"Fight and protect the village." My dogs scattered.
"Same to you!" Hibana pointed in the direction of the enemy.
"We're on it-nya." The tiny warrior cat Senshi stated before the cats followed my dogs lead.
"Sairen, you stay here with Kaka-sensei." My medic wolf nodded and continued her healing ninjutsu while getting into a defensive position just in case.
"Shizu-nee lets go." Hibana and Kazan headed off towards a swarm of Pain's creatures a trail of fire streaming behind them and engulfing one of the centipedes until it had been destroyed.
Nami and I followed suit smashing through the targets as if they were air. All of our training really paid off.
"Shizu-nee! Down here!" I just finished smashing into another centipede before landing back down on the ground where Shikamaru was waiting.
"Where's Hiba-nee?" At the sound of a battle cry followed by a heavy crash I pointed in the direction the fire ninja was wreaking havoc in, surrounded by her blood thirsty cats.
Suddenly a whole new group of summons appeared causing even more damage to the village.
I jumped up into the sky heading straight for the newly appeared giant bird.
"Water style: Water shockwave!" I massed together a spiralling vortex of water surrounding the bird. I activated the jutsu causing the vortex to explode along with the beast. Falling through the air I landed back down to the ground where Nami and Shikamaru were waiting.
"What's happening?" Shikamaru shrugged.
"Pain's looking for something but we don't know what it is." I looked around once again.
"Well if he wants something he'll go to the one person that would know where it is. Tsunade." I deduced. Shikamaru's eyes widened in realisation. We turned to see one of the Pains with Tsunade at the Hokage building, Hibana and Kazan already over there. I listened in and was able to find out what they wanted.
"He's looking for Naruto." I told Shikamaru.
"Of course." Suddenly I picked something up from Pain. They've found Naruto.
"They've found him. They'll probably attack now. Brace yourself." True to my word, all the summons started to disappear in preparation for the oncoming attack.
We crouched to brace ourselves holding onto Nami.
Just as I had predicted Pain released his attack which I felt shake the ground. I looked to see the village be completely destroyed leaving no trace behind. I tightened my grip on Nami and Shikamaru and just as the attack was about to swallow us in its destruction we were sucked up by Katsuyu being protected from inside her body. She detached herself from us and we got up to look around, just as I had expected, the village had been completely wiped away leaving a giant crater where it once stood surrounded by rubble. Nami and I helped Shikamaru out from under the debris as some had landed on his foot.
"Thank you Katsuyu-sama, if you hadn't arrived I'm sure we wouldn't have survived." We thanked the slug before she went off looking for others to help.
Shiho from the cryptanalysis team ran towards us worrisome after overlooking Shikamaru's state.
"You ok Shikamaru?" We turned to see Shikaku approach holding his arm. I went over to analyse his arm only to breathe a sigh of relief after discovering it was only a superficial wound. I bandaged him up and then moved on to treat Shikamaru.
Another blast went off causing us to flinch at the thought of another attack. We looked up to see Hibana flying up surrounded in her fire wings clashing with Pain landing a few solid hits. She punched him with a fire covered fist which threw him down to the ground, hard. She landed next to him saying a few words. The other five Pains arrived surrounding them.
"Nagato! Stop this madness! This is no way to achieve peace!" I heard her try to reason with him. Pain looked stoic and his focus seemed to be elsewhere when his target had arrived.
There standing with four giant toads stood Naruto in sage mode, Fukasaka and Shima by his side.
Tsunade also jumped down looking very pissed. One of the Pains attacked her but before anyone could react Naruto came crashing down and in one attack destroyed the Pain.
"Let me take care of this Baa-chan." He said. Hibana locked eyes with Naruto and retreated back to them.
"Tell everyone not to interfere." She nodded at him and held Tsunade in her arms after Tsunade gave Naruto one of the tiny Katsuyus. Gamakichi picked up the two kunoichi and jumped to the edge of the crater where I saw Sakura take Tsunade into her care.
Hibana reunited with Kazan and they ran over to us looking worried when they saw Shikamaru's injuries. We assured her that everything was fine and she fell to the floor in relief and exhaustion, Kazan lying down next to Nami and Shikaku sitting next to her wrapping a comforting arm around her.
We all turned to see Naruto start his assault, the three giant toads fighting the summons.
We watched as he took out the Pains, one by one until there was only one left.
"Guys." Ino, her dad and an ANBU arrived carrying Shizune who they told us had been killed by one of the Pains. Ino still looked distraught.
Everyone then started to discuss on how to find Pains real body. Inoichi then seemed to figure it out. He told us about what he saw in the captured Rain ninja's memories and how he believed Pain's real body would be at highest point in Konoha to transmit chakra.
"Ok, we'll just have to investigate each and every high place." Shikamaru said. Shikaku, Inoichi the ANBU ninja, Hibana and I all got up.
"Katsuyu please tell all abled ninja about this." Inoichi asked the slug.
Before we could carry out the plan Katsuyu gave us an update on the battle between Naruto and Pain. And it wasn't good news. Hinata has been taken out by Pain and Naruto has been taken over by the Kyuubi.
"We're going to go find Pain's real body." Inoichi, Shikaku and the ANBU left with some other ninja.
We waited for a while before new news came in.
Naruto had suppressed the Kyuubi and was currently dealing with the last Pain.
"Kazan and I are going to go look for survivors." Hibana and Kazan shot off.
"Nami you go too." My wolf nodded and headed in the opposite direction.
All was quiet for a while until something appeared in the centre of the crater. It was a giant gate that shot out hundreds of blue lights across the village. One of these lights merged with Shizune who to everyone's surprise started to wake up. She had been revived and it seemed this was happening to every other person who had died.
Ino helped her up and they headed to where Sakura and Tsunade were.
"It seems Naruto has done it." We smiled. I helped Shikamaru up to his feet and we headed over to the forest. Hibana and our clans met us halfway. We thanked them and sent them home.
Everyone in the village had gathered to greet Naruto as he appeared on Kakashi's back. The cheers were deafening.
I handed Shikamaru over to Choji and we went over to meet Naruto. Hibana tackling him to the ground separating him from Sakura who laughed at the shocked boy. I lifted them both up and scowled at my best friend who laughed sheepishly.
"Well done Naruto. You're our hero." I said to the still shellshocked ninja. Everyone cheering in agreement.

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