The Past

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The idea for this chapter came from my best friend Frozen Shadow Ninja who has her own flawless story here on Quotev.
WARNING- I guess triggering content so don't read if you don't want x

~~~~3 years ago~~~~

Sam's POV

I slung my blue rucksack over my back mentally hoping that I would be hit by a bus on the way to hell commonly known as secondary school.
Look at me, 12 years old and already planning my demise.
Well kinda.
I walked slowly but surely as I crossed the line signifying that I had entered the building that apparently owned me.     
Holding my head up high but not making eye contact I walked into my first class, PE, put my hands in my pocket and stood at the back pretending that I was actually listening to the teacher as she lectured us about the importance of getting ready quickly so we have more time to play during the double lesson.
Still with my hands deep in my pockets I walked over to the pile of footballs and flicked one up with my foot kicking it up continuously as I waited for her to tell us what to do.
"We will have 4 teams, the Reds, Blues, Yellows and Greens. Sam would you please pick your girls as you will be captain for the Blue team today."
With that she left to go sit in the corner and try to hide that she was texting on her phone.
"What a drag." I whispered under my breath as I pointed out the girls who didn't suck as much as the others.
Picking up the football still at my feet I walked over to the middle of the court standing off against the captain of the Red team, Helen.
I don't know much about her, just that she is awesome at all sports and has epic taste in music.
I smiled at her and she returned it with one of her own hi fiving me.
A whistle blew and I shot off before Helen could comprehend what had happened, dribbling the ball through the Red teams mid fielders and defence.
With me against the goal I kicked the ball as hard as I could and I saw it heading straight for the empty net.
Just an inch before it passed the goal line a flash of red caught the ball.
As it stopped I saw Helen with her foot resting on the ball smirking.
Damn she's so fast.
Plus strong, no one has ever been able to stop one of my shots because of my power.
Helen ran off heading for my goal and I smirked inwardly as I sprinted off after her.
No way was I going to lose.

"Nice game Helen." I complimented the light brunette after PE had ended in the changing rooms.
Her whole body flinched and froze as she turned around slowly.
When she saw it was me she seemed to relax and sighed while smiling at me mumbling a small 'Thank you. You too.'
Pulling her jumper sleeves down lower her arm as if that was even possible she picked up her rucksack and power walked out of the changing rooms leaving me confused and a little worried. I turned my head around to look at the door she disappeared through and narrowed my eyes thinking about what could be wrong.
I promised myself not to get involved with drama of any variety.
Pushing any thought about the mysterious girl out of my mind I carried on through the school day only semi-awake as usual.
"Detention for not doing your math homework!" I narrowed my eyes at my teacher who seriously needed to get his priorities sorted.
Detention seemed to take forever as I drew Kiba one of my favourite characters from Naruto, the most awesomest anime ever!!!
When I was finally set free I grabbed my bag and ran out of the deserted school heading for my bus stop only to find it had started to rain.
Putting my head phones on and playing my favourite song Centuries by Fall out boy I stood on the bus waiting till I got home.
Suddenly the bus came to an abrupt stop.
"The bus has broken down sorry for the inconvenience." Great, thanks bus driver. This so typical London.
Fuming I stomped through the rain in a neighbourhood I had never been to before.
As I walked on a street passed a row of small houses the sound of plates crashing caught my attention causing me to stop in my tracks.
I turned to see a house like the others but with tinted windows and wilting plants decorating the front garden.
I was just about to dismiss the sound as my imagination when a scream was let loose coming from the house and then a big scary looking man stormed out the house his face red with anger.
Overcome with concern I ran to the door and was about to knock when I saw that it was open.
Pushing it open I slowly walked into the house.
I gasped at what I saw.
The furniture was all smashed and toppled over, glass littered the floor like a 2nd carpet and specks of blood stood out against the dirt covered walls and floor.
Small sobs echoed threw the corridors and I rushed towards in only to see a horrible sight.
Huddled in a corner with the back of her shirt ripped surrounding lots of small dots that had obviously just been burned into the flesh was Helen.

Finding some alcohol and gauze I went back to Helen and sat next to her starting to clean up her back.
She said nothing as I wiped away the blood covering her arms, face and back.
"This might hurt a bit." I whispered to which she nodded at.
I poured a small bit of the alcohol on her cuts on her arms and she winced but did not scream.
Feeling pity swelling up inside me I bound her arms in the gauze then shifted so I was facing her back.
The skin was blistering and was raw from the heat.
Pouring the rest of the alcohol on the wound Helen once again winced but did not scream.
After I had finished cleaning and dressing her back I shuffled around so I was facing her however she had her eyes to the floor.
"What's going on Helen?" I asked softly.
She shook her head then tears started to fall and before I knew it she was bawling her eyes out hugging onto me like her life depended on it.
I wrapped my arms around her careful not to touch her burn or cuts.
After a while of silence she pulled back and then told me everything.
Her father was an abusive ass who took out any and all rage on his daughter by burning her with cigarette butts as well as throwing her around the house.
"Come live with me." I said after she had finished, wanting nothing more than to help her in what ever way I could to get her away from that man.
This however seemed to scare her even more as she rapidly shook her head.
"NO NO!" My eyes softened as I saw how afraid she was of her dad.
"...NO! I can handle it."
We argued for a bit before I let up and dropped the conversation.
After a period of awkward silence I brought up other normal subjects that girls would talk about such as music and films.
We talked for hours and before I knew it the sun had set and I had received countless texts from my mum asking where I was.
"I have to go." Getting up from the floor and helping the fragile girl I saw fresh tears start up again in her black eyes.
"I'll be with you every step of the way. I'm not going to leave you." I whispered in her ear as I hugged her goodbye.
She smiled and hugged back.
As I headed home I thought about Helen and how awful her life was; then I decided I was going to stick by her and make her happy no matter what it took as her best friend.
A best friend huh?
I've never had one before.
Looks like my mission to be the best best friend ever has started.

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