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Helen's POV

Ok so recap. Sam and I have just been saved by two animals, one wolf and one cheetah who claim to be our partners based on our heritage and gifts. This isn't hard to do but I'm very confused.
I stared at the cheetah in front of me for a long time until I decided to get things cleared up.
"Explain please." They both nodded and then started to speak.
"Helen you are from the 'Kasai no neko' clan; the fire cats. Sam you are from the 'Mizuki Inu' clan; the water dogs. These clans were one of the first ever to be created. They were both very special in that they possessed strange powers; different from any other clan. The Kasai no neko clan was a clan that could control the element fire, while Mizuki Inu could control water. Each person from both clans had a protector, a partner if you will. One had animals from the cat family and the other had animals from the dog family. For example: lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, foxes, coyotes, jackals and wolves. These animals could also weald the element of the respected clan. They all lived in harmony together until one day a terrible war broke out among another clan. The clans were allies of one side and so they offered their assistance to fight with them. This turned out to be a fatal decision as the enemy attacked the clans and began to wipe out the villages. The people were helpless against this monster. At this time both heads of the families had a baby girl and to keep them safe they summoned us, the leaders of the clan's protectors to be the guardians of these young girls. We took them somewhere the demon could not find them and waited until they would find their way back. If you haven't guessed it you are the babies we had saved. And that about sums it up."
This is a lot to take in.
I shouldn't believe what they were saying and yet I did.
"What makes you think they're telling the truth?" Sakura asked.
"They are." Sam said
"They are. That's the end of it." Silence followed. I turned to face the way to the village.
"Let's go we're wasting time." Without another word we kept walking. Sakura next to Tazuna and Sasuke who was supporting the unconscious Kakashi and Naruto leading at the front; while Sam was walking and talking with her wolf companion who was called Nami behind me. I decided to get more acquainted with my partner named Kazan.
"Can you help me control my fire powers?" He looked at me. Those eyes could melt a mountain.
"Yes of course. It's our duty to protect you and the best way to do that is to train." He purred slightly. Awww how cute!
We carried on small talking when all of a sudden a question popped into my head.
"If you took me to the human world then why would you leave me with that monster I called dad?" It was a valid question.
"I had no choice, he was chosen because he used to have such a warm heart but then he accidentally saw us when I teleported you to that world.
Do you know that when we teleport we catch fire? Well that's what happened and that sight drove him mad. He hated and feared you because you were different so to keep you in place from killing him he beat you and burned you. I'm so sorry but actually he might have done you a favour. Every time they singed you your original fire powers strengthened so when you came to this world you were able to harness it much easier and faster than Sam."
"Wow this is a lot to take in for one day. Thanks Kazan!" With a closed eye smile I gave the cat a hug while he purred into my ear. I feel at home when I'm with him. I've never felt that with anyone but Sam. Glancing over to my best friend it had seemed that she had already gained a strong bond with Nami.
"Look Hibana it's the Land of Waves." Kazan said.
"Hibana?" Last time I checked my name was Helen.
"That was the name you were given at birth by your parents. It means Sparks as in the beginning of a ferocious fire. Your friends name is Shizuku meaning Drops as in the water drops that come before a raging river. Would you like us to call you by those names or by your human names?" I glanced over at Sam who was already looking at me. Obviously Nami had asked her the same.
"Just call us the same please. They've kind of grown on us." Sam spoke for both of us; that's just like her, knowing exactly what I'm thinking.

"Helen wake up." Is that a nose that's poking my ribs? I opened my eyes just a crack and saw Kazan attempting to wake me up. Crap, he's fire proof. My usual morning assault won't work.
"Fine I'm up. Go downstairs with Nami and we'll be down soon." At my comand they both bowed their heads and walked down to the others.
"Sam get up you lazy git." I nudged her awake.
"Helen? How come your awake it normally takes a hurricane to get you out of bed." Awwww she knows me so well.
"Well you see I now apparently have a new alarm clock which I can't burn!" Curse him!
Sam started to snicker and less than half a minute later we were in a full on laughing fit.
After getting dressed we met Team 7 and Kakashi by a grove of trees training for the oncoming fight with a not so dead Zabuza.
"Today's training will be..."
"H-how did you know?"
"Know what?"
"What I was gonna say."
"What are you doing?"
"You know, whatever, you win." One point to me and none for you.
Ok now for my zoning out time.
"WHAT?!?" Cue startled Naruto.
"Aren't you going to try to climb the tree? We've all tried it except you and Sam, she said she was waiting for you. Sakura's really good she got all the way up there while me and Sasuke are having a bit of trouble" This is such a drag.
"Fine we'll go." Grabbing a hold of Kazan's neck fur all four of us focused our chakra to our feet. We walked forward and put our first step on the trunk.
We kept walking until,
"HOW CAN THE PETS DO IT?!" Oh no, Naruto is so dead.
Nami and Kazan both emitted off a deathly aura and turned slowly around teeth bared and murder in their eyes.
"It's ok Nami."
"Calm down Kazan." At our words the wolf and cheetah calmed down but the rage did not leave their eyes.
We back flipped off the tree after making it all the way to the top.
"Kakashi sensei; Helen and I are going back to the house ok?" With those words team 11 left the training ground.
We were ready for the battle and all we wanted to do now was to sleep.

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