Bridge battle

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Helen's POV

What's that I can hear?
Is that Sam?
Opening my dark brown eyes I lifted my head and looked around the room only to see Sam packing our bags.
Oh yeah that's right we have to go to the bridge to fight Zabuza and Haku; who I still haven't hugged yet!!!!!
Sad times.
"Good you're up. Catch." Before I could register what Sam had said to me, my rucksack hit me in the face.
"Wow thanks Sam." Note the level of sarcasm. Huffing in satisfaction and amusement she and Nami went downstairs to meet the others.
Heaving my body out of bed I got changed, strapped my sword to my back, ate from my secret stash (don't tell Sam) and left the room with Kazan close behind. 
Down in the kitchen all the ninja except from Naruto who was still asleep, were around the table ready to go out and protect Tazuna.
Now that my leg has fully healed I'm ready to kick some serious arse.

"I'm bored!" I whined.
"Shut up." Sam snapped.
"We should stay silent Helen." Kazan whispered in my ear. Shrugging I turned back to eating a cookie I stashed in my bag.
"Kakashi sensei the mist is coming in really fast." My heart stopped. Mist? It's starting. I inched towards the person closest to me.
Not that I'm scared at all, don't get that idea in your head it's just because I get cold very easily ok.
The body stiffened at my touch. Confused I looked at the person.
Turning my head rapidly to where Sam now was I saw her trying to muffle her intense laughing fit (she wasn't doing a very good job). She definitely did this on purpose. Wait till I get my hands on her.
Focusing back on the Uchiha I saw something I thought I would never see on him. A blush? No!!! It can't be!!!
Ok this is awkward.
"DONT FALL!!!" Shoving him hard in the chest he fell on the ground with a big *thump!*
I then doubled over in laughter at the idiot in front of me who seemed to not head my warning in not falling. It's pretty sad really.
"Guys, they're here." And the sound of my sensei I left all sense of joking behind and raised my sword, ready.
Beside me Kazan bristled with hostility and so did Nami who I could see was standing protectively in front of Sam.
Two figures emerged from the thick mist. They formed into the two ninja Zabuza and Haku.
This is my chance! I just hope I don't die.
Sending chakra to my feet for an extra boost I flashed beside Haku and wrapped my arms around his torso.
"HELEN!!!" Protesting and scared calls could be heard from my friends. I even heard a frustrated sigh coming from Zabuza.
"Hey Helen." At the mention of my name I looked over at Sam while still holding on to Haku. She held up another cookie!
With inhuman speed I rushed over to where my best friend was standing, snatched up the best snack in the world and hid behind Kakashi to make sure no one stole my precious cookie.
Half way through eating (more like inhaling) the cookie I noticed that everyone was staring at me like I had grown two heads.
"Don't mind me, you can proceed with your pointless battle if you want." Waving them away I watched Sasuke totally own Haku; which I am so not happy about and Kakashi and Zabuza do their stupid fight.
"Helen look, Sasuke is trapped in Haku's kekkei genkai. Do you want to help?" Sam asked.
Man this is such a drag.

Sam's POV
"Nami you will stay here and protect Tazuna. That is an order." I commanded before she could protest. Seeing that Helen had told Kazan the same thing, we ran over towards where the ice release kekkei genkai was stationed.
"Sakura stay with Tazuna!" Helen yelled over her shoulder. We knew that she wasn't going to do anything during this fight anyway, so we basically gave her a job that we know she'll do without question.
"The greatest hero's always make a big entrance!" So Naruto finally caught up did he?
"Hey Sasuke I sneaked in here to help you" He's such an idiot. There's no hope.
"Helen, what plan do you want to go with?" Looking back at my best friend I saw she was already charging towards the ice release.
"Who ever said I had a plan!" She answered without looking over her shoulder.
I swear someday she's going to be the death of us.
As I neared closer I saw Helen run full speed at one of the ice mirrors with her fist pulled back in a punching motion.
Is she insane!?!?!?!?!?! That's never going to work!!!!
I watched with anticipation, waiting for her hand to break from making contact with the unbreakable ice.
As soon as her hand touched the mirror I flinched waiting for a cracking sound; but no such sound came.
Staring wide eyes I saw Helen's fist covered in fire break through the ice so it was half way inside it.
That's insane!
I focused back on Helen who was now pulling out a real Haku.
"" I heard him stutter.
"Don't ask me. I was just following a suggestion." She answered with a shrug.
A suggestion?
Before Helen realised what Haku was about to do he grabbed a kunai and sliced it underneath her left eye then kicked her and jumped back into his ice mirrors.
My best friend fell towards the ground cracking the concrete beneath her feet.
I saw red.
Flashing to her side I shook her trying to wake her up.
Damn she won't stir!
Wait! I know just how to wake up this fangirl.
"WHERE!!!!!!!??????!?!?!?!!?" She shot up like a rocket staring wide eyed around searching for the red haired sand ninja.
"Ha I lied." Cue dramatic breakdown.
"Sasuke!" We simultaneously whipped round at the sound of Naruto's distressed call.
"I hated you." Wait for it...
"Then why did you?" Wait...
"I don't know, my body moved on its own." JACKSHIT!!!!!! YOU MOTHER DUCKING LIER!!!
The bluenett fell limp in Naruto's arms.
"Let's move out of the way Helen. It's about to get hot." Not long after I had finished the sentence the red chakra started to swarm around Naruto. Unluckily for us we were standing close to him. There was no way we could run away from it now; we're just too close. I tensed up hoping to god that it wouldn't hurt as much as I thought it would.
Right before the chakra made contact with my body Helen stood in front of me with her arms stretched wide.
The chakra passed right over us both and it seemed not to even bother Helen. Even I didn't really feel the power of the Nine Tailed Fox even though I know how strong it is.
After for what seemed like an eternity the attack started to back down and Helen dropped her arms when it was 100% safe.
"Ok. Where did you learn all these moves?" I've been with her this whole time and I've never seen her do anything like this.
"I just reacted I guess." Crap answer but oh well.
*chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp* there's only one thing that makes that noise: Chidori.
"Haku!" Helen's eyes widen in realisation and she bolted away towards where Kakashi was about to accidentally kill Haku because he protected Zabuza. A feeling of dread over came me. She had better not do anything stupid.
Kakashi had drawn his lightning covered hand back ready to strike. He thrusted it forward, then Haku got in between Zabuza and the leaf ninja; however before the Chidori made contact with Haku, Helen jumped in between the two with her whole body engulfed in flames.
What shocked everyone around was that she actually grabbed Kakashi's arm while still in full power Chidori.
"Impossible." He muttered,
"Impossible." I said in a daze,
"Impossible." Zabuza and Haku mimicked,
"Possible!" Classic Helen, just having to put in a quick quip in there somewhere with her famous precise Uchiha smirk replica. That was until her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she started to fall unconscious. Luckily I was able to reach her before she hit the concrete.
Staring down at my best friend who had totally shocked me today I saw her hair change colour from a light brown to a bold red. Strange.
Giving Kakashi a nod of respect I carried Helen to where Sauke's 'body' lay.
Placing her next to the Uchiha I stepped back to look at the two. Might as well have some fun with this. I'll probably get killed but it would be so worth it. Crouching back down I rearranged the positions the two were in.
"Sam! What happened to Helen???!!" Kazan came sprinting towards us with worry clear in his eyes.
"Relax Kazan, she's just unconscious because she pushed herself too hard." Letting out a sigh of relief he looked down at his beloved master, then seemed to realise something was different.
"What the hell is this?" He snarled waiting for my response. Glancing at the two I started to snicker. Sasuke's arm was wrapped around Helen's shoulders, her head was nestled on his chest, her legs were bent so they were comfortable and her body faced Sasuke. Not only is Helen going to kill me but Sakura is probably going to kill everyone.
"I want to see her reaction to this." Rubbing my hands together evilly I took out my camera and took a quick picture of the soon to be embarrassed ninjas.
I turned to address Kazan and told him to look over Helen. I don't really care what happens to Sauke.
Ok hate moment over.
I had to run fast to get to the part of the bridge where Gato and his hired goons were.
As I neared closer I saw that Zabuza was getting ready to kill Gato even with his useless arms.
"Zabuza." I called out his name to stop him. The ninja froze and looked back at me.
"Let me fight them. They caused my best friend to push herself too hard to protect us and now she's hurt. They are going to die." With a grunt of acceptance he stood back.
I walked forward with my daggers low by my side.
I focused in the first line of men. I focused on the water inside of them.
"Evaporate!" At my command the men's skin started to shrivel, they all gasped in pain. Then one by one they fell to the ground.
Everyone around me including my friends stared at me with intense fear in their eyes.
Time to finish this off. I let out a chilling whistle as a beacon for Nami. In less than a few seconds the wolf came charging up to me looking wild for a fight.
She let out a battle howl and we flung ourselves into the hoard of shaking men.
I fought with quick precise attacks so I could reach Gato faster.
After I left a trail of dead bodies behind me I walked up slowly towards Gato.
I grabbed his neck and lifted him off the ground much to his surprise.
"Are you ready?" I whispered menacingly. I saw his rat like eyes winded in realisation and started begging for mercy.
Throwing him down on the ground so hard that the foundation cracked around his body. I stepped back allowing the Demon of the Mist to walk forward with one of Naruto's kunai knives stationed in his mouth.
Just as Gato struggled back up Zabuza lunged forward and stabbed the short man where his heart was. He let out a choking sound then his eyes fluttered shut and he slumped down, the life draining from him.
Time to put him out of his misery. Controlling the water from the surrounding sea I brought up a big rush of it which then surrounded the dying man.
"Freeze!" The water froze into a sort of coffin while ending his life if he wasn't already dead. Then I kicked it off the bridge just for good measure.

YAY Inari realised that hero's do exist again! Happy days!
I sighed when I saw Naruto run towards me for a hug. Just as he was about to make contact I sidestepped.
"Sorry Ruto-kun but I'm not much of a hugger." Just as I got out the last word of my sentence my body lurched sideways because of a great weight bashing into my side. That body then pinned me down and started to snarl. It had better not be someone else I gotta kill because that's just way to troublesome. However the person who seemed to be radiating off hate just happened to be non other than Helen.
"... WHERE??" Works every time. Helen then pouted and let out another half hearted 'I hate you' then got off me and helped me up.
"Hey Helen your hair and eyes are so awesome."
"Sorry, my hair and my what?" Oh yeah that's right, she doesn't know about her free dye job but I was quite surprised to see both her eyes had turned a blood red colour. Helen started checking out her hair and eyes using a mirror which she got from................................ somewhere.
"............................AWESOME!" I didn't expect any other answer from her.
"When a member of the 'Kasai no neko' clan reaches a point in their life where they use the clans power at a specific level their appearance changes, some more eccentric than others." Kazan explained.
"The people from the 'Mizuki Inu' clan also go through this process." When did Nami walk up to us?

"We shall name this bridge 'The Great Naruto bridge', this body of water the 'Shizuku Sea' and these pillars on both sides of the bridge the 'Hibana Pillars.'
WOW. I didn't think they were gonna use our original names.
After our big heart felt goodbyes to the villagers and Zabuza and Haku who decided to disappear for a while; team 7 and 11 both left to go back to Konoha.
So finally our big adventure was over it only gets better from now on.

Please comment if you liked and I know this chapter is way longer than the others and honestly it took forever to even come up with the ideas let alone write it all down. Life is such a drag.   xxxxx

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