Returning to the leaf

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Helen's POV

I'm so tired!!!!!!!
In the anime time skips but being here forces you to actually go through it. So we have to walk all the way back to Konoha.
You should know that I am the least patient person in the world and when I'm bored I get frustrated and very angry. So being here now is like adding gasoline to a house fire.
"COLD COLD COLD!!!!!!!!" From out of nowhere freezing cold water dropped on my head soaking me from top to bottom. I knew exactly who did this because of the distinctive laugh behind me.
"WHY!!!???" I snapped round to my not so best friend.
"Your hair was lighting on fire." She said casually, shrugging. That was her answer? Well of course it was catching on fire, I was pissed!
Snapping my fingers I ignited the grass around Sam's feet causing her to dance like a maniac.
Sweet revenge.

"SHIKA-KUN!!!!!" Finally we're back at the village and the first thing I do is find Shikamaru and tackle him into a 'Helen' hug.
(For those who don't know what a 'Helen' hug is; it is basically a cross between a rugby tackle, a bear hug and a wrestling smack down. It's not a very good experience for those who are getting hugged.)
"Hi Helen, you're back I see." Shikamaru has been dealing with my 'Helen' hugs since I met him so he's pretty used to them.
"Helen, get off him!" Sam's no fun. I pouted while getting off the ninja who muttered a quick 'troublesome girl.'
"Yeah but you love me." I grinned.
"Careful Helen or a certain Uchiha might get jealous." Sam teased
Practically leaping up in horror I put as much distance between Sam and I as possible. During this process Shikamaru kept looking at us both like we had completely lost the plot.
"Do I want to know?"
"Well you see on this bridge Helen anhjggjgfgmhjhkfhf." Whew! Luckily I was able to cover her mouth before she told him about...................................... That.
"Ooo is Sam telling the 'Saslen' story?" Curse you Kazan. I gave the two guardians a death stare as they walked up to us.
"I'm sorry, but 'Saslen'?" Oh this is way too much ish to deal with right now.
"HEY SHIKA-KUN! Have you met Kazan and Nami yet?" My distraction seemed to work as I watched him interact with them. Nami seemed to take a particular liking to him.
Like girl like wolf.
"Helen, what did you mean by a suggestion?" Sam asked.
Instantly I remembered back to when I was able to smash through Haku's kekkei genkai like it was nothing and I told him it was a suggestion; Sam must of overheard.
"Well you see, Kazan told me something before the fight. It was about how people from the head of the families from our clans had so much power they could overpower certain kekkei genkais. I decided to see if we could do it considering we were from the head of our clans."
"Hmmm this could be interesting." Sam said with thoughtful look. Oh ish! She has the crazy idea look on her face.
"What's with your hair and eyes Helen?" Ok that's it! I'm leaving. Theres been way too many questions, and I am not gonna stick around to hear this again.
So I left leaving a very annoyed Sam to explain everything to a confused Shikamaru.

'Saslen' - the Ship name for Sasuke and Helen.

Get ready guys; the next chapter we'll meet the sand siblings and the Chunin exams start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayayayay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks guys please comment xxx

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