The Best Day Ever!

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Hibana's POV

I was camped out Tsunade's office waiting for Shizuku to come out and give me the news.
Kazan was resting on my shoulder in kitten mode.
Finally Shizuku opened the door and walked out the room.
"Well?" I asked leaning forward.
She sighed and looked at me in pain.
"She said yes." I exploded into cheers, my hair setting on fire as it does when I'm extremely happy.
"Come on, Tsunade is going to brief the village now." Nami said, already walking with Shizuku heading outside.
Kazan and I ran after them.
By the time we had arrived outside the Hokages building the rest of the village had already gathered.
"Hibana-chan! Shizuku-chan! What's going on?" Naruto called to us from next to Sakura and Sai.
"You'll see." I grinned, focusing on Tsunade who was overlooking the village. 
"I have decided to host an annual Hokage for a day festival. There will be a competition that will change each year and the person who wins will become Hokage for a day."
"I'm so gonna regret this." She whispered under her breath after she briefed us.
The whole village broke out in a roar.
"IM GONNA WIN, BELIEVE IT!" Naruto danced around looking totally fired up.
Hey! That's my thing!
Our comrades all looked excited talking about it.
"I wonder what the competition will be." Sakura wondered.
"What ever it is I'm going to win!" Naruto smirked.
"Don't get too cocky. I'm going to win!" Kiba got all up in Naruto's face and the two ninja got into a tussle.
"What a drag." Both Shikamaru nd Shizuku sighed.
"This year the competition will be a race to the edge of our territory. The first two ninja to reach the destination will battle and the winner will become Hokage for the rest of the day."
Well this couldn't have turned out any better for me.
"NO FAIR! HIBANA'S GONNA WIN!" Naruto cried up to Tsunade who yelled at him to shut up.
"All participants go to the north gate." Tsunade said before disappearing.
I turned to look at Kazan who was still clinging to my shoulder and asked what he would want to do.
"I doubt Shikamaru and Shizuku will even attempt the race so I'll stay with them at the destination." With that he jumped off my shoulder and padded over to Nami climbing onto her back.
"Good luck Hibana-chan."
"Have fun imōto-chan." Shizuku smirked and held onto Shikamaru's arm teleporting away in a swirl of water and ice. Kazan and Nami following soon after.
"Come on boys." I said, pulling Kiba and Naruto with me to the gate, Akamaru following behind.
"Ready?" Tsunade called.
Everyone crouched down, about to shoot off.
"GO!" At her signal all the ninja ran forward into the forest.
Naruto was neck and neck with Kiba who was riding on Akamaru's back.
I however stood still watching as the men and woman stumbled forward trying to get to the front.
"What's the matter Hibana?" Asuma asked walking up to me.
"Wait for it!" I smirked lowering my body ever so slowly.
A familiar feeling overcome me as I grinned, showing off my new elongated fangs. My cheetah patterned ears flicked out and my tail swayed dangerously.
Narrowing my bright yellow feline eyes I adjusted my footing into my stance.
"I win." Was the last thing I said before I was off like a rocket, my signature sonic boom following closely behind which happens every time I exceed the speed of sound.

Shizuku's POV

Shikamaru nd I were waiting for Hibana to show up.
It not like anyone else in the village has a chance of coming close to her speed.
Sure enough the red head came storming through the forest in her second state, fire trailing behind her.
She halted right before us and fixed us with a open mouthed smile, her eyes glinting.
"You took longer than I expected." Shikamaru said lazily.
She smiled again and just shrugged walking over to Kazan and lay down leaning on his side.
We waited for around a few hours before I picked up some movement coming.
The scent was very familiar so I just smirked and leaned back again onto Nami.
A boy with a large white dog bounded through the trees and appeared in front of us panting.
"Kiba-kun!" Hibana cried jumping up and tackling the ninja in a hug.
"Dammit! I was so close!" We all looked up to see Naruto running towards us. Nami went over to comfort him.
"So! The battle will be between Kiba and Hibana." Tsunade's voice suddenly rang out.
"Bring it on you Damn Cat." Kiba smirked crouching into a ready position, Akamaru snarling.
"You haven't got a chance Rover." Hibana growled biting her finger and pressing it to the ground.
"Ooo this is gonna be fun." The smoke from the summoning jutsu revealed the fire covered tiger Hono who already towered over Akamaru.
Kiba used his famous man-beast mimicry and charged towards Hibana and Hono.
Hibana and Hono then disappeared stopping Kiba and Akamaru in their tracks.
Out of nowhere they reappeared right behind the pair.
Hono roared and tackled the one of Kiba that was Akamaru and pinned him to the ground while Hibana pulled out her katana and held it right below Kiba's neck.
Akamaru returned to its original dog state.
Hibana smirked at Kiba and in a flash pulled her katana back and kicked him right up into the air, Hono following her lead with Akamaru.
"Blaze tornado!" Fire started to swirl around Hibana and Hono and then it shot up into the sky whirling around Kiba and Akamaru.
The two fell from the sky.
"Summoning jutsu." Arashi and Hankon appeared and caught the pair before they hit the floor.
"Thanks Arashi." I stroked my giant wolf before he nodded his head in respect then disappeared. Hibana did the same with Hankon and Hono before they too left.
"The winner of the first annual Hokage for a day is Hibana!" Tsunade announced receiving cheers from the ninja who arrived without us knowing.
The red head squealed and tackled the closest person to her which just happened to be Naruto.
"Need some help there?" I asked Kiba and Akamaru as they lay on the ground moaning in pain.
They nodded so I got to work healing their injuries.
"My personal adviser will be Shizuku and the vice Hokage will be Naruto!" Hibana announced sounding all important.
"But Hibana-sama there's no such thing as vice Hokage." Shizune spoke up receiving a glare from the fire ninja.
"I make the rules! Now! To the village!" We all sweat dropped as Hibana, Kazan and the cheering Naruto rushed off back to the village.
"Troublesome girl." Shikamaru nd I sighed.

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