The End

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Thank you all for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it xxx

Third persons POV

The Final Battle between Naruto and Sasuke had ended. The old Team 7 is back to its old self.
Still having one last thing to accomplish Naruto and Sasuke headed back to the battle fields. Together they formed the rat hand sign releasing the Infinite Tsukuyomi on everyone.
The Divine Tree dropped to the ground and released everyone. Slowly but surely the shinobi emerged from their paralytic states.
All except one.
Shizuku still finding it difficult to move was lying down next to her best friend holding her hand not even making an effort to get up. Kazan and Nami sat vigil next to the girl, head's bowed in sadness. Gaara was knelt by her side lifting her head so it rested on his lap.
"I want to go back into the genjutsu." Shizuku announced. Surprisingly Gaara and the guardians nodded in agreement. It seems they all had similar experiences. One that included Hibana alive.

"Dear Hibana." The red head swirled around to see an old man levitating.
"Oh, you're the Sage of Six Paths." She smiled in greeting.
"Yes child. I helped Naruto and Sasuke save the world from my mother." He told her. She looked down at the floor.
"I wish I could see it. I wish I could see my family one more time." She lamented, eyes filled with regrets.
But then he said something that shocked the defeated girl.
"You will." She began to shake.
"H-how? I'm dead." He grinned as if holding a big secret. Well, in a way he was.
"When I sent you away as a baby I gave you a part of my soul and chakra that has been laying dormant all this time. However when I came here to help Naruto and Sasuke my chakra connected to yours. This awakened a great strength in you and Shizuku. While she is now practically indestructible and will most likely live longer than the average human, you my child have acquired a power most convenient to your current situation. You, have achieved the gift of multiple lives. Nine to be exact. Well. Eight now." He explained nonchalantly.
Hibana froze in awe at the news.
"You're sure? This is real? I can go back?" She had to make sure. He nodded and with a wave of his hand she was engulfed in light.

Hibana's POV

Owwwwww my head is killing me!
I'm alive!
In an instant I sat up scaring everyone who was sitting around me. Shizuku, Gaara, Kazan and Nami were all watching me stunned.
"Woah! That was crazy! I don't recommend dying guys." I said stretching my aching body. They were still floored with my sudden revitalisation.
"HIBA!" Finally Shizuku snapped out of it and she pounced on me hugging me to death (Ok was just there I'd rather not die again thank you) Kazan and Nami close to follow. They eventually let go except for Kazan who let his head rest on my leg closing his eyes in content.
"How? You were dead?" Shizuku asked as she wiped away her stray tears. I relayed to them what the Sage of Six Paths told me earning a few dazed looks.
"Where are our clans?" I looked around for the group of cats and dogs.
"We sent them home before the genjutsu was cast so they should all be fine." Nami said.
Suddenly the two wolves glanced at each other and stood up.
"We're going to go find some help." Shizuku said leaning on Nami for support. I watched them walked away.
"Hibana." I turned to Gaara who was staring at me.
"Did I make you worry? Now you know how I felt when you died." I joked trying to cheer him up. He smiled slightly.
"I don't think I'll be able to go through this eight more times." He admitted. I took his hand.
"Then I guess you'll just have to stay by my side so I don't die again." Beaming at him he returned my smile and tightened his hold on my hand.
"Hiba-nee. Let's go home." Shikamaru has arrived with Choji who was helping Shizuku walk. I nodded picking up kitten Kazan and with Gaara's help I stood up on my shaking legs.

"Can we come in?" A knock at my door woke me up from my nap.
"Yes, please come in." I called back. The door opened revealing the Sand Siblings and Shizuku. My whole clan all jumped to their feet growling threateningly. I ordered them to stand down and they all settled down once again.
"Sorry. They all insist in staying here and warning everyone who comes in. Guess me dying was a bit traumatic for them." I apologised for my clan.
"Yeah for us too Hiba." Shizuku said walking up to my hospital bed.
We were all finally back in the Hidden Leaf Village. Shikaku was back at home, we decided not to tell Yoshio about his almost death and my actual death. She'd freak!
"We just came to visit you before we went back to Suna." Temari said. So we said our goodbyes before Shizuku led them all outside.
Shikamaru came to see me the next day with news that'd he'd become Kakashi, the new Hokage's personal assistant.
Eventually my clan decided that I wasn't in constant danger and so one by one they went back home until only Kazan was left. I was finally able to stretch in my room without being bombarded by my cats.
A week later I was cleared to go home. My body had returned to normal and I was strong enough to walk by myself again.
"Hiba-nee. Kakashi-sama has requested you in his office." Shikamaru met me outside the hospital. I nodded and we headed to the Hokage's building. Walking into the office we found that Shizuku and Nami were already there standing opposite Kakashi dressed in his Hokage robes.
"What's this about Kakashi-sensei?" Shizuku asked once Shikamaru took his place standing next to our old teacher.
"Shizuku, Hibana, as Hokage I am officially promoting you to shinobi level Jonin." We stood there shocked.
"You've both been in our ANBU core for years now so it is only appropriate that you become Jonin. Especially after what you both did for the village in the Great War." He explained. Shikamaru nodding in agreement next to him. It finally hit me what he was saying.
"Awesome! Suck it Kiba! Guess who made Jonin before you! " I cheered causing the others to laugh at my childish response.
"What she means, is that we gratefully accept." Shizuku slapped the back of my head shutting me up.
The process was very quick. Kakashi signed a couple documents and then that was it.
We were officially Hidden Leaf Jonin.
"Now if you'll excuse me I've got to deal with a certain old student of mine." Kakashi said standing up from his chair.
He was referring to Sasuke who had been locked up in our village cells. Over the past weeks after the war ended the village officials have been deciding what to do with him. And with the help of Naruto's testimony he was allowed to be set free, cleared of all previous crimes.
"Come on Shika-kun let's go tell Tou-san and Kaa-san." Shizuku, Nami and Shikamaru waved at Kazan and I before setting off to the Nara compound.
"What are you thinking?" Kazan asked as he saw my thoughtful face.
"I'm thinking I need to ask a certain Uchiha something." I replied. Kazan rolled his eyes.
"Well if that's the case I shall leave you too alone then." He teased but before I could yell at him he had bounded away after the others.
"Stupid cat." I laughed before shooting off into the forest just outside the big gates.
Activating my second state I could hear Sasuke being seen off by Kakashi and Sakura. And then as he walked away further into the forest he was cornered by Naruto who also said his goodbyes.
I waited until the village hero had left before I deactivated my second state and jumped down in front of the Uchiha.
"I was wondering if you'd come say goodbye." He said, his rinnengan piercing through me.
"Well it is our thing isn't it." Referring back to all those years ago struck us both with memories of the past. He smiled. And then reached into his cloak with his right arm. His only remaining arm.
"Speaking of that night. This is yours." He pulled out something shiny. Looking closer I saw it was my old bracelet. The one I thought I had lost on a mission.
He was holding it so delicately that I smiled.
"Keep it. It can remind you of our times in the Leaf." I grinned back at the surprised man. He then smiled and pocketed the bracelet.
"Urm I actually did come here for a reason though." I stammered nervously eying the floor. He waited patiently.
"You... you saw Tachi-nii didn't you?" It wasn't really a question. He looked surprised at how I knew that but then relaxed.
"I did." His eyes softened at the memory of finally seeing his beloved brother after finding out the truth.
"I'm sorry I never listened to you about him." He apologised before I could continue which I just accepted silently.
"I never got to say goodbye so I was just wondering if he said anything about me." Embarrassed about my question I shuffled my feet. His eyes however widened in realisation.
"I never knew what he was referring to but now that you ask, yes he did." He told me. I stopped shuffling and fixed him with an urgent look asking what it was.
"He said 'Tell her to go home.' Does that mean anything to you?" Sasuke looked confused at the message but it made perfect sense to me.
"Yes! Wanna come? You've got some free time now." I offered which he accepted. And so after activating my second state yet again we were off through the forest heading for the boarder.
Navigating through the familiar trees we finally came upon it.
There hidden by the surrounding nature stood a modest house.
Itachi and my's home.
I walked inside to discover everything was exactly how I left it. I wondered into our dining room to find a letter and two small boxes on the table. Next to them stood a framed picture of me and Itachi. He had his arm wrapped around my shoulders eyes focused on me, a soft smile at his lips and I was beaming at the camera completely unaware; Kazan could be seen dozing in the corner of the picture.
Sasuke picked up the picture and smiled.
"I'm glad to see all those years in the Akatsuki didn't change him." He said.
I however had turned my focus on the folded letter on the table labelled with my name written in Itachi's handwriting.
Shaking I picked it up and opened it.

Fire and Water حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن