You Can Cook?

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Sam's POV

I never thought I would hate the rain ever in my life. But today at this point in time I hated it; I really did.
Something nudged my hand and I looked down at Nami who stared up with concerned eyes.
"Are you ok Sam?" My partner asked shuffling closer so her pelt was brushing against my hip.
"I never knew how hard this would be." Was all I said before I bowed my head.
I can't believe the old man is actually gone.
Memories of him letting us into the village and occasionally checking up on us during intense training sessions flashed through my mind.
A rush of heat attacked me from behind. Turning around I recoiled even though I shouldn't of been in the least bit surprised.
Standing alone with the rain evaporating before it even hit her head was Helen, hair aflame, eyes blazing and a look of rage plastered on her tanned face.
I walked up to my best friend and patted Kazan's head who was acting cautious around her to tell him that I would handle it.
With no words I just called water to swirl around me and hugged Helen.
A hissing sound of when my water made contact with her fire rang out into the silence.
The shaking ninja started to calm down in my arms.
We stayed that way through the rest of the funeral.

I had an arm slung over Helen's shoulders as we walked out back onto the streets of Konoha. All of our friends walked behind us in deafening silence.
Then Helen shook her head as if to wipe away the sadness and anger and turned back towards everyone with an excited look gracing her once solum features.
"Let's all go to my house I have a big surprise to cheer us all up!" Shikamaru spoke up,
"Actually Onee-chan it's our house." Helen waved her hand dismissively.
"Details, details. So will you come?" A few including Kiba, Naruto and Lee nodded their head while the others looked a bit hesitant.
"So you all won't come?" The tears started to flow out of Helen's eyes once more.
The tears immediately stopped and Helen smiled skipping away with Kazan trailing behind her to the Nara house while humming a catchy tune.
"She did that on purpose didn't she?" Shino asked.
"Yep. What a troublesome girl." Shikamaru sighed but carried on walking in the direction Helen vanished in.
We all walked for a minute discussing what Helen might have in store for us when all of a sudden a few of Helen's cats Taiyo, Hono, Hankon, Akuma and Shinji flashed in front of us.
"Mistress Hibana says you're all taking too long." Akuma growled, eyes glowing brighter than usual.
"HOLY CRAP!" Kiba was so surprised he jumped into the branches of the nearest tree.
A chorus of laughter erupted from everyone directed at the shaking Inuzuka. 
*click* I have to show Helen that picture when we get back to the house.
"Hey Rover, get back down here!" I called up to him using Helen's nick name she gave him.
Growling all the way down,Akamaru and Hinata went over to see if he was ok.
(Spoiler alert I totally ship Kiba and Hinata together; no matter what you NaruHina shippers say.)
After that incident was over we all climbed onto the backs of Helen's cats minus Shikamaru nd I since we went to ride on Nami.
Choji, Kiba, Akamaru and Shino went to ride on Hankon who warned them that if they pulled on his fur too hard he would rip their throats out. Needless to say Hankon was carrying three shaking ninja plus one very nervous pup. 
Lee and Neji were on the backs of Taiyo who were having a very civilised conversation with each other.
Naruto and Sasuke were asked by me to ride the intimidating fire covered tiger Hono. And by that I meant that I forced them to... very violently.
Tenten and Hinata rushed towards the polite looking panther Shinji which meant that Sakura and Ino were stuck with Akuma who looked like his fangs had grown in the last minute.
"Sasuke save us!" Ino wailed while Sakura hid from Akuma from behind Ino's back.
"Hn." And with that inspirational word we bounded off leaving Sakura and Ino to deal with an impatient Akuma.

Sasuke's POV   

After what felt like only 10 seconds we arrived outside of the Nara compound.
Naruto and I quickly slid off the back of Hono.
The door to the house was roughly shoved opened catching everyone's attention.
My eyes widened at the sight in front of us.
There in the doorway stood Helen who had changed out of her black dress and into a black top with sleeves that were rolled up to her elbows, short brown shorts, hair tied back into a ponytail and, an apron?
WOW, she looked really nice in simple clothes without any of her ninja stuff.
She smiled when she saw us standing there.
"Yay! You're all here. Uh. Where's Sakura and Ino?" Her smile vanished as she looked around for the two kunoichi.
"WE'RE HERE!!!" A scream called out. We all turned around to see Sakura and Ino hugging each other desperately while riding a really pissed off Akuma.
As they came up to the house the leopard shrugged his shoulders resulting in the girls falling off his back and on their butts on the floor.
Naruto and Choji went to go help them up.
"AKUMA! Are you ok? Did they do anything to you?" Helen ran forward with concern deep in her eyes. She threw her arms around Akuma's big neck and head stroking his patterned fur.
"Yes thank you Mistress Hibana, I'm ok." His glowing eyes died down into a softer light as he spoke to the red head. 
After Helen hugged all her cats even though Hankon gave her real trouble in succeeding to get to him she dismissed them. All five of the cats *poofed* away after saying goodbye to us.
"Come in guys." Shikamaru invited us as he got to the door with Sam and her wolf Nami.
One by one we walked into the house.
"What is that delicious smell?!" Choji demanded as soon as he entered through the door searching for the source of the smell.
We all murmured in wonder at the combination of yummy scents.
Helen turned to look at us and let out a secret giggle,
"It's lunch." Two simple words and the room erupts.
"How sweet!"
"You didn't have to!"
"You can cook?" Sam asked with one eyebrow raised. Her best friend whirled on her with her hands on her hips.
"Yes I can cook!" Cheeks puffed out in annoyance she raised her finger and pushed against Sam's forehead.
"Bitch!" Sam slapped away Helen's hand while the red head laughed.
Defiantly a secret joke in there somewhere.

We were all seated in Shikamaru's living space instead of the table since there were too many on us.
Everyone was talking to each other about such pointless things. Plus there was Sakura clinging to me like a leach. I gotta get out of here.
"I have to go to the bathroom." I announced and stood up, walking away. But really I just wanted to get away from that freak show.
Wondering through the hallway I heard a small humming sound.
Curious I found the room the sound was coming from and poked my head round the door way.
There, holding a wooden spoon stirring rice in a pot was Helen.
She didn't seem to notice me so I was about to call out to her; that was until...
Her brows were scrunched in concentration and her lips were slightly pursed. Her gaze was solely focused cooking and nothing else.
She looked so peaceful.
NO! I cannot get distracted with such trivial things as a crush. And yet my feet were moving on their own towards Helen who had her back to me.
"What the..?" A weight pushed against my chest forcing me on the floor. After the daze wore off I opened my eyes.
There sitting on my chest, teeth bared, eyes glinting was a small black cat with white paws and a collar studded with animal teeth.
"Well, well, look what the cat dragged in." Nervous I looked up at an amused Helen.
"Do you want him alive?" The cat's voice was cold and unforgiving as he stared me down, eyes turning blood red.
"Sorry Chi but you can't have this one. He might look like a duck but I bet he tastes really bad." I scowled up at the girl earning a laugh in return.
After Helen picked up the cat called Chi who snuggled into her arms; I pulled myself off the floor.
"Control that rat next time." I demanded fixing the cat with my death glare.
Helen's laughing ceased and the next thing I knew she had summoned her fire covered tiger Hono once again.
"Run." The look on Helen's face was of pure evil.
I ran for my life with Hono hot on my heels.

Sam's POV

"Lunch is served!" Helen entered the room silencing all talking from everyone. We all looked at her expectantly.
She made a quick hand sign and countless plates of food *poofed* in front of us.
We looked down and our faces lite up.
"You made BBQ!" Choji looked like Christmas had come early.
Helen had a closed eyed smile plastered on her face as she nodded.
"Itaidaikimasu!" We all synchronised as we raised our chopsticks ready to dig in.
For the next minute or so it was just us eating like there was no tomorrow.
"Helen I think I'm going to have to marry you!" Choji preached and a few other of the boys including Naruto nodded their heads in agreement.
Me and the girls all laughed as we saw Choji try to propose to Helen while the red head was too busy laughing to answer him.
The only one who wasn't cracking up was Sasuke who was fixing all the boys with a death glare. If looks could kill, the boys would be dead at least 3 times by now.
Oooooo looks like someone's jealous.
"Why do you take pictures of everything Sam?" Neji asked abandoning his conversation with Tenten.
"Because I'm flawless." I copied Helen's behaviour flicking my hair behind my shoulders.
"Sure." I detect a hint of sarcasm. TIME TO DIE!!!!
Reaching behind me I picked up a side dish of rice and threw it at Neji. The unsuspecting ninja never saw it coming.
At the sound of the bowl making contact with Neji's face all heads snapped round.
"FOOD FIGHT!!" Naruto declared holding the left overs of the meal. 
We all dove out of range but unfortunately for Hinata she got completely owned by that meat.
Kiba and I both grabbed some rice and chucked it at Shikamaru and Helen who were crouched by the doorway.
It had now turned into a full blown war with teams of two: Sakura and Hinata, Sasuke and Naruto, Lee and Neji, Choji and Ino, Tenten and Shino, Shikamaru and Helen and me and Kiba,
"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE!!!!???" An enraged scream was let loose.
ISH! That would be Shikamaru's mum. We're screwed.
There's only one thing to do.
"RUN!" I cried, desperately trying to reach the door that lead to the way out.
On cue we all stampeded towards the door to try and escape the wrath of a mum.
Helen, Shikamaru and I probably won't be going back to the house for a while now.

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