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Hibana's POV

"I'm off! Bye bye!" I screamed behind me at my fellow ANBU who looked over as I strutted out of the training room.
"Hibana!" I froze and turned to see Shizuku who glared at me.
"Where do you think you are going?" I shook where I stood and looked down at Kazan who pretended not to see me struggling.
"Urmm, I thought we were gonna go with the others to the lake." I pouted as Shizuku shook her head and threw my ANBU mask at me.
"I'm afraid we are needed elsewhere." She said and teleported out of the room along with Nami.
"Should we ditch?" I asked Kazan who looked around for the two wolves and nodded. We were about to run full speed out the building, however a wall of water blocked our exit. Before we could change direction the water fell on top of us soaking us completely.
Not cool!
Now I was angry which automatically fired me up drying both me and Kazan off.
"They won't let us do that apparently." Kazan pointed out and I sighed in defeat. We teleported out the building and met up with Shizuku and Nami in our field that we sometimes trained in.
"Nice try." Nami smirked at Kazan who growled back at her.
"So what is so important that we're gonna miss the mission to capture the three tails?" I asked Shizuku who handed me a small scroll.
I opened it and scanned over the mission.
"Really?" I asked the blue head who nodded in confirmation.
"They can't be serious." I showed Kazan the scroll and he laughed.
"Apparently the Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire is quite paranoid and will only take the very best body guards." Shizuku said and I had to stop myself getting angry again and burning everything around us.
"How long will this last?" Kazan asked.
"Tsunade said maybe over a week." Nami replied and I whined even louder. That means we'll miss the mission and I was really looking forward to this one and meeting Isobu, we haven't met that many tailed beast yet.
"All right, let's get going." Shizuku said and I nodded. We activated our second state and sped off in the direction of the Feudal Lord's house.

Finally we had finished the mission and let me tell you it was so BORING! Nothing even happened as we protected the Feudal Lord and his friends at his BLOODY WEEK LONG CARD GAME!
It was good pay at least but I really wished we had gone on the mission with the others.
Speaking of, they should be back by now.
"Home?" Shizuku asked and I nodded so we headed back to the Nara compound.
Yoshina greeted us as we neared the house.
"Kaa-san! You would not believe how dull that mission was!" I continued to whinge about the job as Yoshina made us some tea.
"Will you stop whining! It's over now!" Shizuku snapped. I pouted but decided it was better to stop talking than annoy the blue haired ninja. 
"Shizuku. Arufa was wondering when you would come visit everyone." Nami looked up to said ninja and she hummed lightly to show she was thinking.
"Screw it, let's go now." With that she stood up and beckoned Kazan and me to follow.
"See ya later Kaa-san!" We yelled over to the lady who waved at us calling for us to be safe.
Standing in a open area we looked down at Kazan and Nami who were talking to each other in hushed tones.
We coughed to catch their attention and they stopped talking.
"Grab hold." I held onto Kazan's scruff while Shizuku did the same to Nami.
Without warning we were all surrounded by fire and water. It felt a bit like our transportation jutsu but not quite.
I opened my eyes and found ourselves standing in a wide field with boulders decorating the landscape, to our left was a large dense forest and to our right was a vast lake. Grazing in the field was Furea my second in command behind Kazan. He noticed our presence and padded over- being a heavy lion it's rare for him to move very fast at all outside of battle- huffing gently in greeting. I wrapped my arms around his mane and Kazan nodded as a hello.
"We didn't expect you so soon." Furea said.
"Spontaneous decision." Shizuku spoke up.
"Wanna tell everyone we're here?" I asked Furea who to our surprise scoffed.
"They already know." Just as he said that we heard multiple footsteps getting louder and louder. From all directions big cats and dogs came running towards us. 
Shizuku and I braced ourselves and a great weight dragged us down to the floor. I opened my eyes to see my cats purring and hugging me close while Shizuku's dogs were a little more excited giving her affectionate licks all over.
"It's good to see you all too... now get off!" I laughed and our clans backed off still showing their enthusiasm in having us here.
"You know Mistress Hibana, you should call on us more often." My puma Gekido scowled and Senshi my tiny warrior cat nodded.
"My bad guys, I'll call you more I promise." I gave them a warm smile and they visibly relaxed.
"Now that you're here, let's get started." Arufa, one of Shizuku's head wolves stepped forward.
"What do you mean?" Shizuku asked. Curious I glanced down at Kazan who looked equally perplexed.
"You're training." One of my tigers Taiyo spoke up.
I waved my arms in the air in panic.
"Now hold on! Nami said we were just visiting!" I glared at Nami.
"That's what they told me." Nami and Kazan did not look happy that the other clan members had not consulted them since they were in charge behind Shizuku and I.
"Well now that you're here anyway, let's train." Umi, Shizuku's white and blue wolf said.
I groaned and sat down on the grass.
"Come on Hiba-chan." Shizuku called back to me from where she was walking away from my clan with her dogs.
Before I could move my giant tiger Hankon bit into the back of my top and lifted me up, my feet dangling over the ground.
I sighed in defeat and let my cats escort me to the training area.
Why are we heading towards a volcano?
I did not sign up for this!!!!

Fire and Water Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang