Edo Tensei

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Shizuku's POV

"I'M NOT WEARING THAT!" I had just finished tying my new forehead protector to my arm when I heard Hibana scream from across the sea of shinobi. We had just arrived in the Hidden Cloud Village and everyone was busy preparing for the war.
"Let's go have a look." Nami sighed in exasperation. We headed over to see Hibana lifting a terrified leaf shinobi up by his top spitting threats.
"But Hibana-san it's regulation." He sputtered out which she snarled at.
"Hiba. What's going on?" I asked. She dropped the poor man on the floor who scurried to his feet once he realised a growling Kazan was right behind him.
"They want me to wear the green jacket!" I deadpanned.
"I don't see a problem." Gesturing to my own jacket and every other leaf ninja who was wearing the same one.
"Are you kidding?! I am not wearing green on red! That's a fashion CATastrophe!" She huffed with no shame and stalked off after giving the man one last fiery glare. Kazan followed her as they went over to Unit 4, the long-range combat unit captained under Gaara.
"YOU DID ALL THAT FOR A BAD PUN?!! OI! YOU'RE NOT FUNNY YOU KNOW!!!" I screamed after her, Nami laughing at the situation. I apologised to the man before heading over to my section.
I had been assigned to the Elite Ambush Unit lead by Kankuro.
We stood ready for war until a few shinobi started to brawl with each other over the fact that they couldn't trust the other villages. I stood bored as everyone seemed to get involved in the fight.
"Don't wanna give me a good yelling at?" Smirking I looked at Kankuro.
"I can do that anytime." I taunted before Gaara's voice cut everyone off. We listened as he did his inspirational speech that rallied everyone together.
"Ready to get going Shizuku?" Kankuro asked as Sai was getting his ink birds ready since we were first on the ground. I signalled to wait while doing a few hand signs.
"Summoning jutsu." My clan appeared eyeing all the shinobi with caution.
"I'm gonna need you to fight in the Second Division lead by the Iwa ninja Kitsuchi." I ordered. They all nodded and followed my head wolf Arufa to the other division.
"Ok let's go." Nami climbed on my shoulder as I got onto one of the ink birds.
"Hiba! Guys! Stay safe!" I called down to everyone as my unit flew up into the sky. They waved back until they were out of sight as we flew into enemy territory.
Eventually we landed in a dense forest to set up camp at Kankuro's decision.
He issued orders to everyone: Omoi to set traps around the perimeter, Sai to return to the air as a look out, Ittan the Iwa ninja to make trenches with his earth style jutsus, Tango the Kumo ninja to construct a chakra transmission antenna, the two other leaf ninja to survey the area with their respective sensory abilities and me and the Kiri ninja stayed behind with Kankuro to formulate a battle strategy.
Soon after preparations were complete, Zaji one of the leaf ninja detected someone approaching. It turned out to by a member of the Aburame Clan called Muta. Zaji rushed to his side until Hoheto the other leaf ninja called out to inform him that Muta had explosive clay in his gourd. It was too late however as the clay exploded. Ittan sprung into action saving us from the blast by lowering the ground we were standing on. Muta and Zaji couldn't be saved. The first people to lose their lives in this war.
No time to grieve however as two of Muta's teammates jumped down after us and attacked. This was because they were being controlled by Sasori. Why can't dead people just stay dead?
Another reanimated ninja followed us underground who was neutralised by Sai from above. They recognised each other. So that's Sai's brother. They began to spar while Shin kept apologising being forced to fight.
Omoi leaped into action and I joined him. Using my daggers I severed Sasori's control over Ranka while Omoi did the same for Tokuma, allowing Kiri to heal their wounds. This also gave Kankuro the opportunity to pull Sasori down into the open. Sasori, exposed, started to use Shin as a puppet. In retaliation, Kankuro brought out his Sasori puppet. Before he could attack, Hoheto alerted us to the fact that there is explosive clay contained within Shin. Nami confirmed this since she could smell it.
"Omoi, Shizuku try to hit him with a lightning technique to neutralise the clay!" Kankuro instructed.
Omoi leaped forward first, his sword covered in lightning chakra. He was however unable to strike Shin.
"Get back Omoi!" Surging my own lightning chakra through my daggers I ran towards Shin and using Nami as cover I was able to pierce the blades in Shin's chest.
"Ripping tide!" Water surged into the wound and as I jumped back it ripped him apart. I'll apologise to Sai later.
This was no time to celebrate though as Shin began to regenerate. Deidara promised he would turn Shin into a bomb again and again.
Enraged, Sai created two giant warriors which attacked Deidara and Sasori propelling both of them straight into the clutches of Kankuro's containment puppets.
He sealed them while Omoi plunged his lightning-infused blade into Deidara to nullify the rest of his clay.
Sai then prepared to fight Shin again who stopped him saying there was no need.
"This encounter has let me see your drawing." He gestured to the open pages of Sai's book where there was a painting of them together. This freed Shin's soul allowing him to return to the afterlife.
At the same time Kankuro had managed to touch Sasori's soul by explaining how he is already immortalised through the puppets he left behind. Sasori's soul also returned to the afterlife after he entrusted his Mother and Father puppets to Kankuro.
We all finally relaxed for a bit to recover while Ittan raised us back to the ground.
"This war has just begun. We need to find the next Akatsuki cell." Kankuro spoke up. He called Sai, Zaji, Omoi and I to go search.
"You'll be alright with him?" I asked gesturing to the puppet Deidara was causing a fuss in.
"Yeah of course. Now go." He smiled. I got aboard one of Sai's ink birds holding puppy Nami to my chest.
"Don't die!" I called down to him as we flew off. Nami licked my chin in comfort as we searched for the next Akatsuki group.
Eventually we found one. We attacked from above using explosive tags but of course the revived ninja recovered from their injuries. Realising we're going to need help, Zaji lit a red flare requesting immediate assistance. Before we could advance again a chill went through the air.
I know this technique!
"Everyone jump!" I called as Nami and I jumped off our bird. The others followed suit just as an ice mirror appeared above us which released a barrage of senbon needles that destroyed Sai's birds.
I deflected most of them from hitting the others as we fell to the ground. Facing the Edo Tensei shinobi we realised who they were.
"They're all Bloodline Limit shinobi." Zaji pointed out.
Nami stood in front of me growling protectively until she realised something. Two of the enemy we knew very well. And I was really hoping not to meet them in this battle.
"Shizu-san?" Haku's empty eyes winded as he recognised me. I smiled slightly and waved.
"Yo, long time no see Haku." My allies recoiled in shock.
"You know them!?" Omoi screamed in disbelief. I nodded.
"Of course she knows us! Where do you think she learned how to fight so well? Not from you pathetic kids." Zabuza scoffed inflating his own ego slightly.
"Ah Boss don't be so rude. We had this issue when you were alive as well." I sighed remembering all the times I had to calm the Demon of the Mist down.
"Tch as always still a disrespectful brat." He mumbled. The other revived ninja were watching the scene in confusion.
"I'm sorry Shizu-san we don't wish to fight but we are in no control of our bodies." Haku said remorsefully before they took out their weapons.
Nami's ears flicked and I understood. She jumped back and I took my daggers out. The bushes behind us rustled and three figures jumped out just as the Edo ninja reached us. I blocked Haku's senbon while the recently arrived Kakashi blocked Zabuza and Gai and Lee stopped the other two.
"I didn't think I'd be fighting against you Kakashi." Zabuza said as we recalled what had happened all those years ago.
"I knew you had died from what Shizuku told me but I never thought you'd be brought back." Kakashi replied. I agreed with him. I made sure to bury him and Haku in a place I was sure no one would find them.
Damn you Kabuto!
Kakashi explained to them what had happened and how they had been brought back.
Haku looked behind me and I could sense that the rest of Kakashi's unit had arrived.
Suddenly the revived ninja began to shake and glow with power.
"Kakashi... Shizuku... stop us." Zabuza choked out.
"I won't let you down Boss." I promised.
At Kakashi's command we fell back.
A couple of ninja from the unit explained to us about the other two enemies.
Gari of Iwagakure who uses the Explosion Release and Pakura, a Sunagakure ninja who uses the Scorch Release.
Zabuza activated his mist jutsu forcing us to get into a defensive formation and to rely on the sensory types. Luckily I'd trained with Zabuza and Haku for over two years so I'm used to fighting in this thick mist.
"Nami help out the others." She nodded and stalked off surrounded in fog.
At the sounds of our comrades screams we knew they had started.
Sakura went to go heal those injured and I heard Gai and Lee fight off Gari and Haku.
Before we could get into the swing off the battle six caskets popped out of the ground. Damn, those mean more reanimated ninja. And if I recall I know exactly who they are.
The caskets opened to reveal what we all feared, all the former members of the Seven Shinobi Swordsman of Kirigakure! And now Zabuza had his Executioners blade back.
"We must buy some time for Ensui's platoon to get here." At Kakashi's orders our long distance specialists attacked but of course it didn't do anything as the swordsman just regenerated.
"We have to seal away their souls or immobilise their bodies." A Kiri ninja explained to some of the other who were panicking.
"They don't even have their swords which cuts their power by half." I sighed.
"You're wrong." I pointed to one of the members who unraveled a scroll summoning four of the swords.
Let me say it again: Damn you Kabuto!
Gai and Lee went after Gari and Pakura while Kakashi and I charged forward with the unit to guard us.
My heightened senses could detect the outright slaughter that was happening due to the power of the swordsmen. Luckily I could hear Nami fighting and protecting them allowing Sakura to save lives.
I activated my second state and straight away I could feel a presence behind me. Quickly turning around I slashed at the man who dodged easily.
Mangetsu Hōzuki, the Second Coming of the Demon. Wielder of all seven swords. Zabuza told me about him.
"Chidori stream!" Lightning burst out of my hands and aimed towards Mangetsu who jumped out of the way.
"Well at least you're better than your brother." I tried to provoked him. It didn't seem to work though. Kabuto you prick let me have some fun and give him his personality back! Charging lightning chakra through my blades I kept attacking which he continued to dodge. Bastard. Finally sensing an opening I tripped him up and dropping my dagger punched him with my lightning encased fist. He was flung back destroying a boulder. Of course his body regenerated otherwise he'd be dead right now. Sheathing my daggers I gestured for him to come at me.
He smirked and shot forward. We exchanged blow after blow until suddenly the mist started to clear. That means Zabuza and Haku have been immobilised.
Once the mist had fully dispersed I could clearly see Mangetsu who looked alarmed at the situation.
He raised his arm and pointed his index finger at me in the shape of a gun.
"Water style: Water Gun!" A drop of water compressed on his finger before firing straight at me at a force and speed similar to a gunshot. I raised my arm and blocked the bullet. Mangetsu was floored.
"You'll need a lot more force to hurt me." I snarled. He glanced around once more before taking off into the forest. It seemed the other Swordsmen has the same idea.
"Shizuku! They've all disappeared." Nami came running up. I released my second state.
"They'll be back." I said as we walked towards where the main brute of the unit was.
The others were surrounding two cloth sealed figures. Zabuza and Haku.
"Thank you for looking after me. I'll never forget you. I won't tarnish your name as your student and comrade." I whispered to the sealed ninja.
"We need to move out. We need to seal the others." Kakashi called out picking up the Executioner Blade and we all followed our Captain.
This war has just started.

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