The Preliminaries

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Helen's POV

It was a few days later and we're all now gathered in the battle hall listening to the Hokage talking about the next step of our exam.
"If anyone wants to give up now then come forward." That's it, it's my time to make sure I get a whack at Kabuto the Pokemon.
I gestured to Kazan who creeped through the lines of Genin to where Kabuto was standing. He growled lowly and extended his claws scaring the ninja from moving.
"No one? Ok let's get started." Success. I smirked as Kazan slunk back over to me leaving Kabuto shocked as to what just happened. We all glanced up at the board which was randomly sifting our names to find opponents.
'Helen and Kabuto'
An evil and excited grin spread across my face as I turned towards my opponent while everyone else watched us with interest wondering what I would do. Would the loveable fangirl go easy on 'such a kind friend?'
"Would the two ninja please meet in the middle of the arena while everyone else watches from the stands." Everyone started to move to their allocated area.
I kept Kazan close to my side as I met Kabuto in the middle.
"Now shake hands." Our proctor Hayate commanded.
Whatever you say.
The pokemon smiled and extended his hand. So what did I do? I punched him.
"Oops, sorry I thought we had started." I apologised clearly lying.
Kabuto pushed himself up from the floor and rubbed his jaw where I hit him and got into a battle stance.
"WOOOOOO GO HELEN!!!!!" Naruto yelled from the spectating area. He started a chain of cheers coming from my friends all gunning for my win.
"YOU BETTER WIN HELEN, I GOT MONEY ON YOU!!!" Should I be offended or honoured? Great look what you did now Kiba!
Focusing back on my fight I slowly pointed my katana in the direction of my opponent.
"I'll give you the first move." After my permission had been given Kabuto rushed forward with two kunai knives raised at the ready. Just before he could slash me Kazan and I fire teleported to the other side of the arena. The pokemon wannabe ran forward once again and once again I dodged. This carried on for a few minutes.
"Wow Kabuto, I thought you'd be better considering who your sensei is." I winked knowingly. This angered the ninja.
"Fine, looks like I'm going to have to use my special technique." His hands started to light up. Oh yeah, if that touches me I'm basically screwed. Firing up my fists in return we had a full on Taijutsu battle with me getting in, quite a lot of good hits, while I was able to dodge Kabuto's stupid technique.
"Ok, time to finish this off. Kazan make an air vortex." With a nod, Kazan jumped onto the railing of the spectating balcony and started to run around at full speed creating an air vortex keeping everyone except Kabuto and I from harms way.
Searching deep down I reached for my clan's power.
"DRAGON'S ERUPTION!!!!!!!" The ground around me started to glow and rumble. Then with no warning, Kabuto and I were suddenly standing in fire that had taken up all the space where we were battling, not being able to get to the observers due to Kazan's air vortex. I could hear frightened screams from the stands as they saw the fire brush by them. If I was soft hearted Kabuto's blood curdling scream would of turned my stomach, probably making me throw up. Instead I stood there watching as he squirmed on the floor in agony. Only when his body went limp with exhaustion and pain did I let my attack die down, signalling for Kazan to stop running and to jump back down to my side.
Hayate walked up to the unconscious body of Kabuto.
"Kabuto cannot battle anymore, Helen is the winner." Oh ish I was aiming for the pokemon to die. Oh well, next time.
As I walked up the stairs to the balconies I was met with a loud round of applause coming from my friends and even a few who weren't.
"Wow Helen that was awesome, you have to teach me that!!" No can do Naruto.
"You showed that basterd!" You know it Sam.
"Knew you would win Helen!!" As Kiba said those words I saw Shino walk behind him and stealthily slip him a wad of cash. Thanks for the confidence Shino.
As I glanced around I saw quite a few people including, Choji and Sakura look a bit frightened by me. Theres not much I can do about it though.
"Sasuke and Yoro" the board stated the next match.
Sakura and Naruto started to cheer for their team mate while he ignored them. He began to walk over to the battle field however stopped in front of me. I looked back at him in confusion.
"Can I help you?" I asked, Kazan looking between us like we were a puzzle he couldn't yet figure out. I'm with you on that one buddy.
"Aren't you meant to be cheering for me?" He questioned me smirking slightly. I glared.
"Oh I'll give you cheering." I grabbed his top threateningly. Looking into his black eyes I grinned. 
And that was when I heard Sam's damn camera go off.
"Go kick his arse." Then still holding his shirt I readjusted my footing and threw him down onto the battle arena where Yoro was waiting.
"So Helen, when's the wedding?" Turning around slowly I emitted a deathly aura causing my friends to back up.
The only ones who was brave enough to walk up to me where Shikamaru and Sam.
"That was unexpected." Sam stated. I nodded.
"I don't want him getting that close to you ever again." Shikamaru told me firmly.
"Sure thing Shika-kun." This made a smile form on his face.

Obviously Sasuke won and as he came up the stairs and saw me, he blushed and walked past me to Kakashi talking about Hokage knows what.
"Sam and Juvia" the board read.
Sam jumped off the railing with Nami next to her. Another blue haired ninja met Sam in the middle. So a Rain ninja huh? This fight should be interesting.
"Water clone jutsu." The girl Juvia stated off the battle with a clone assault. Sam looked board and used her own water clone jutsu to over power Juvia's. Clearly pissed off, Juvia resorted to another jutsu.
"Great tidal wave!" A big surge of water formed and rushed towards Sam. Surprising Juvia and the audience Sam looked unimpressed and just raised her arm with her hand stretched out. Just before the tidal wave could hit Sam, it stopped, turned around, and rushed back towards its original creator. As the extra powered wave crashed into Juvia she screamed and was thrown into the wall.
"How?" She asked as she pulled herself off the floor.
"I'm just better than you." Sam replied, then with a click of her teeth Nami rushed forward and used her powerful jaws to bite again and again against the helpless Rain ninja causing small cries of pain.
Hayate walked forward once again,
"The winner is Sam." Nami then stopped her attack licked the cheek of Juvia in a 'sorry' and bounded back to Sam who was walking back up to the balcony.
Naruto and Shikamaru both congratulated her while I gave her a wink which she replied to with a two fingered wave.

All the matches turned out the same as in the anime except from Lee's and Gaara's. At the end when Gaara and Lee were both lying down exhausted and Gaara was about to kill Lee with a sand coffin, Sam and I both jumped down. Sam stood protectively in front of Lee with Guy sensei while I crouched next to Gaara.
"Gaara, you won, please stop." I whispered down to him.
"Why? Why did you protect him?" I forgot that he doesn't know what love or caring feels like. 
"There are some people who care for others and will protect them with their lives. I know you might be confused but just think about your sand; it protects me remember." As if to prove my point his sand came up to me and wrapped itself gently around me causing me to laugh.
Gaara's eyes closed and Kankuro and Temari came down and lifted him up. Temari gave me a small smile and then they took Gaara up to make sure he wasn't to badly hurt. Once the sand detached itself from me I turned around to where the medical ninja were taking Lee away on a stretcher. It's gonna be a hard time for him.

"Congratulations to all of you who are going though to the next round." Hayate was briefing all of us on the next part on the Chunin exams.
"Here is who you will be fighting against." He showed us a sheet of paper. So, Sam's against Dosu and I'm against some lightning ninja. This should be a very interesting next round.

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Xxx

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