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Helen's POV
One word: Awesome!
We get Kakashi as our jonin and we get to be a joint team with team 7! I must be dreaming, and if I am please don't wake me up.
Right now it's lunch and Sam and I are eating by ourselves waiting to meet up with the others later.
Eventually one by one the three ninja of team 7 came into the room we had to be in to wait for our jonin. Sam and I were already there, because it's wayyyyy to much effort to walk away for lunch then come back.
"Naruto what are you doing?" Sakura asked. The blond ninja was putting the board eraser on top on the door so when Kakashi came in he would be hit in the head with it.
"Our teacher is en elite ninja, he would never fall for a trick like that." Sam and I exchanged a look and started to snicker.!
Kakashi came in and got hit by the eraser. Sam, Naruto and I all burst out laughing. But then I had the massive urge to hug him. So that's what I did, gasps were heard from team 7 but not my best friend. She's used to these random fangirl outbursts.
"Hi Helen and Sam, how are you?" He asked, I just gave him a closed eye smile while Sam gave a two fingered wave. After I let go of the copy cat ninja he told us to meet him on the roof. But then a strange urge made me stop in my tracks. Sam looked over her shoulder at me.
"Helen what's wrong?" I just have to try. I gave her a smile, rushed over to her and grabbed her shoulder.
"Teleport!" After that we both caught on fire and somehow ended up on the roof, the fire that surrounded us was now extinguished. The whole of Team 7 and Kakashi were staring at us in awe.
"THAT WAS AESOME!" Naruto, Sam and I exclaimed at the same time.  I sat next to Sam and listened to everyone's likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams.
My turn.
"My names Helen, I like: Sam, Naruto, Kakashi, Shikamaru, cats, fire, sand, food, swimming, reading, training and swords. I dislike: snakes, no food, waking up early, people who think their better than everyone else and bullies. My hobbies are training, swimming, reading and pissing people off. My dream is to be the best ninja I can be so I can protect my friends especially Sam because she always protects me."
Sam's turn.
"My names Sam, I like: Helen, Naruto, Shikamaru, reading, k9s amd drawring. I dislike: spiders, snakes and mornings. My hobbies are basically the same as Helen's. My dream is to be a great ninja along with my best friends Helen and Naruto."
This is such a drag I've heard this speech a thousand time over; and because I had ADHD I wasn't listening to him anyway. Someone tapped me on the shoulder and woke me out of my daze.
"Come on we're going back to the house." I had to run to catch up with my friend. Damn she makes me work harder than I need to.

It's the morning of our survival test and right now I'm stuffing my face with as much food as I can. So is Sam who's next to me. Luckily for us we got to stay in bed for a few more hours since we know how late Kakashi's gonna be. Grabbing my sword and attaching it to my back we ran out of the house towards the training ground.
Once there we only has to wait 5 minutes before our sensei showed up, complaining about some black cat. Bullshit.
He explained the training exercise showing off the bells we had to get.
At Kakashi's signal Sam and I rushed into the bushes on the other side of the river to the others.
"Let me try something It's just a feeling alright?" I trust her with my life so of course I agreed. At my nod of acceptance, she closed her eyes in concentration. Using a powerful kick she launched herself in the air towards where Kakashi was fighting Naruto but not before she told me to cover her. My pleasure.
If what the Hokage said was true then maybe I could use fire to my advantage and not use up any chakra just like when I teleported the day before. Holding my hands up and focusing I pictured a trail of flames surrounding my sensei.
"WHAT?!" That was Naruto. Does that mean it worked? I looked up and saw fire completely overtaking the training field. Oops I think it was a little too powerful. Oh well. Sam was about to land her attack so I jumped up beside her with my sword at the ready to protect her from any incoming kunai or shuriken. Then Sam let out a battle cry and Kakashi was completely engulfed in a big ball of water. It looks like Sam has found her hidden abilities; while mine is fire hers is water. This is our chance. While I kept the fire raging Sam dove down and picked two bells off Kakashi's belt.
Settling the fire and letting Kakashi go of the water hold, my best friend and I decided to sit down and sleep for a bit.

"You should all quit being ninja!" Oh great I've been woken up by that sentence. Sitting up I saw Sam already up and the other guys being scolded by Kakashi.
"Do you even know what this test was about?"
"Teamwork. Which is what Helen and I did, so you better not have any complaints about our team." Sam is so feisty sometimes. It's what makes us great friends. 
"No you two pass the test." Sweet.
"You may have a second chance after lunch, so eat up, but do not feed Naruto he is not allowed, if you feed him you will fail." Then our sensei disappeared. Sam and I looked at each other and nodded with a grin. Then simultaneously we picked up some food and shoved it In Naruto's mouth.
"Wait! What are you doing? Kakashi said not to feed Naruto!" Sakura is actually pretty stupid for someone so smart.
"Sam you explain. I'm not bothered." Sam let out a sigh but carried on anyway
"Man this is such a drag. Look, a team is only as strong as their weakest member so having Naruto who has not eaten at all today would be stupid because he would not have the energy or strength as someone who has eaten. Shinobi who disobey orders are scum but Shinobi who abandon their friends are worse than scum." Sasuke and Sakura both followed our lead by giving Naruto some of their food.
"Well done Sam, I couldn't have said it better myself." Why does Kakashi have to sneak up on us. I swear one day I'm gonna burn him to a crisp.
"Yes Sam is correct so you all pass." Cue exited blonde.
With a high five at my best friend we released the knucklehead and headed out for some well deserved Raman.
Team 11 is now official!

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