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Sam's POV

Tsunade had called me into her office so Nami and I were standing in front of her desk waiting as she flicked through a few pieces of paper.
Suddenly she stopped, then looked up.
"Sam, Nami we recently received a tip that the Demon on the Mist, Zabuza and his subordinate Haku were recently spotted by our boarders to the south. I want you to investigate the situation and report back. Do not engage unless forced to." She informed me with her fingers interlocked resting on her elbows. The mission came as a surprised for me.
Zabuza and Haku?
It's been a while since I've heard of them.
A whole year in fact.
Then a thought came to mind.
"What about Helen and Kazan? Surely you can't expect me to carry this mission out with only half of Team 11." I challenged.
Tsunade's eyes closed,
"Helen and Kazan are other wised engaged. They're on a mission with Shino and Lee."
Now I was even more shocked.
Shino and Lee?
That's an odd combination.
Helen and Lee's lively and fun personality along with Shino's serious personality; not to mention Kazan.
I shivered just thinking about it.
"Shizuku?" Nami asked concerned snapping me out of my daydream.
"I accept the mission. But wouldn't it be wise to assign a jonin as well since the target is ranked as one of the Seven Swordsman?"
"You are at jonin level already Sam."
My heart stopped.
I am?
I knew I was strong but this is a stretch.
"In fact you're already being scouted for our our ANBU. This mission is best suited for you. You have faced these ninja before, gotten stronger by your discovery and mastery of Mizuki Inu second state and you have a clan of dogs at your summons. This mission could not be in better hands."
I nodded in confirmation, thanked Tsunade then left the room.
Back at the Nara compound I packed everything I needed for the mission.
After saying goodbye to Shikamaru, Shikaku and Yoshino; Nami and I set out passing a few of our friends along the way.
It was awful quiet without Helen and Naruto who was on a mission with Neji and Tenten helping out the boy Menma.
I reached the gates where I stopped.
"Something wrong Shizuku?" Nami questioned.
I shook my head then activated my second state.
A long wolfs tail appeared flicking back and forth along with a matching pair of wolf ears. My nails sharpened into claws and my teeth elongated into fangs while my sapphire eyes turned into an icy blue colour.
With a lash of my tail Nami and I jumped into the forest running at my new improved speed.
We tree hopped for a while in silence until Nami's ears pointed up straight.
Stopping and resting on a branch I asked what she had sensed.
"The two targets are up ahead but I also smell 21 other ninja, not from our village and they seem to be hostile."
Intrigued I closed my eyes and tried to listen out for the strangers.
Almost immediately I found them heading to Zabuza's and Haku's location but coming from the west.
"Remember, we were hired to capture Zabuza alive but you can do whatever you want to his little friend."
The men laughed wickedly.
I growled at the thought of these men who smelled like rouge ninja harming Haku who I had befriended a year ago and Zabuza who I had come to respect.
"Come on Nami." She nodded and we both set out again travelling much faster than before.
After a few minutes we stopped sensing the two ninja.
Hiding behind a tree I peeked round to see the two resting near a waterfall seemingly not to have noticed either mine or Nami's presence.
Suddenly a kunai flew out from the bushes heading straight for Haku and it would of hit its target if Zabuza hadn't reacted quick enough to block the attack.
Alert the two held up their weapons, Zabuza executioners blade and Haku's senbon needles.
"Zabuza Momochi. You are to come with us." The leader walked out of the bushes with the other 20 rouge ninja.
My eyes widened, the leader was covered in black and grey clothing and armour, a mask covered his face and he held a sickle and chain down by his side. All the other ninja looked like the first but less impressive and dangerous.
"Who are you?" Zabuza asked narrowing his eyes.
"Does it matter?" The leader shrugged and gave his subordinates a knowing smirk to which they snickered at in return.
Zabuza and Haku tensed as the leader turned back around to face them,
"Oh if you must have a name then you may call me Kama."
He's named after a sickle?
What a drag.
Kama then raised his sickle and cast it over to where Zabuza and Haku were standing. The two jumped out of the way just in time and the rock they were standing in front of was smashed to bits.
In the air Haku threw countless senbon needles at Kama who easily blocked them with his iron gauntlets.
In a flash Zabuza had appeared in front of Kama and was about to hack through the rouge until 3 of the other ninja blocked his attack with their swords.
"What do you want to do Shizuku?" Nami's voice caught my attention.
I thought about the situation then came to a quick conclusion.
Smirking down at my partner she sighed as she knew what I was going to do.
We abandoned our hiding spot and calmly walked into the clearing causing the fighting to stop.
"Who are you?" Kama growled raising his hand holding the sickle threateningly.
"Sam?" Haku asked surprised.
I turned my head around to smile at them and I gave them a two fingered wave when I saw their shocked expressions.
Oh yeah that's right, I'm still in second state.
"I didn't think we'd see you again." Kabuza said straightening up from his battle stance.
"Just passing through." I replied, facing Kama and the other ninja.
"This doesn't involve you little girl so get lost!"
What a bad attitude.
"My friends, my problem." I growled baring my fangs and my ice blue eyes glowed ever so slightly.
The ninja wavered uncertainly as they felt my power.
I flicked my tail as a signal to Nami who next to me let out one of her chilling howls.
"The fact that there are so many of you complicated things. Then I remembered... I have a lot of friends." I smirked once again as the bushes rustled causing the ninja to shake and flinch in fear.
Then a chain of barking, snarling and growling was let loose.
Slowly one by one my entire clan stepped out of the shadows surrounding the ninja who looked like they were going to wet their pants at the sight of the snapping wolves.
"Bye bye." With that my wolves attacked.
Arashi my giant tore down the enemy as if they were air.
Wairudo and Tanken fought side by side looking like it was the easiest thing in the world.
Shimai and Misuto were a blur as they attacked from different angles using incredible taijutsu power.
Arufa manipulated the water around him with such skill that no ninja could get near him and if they did it cost them their lives.
A few held back like Umi an Yume who gave support from by my side while Nami led the assault.
I smiled with pleasure as I watched the enemy get ripped to shreds.
Then the sound of metal made me whirl round to see Zabuza and Kama face off, sickle against sword.
Haku held back ready to assist whenever necessary.
The blows and jabs were executed with such force and precision that I felt my ears and tail flicking in excitement.
From behind a tree I saw a clone of Kama creeping up on Zabuza who has his back to it.
Alarmed, I rushed forward forming a few hand signs.
"GREAT CANNON BALL JUTSU!" Opening my mouth a huge surge of water came rushing out hitting the clone dead on resulting in it *poofing* away.
After making sure there were no more surprises I turned back to the clearing to see that Zabuza had defeated Kama who was lying at his feet dead.
Also the sound of fighting had stopped so after thanking my clan and sending them back I turned back around to see Haku and Zabuza staring at me.
"I have a proposition for you Sam."
I raised an eye brow feeling myself getting interested.
Yes, very interested indeed.

"They were gone before you got there?" Tsunade asked.
I nodded with my best poker face.
We had just gotten back to the village and had to report straight to Tsunade.
She narrowed her eyes as she inspect me then Nami, finally she sighed then dismissed us.
Once outside we both let out a breath of relief.
"I wasn't sure she was going to fall for that." Nami said as we walked back to the Nara compound where Helen and Kazan where waiting since they had also just gotten back from their mission.
I nodded in agreement then looked down at my partner smiling.
Something red stood out against her bluish black fur coat.
Reaching out my hand I wiped it off her fur and raised it up to my nose.
"Oops." Nami squeaked out sheepishly.
I gave her a stern expression trying to hold in my laughter but then couldn't contain it. We continued to walk home earning a few weird looks along the way.
Just as we got to the door of the house our laughter down graded to a quiet snicker.
That was until the door slammed open to reveal an excited looking red head.
Oh Kami help me! Was all I though before I was given a 'Helen' hug.
*sigh* it's good to be home. I thought from my bone crushing position.

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