Meet The Family

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(ᵔᴥᵔ)    =(^.^)=

Helen's POV

"NARUTO YOU'RE LATE!!" I screamed at the boy running into the colosseum who got down on two knees and begged for forgiveness taking one look at the deathly aura surrounding me.
"Calm down Hibana, you're supposed to be making a good impression; and yelling at your fellow ninja is not going to help." Kazan scolded me. I mumbled a quick sorry and stood mock proudly towards the spectating audience causing Sam, Nami, Naruto and Shikamaru to laugh while Kazan just sighed.
"The first match will be Sam vrs Tori since Dosu has forfeited." Hayate announced to the crowd.
Forfeited my ass.
As I walked past my best friend I gave her a 'Helen' hug for good luck meaning Kazan dragged me away by the back of my top.
"GOOD LUCK SAM AND NAMI!!!!!!" I yelled back at them from my awkward position being pulled across the floor.

Sam's POV

I stared at my opponent in front of me. From her head band I could see she was a Grass ninja. She had shoulder length jet black hair, clear green eyes, pale skin and she wore a small but kind smile.
"And begin!"
Pulling out my daggers I rushed forward before Tori could react and slashed her on her arm and upper leg causing her to stumble backwards.
"Grass clone jutsu!" She made a few hand signs and four more of her appeared beside her all in ready positions.
"Ice duel blades." My daggers were covered in unbreakable ice.
Using my water teleportation I appeared behind the clones and stabbed them in the backs before they could move one at a time. Looking back at Tori I saw how impressed she was with my speed. Well, if she wants speed she needs to see Helen.
"Ok no messing around, time to finish this off." The grass ninja exclaimed.
"What do you mean 'finish this off'? You haven't landed a single hit!" I retorted.
Tori scowled and I heard Naruto and Helen laugh and even hi-five.
Clearly pissed off Tori started to make really fast hand signs.
"Secret art. ATTACK OF BIRDS!!" Hundreds of little birds flew in from Hokage knows where and started to fuse together to make six large brown speckled eagles.
What a drag.
"What do you think Nami?" I asked my friend.
"You don't need to but I think it will be pretty fun." Using that as permission I started to do my own hand signs, then I bit my finger drawing blood.
"Summoning jutsu!"
A great amount of smoke covered the whole arena. Tori and the crowd fell silent and inched forward in attempt to see what I had summoned.
A chilling howl was let loose from the smoke which sent shivers down everyone's spin.
As if the howl was a call, storm clouds came rolling in and covered the once bright clear sky.
Finally the smog started to clear letting onlookers see what had made the howl.
Numerous gasps were heard from the crowd, box with my friends about to fight and by far the loudest of them was defiantly Tori's.
Standing just behind me were 12 dog figures all lowly growling in all angles but mainly at the girl across the arena.
"Hey guys! How you been?"
"Onee-chan!!" The little blue fox Yume jumped into my arms and licked my cheek in a warm greeting to which I laughed and hugged back at. Using this as a lead most of the others came to greet me by rubbing against my legs and Puru my male blue furred wolf even jumped up causing me to slip and fall on my ass. Of course a few of my wolves, as in Arashi, Arufa and Wairudo didn't come to greet me in such a warm manner as they are just so uptight, but what can you do?
"Is this who you want us to eliminate?" The scary looking black wolf with deep green eyes asked. That would be Wairudo for you, always looking for the violent option.
"W-w-what i-is t-t-t-that?" Tori stuttered, knees shaking.
"These are the the descendants of the survivors of the Mizuki Inu clan. Say hello. You know what, never mind I'd rather just finish this fight now." Now up from the dusty floor and all my dogs back in formation behind me I whistled for my white with a blueish tint to her fur wolf Yuki. She stalked forward and looked up at me timidly waiting for instructions.
"Use Arctic death." With a nod Yuki closed her eyes and the pendent around her neck handed down from each generation started to glow white.
"Now ATTACK!!" I heard Tori command her eagles which had started to fly towards us but then Yuki's eye snapped open and suddenly the whole arena was covered in waist deep snow plus the temperature had dropped to -30 degrees.
"OH HELL NO!!!" Helen's scream rang out loudly even through the murmurs of the crowd.
The eagles had been buried in their tracks and couldn't move even if they wanted to since the temperature had instantly frozen their wings. Sensing that she was about to lose the match, Tori quickly did a hand sign;
"BIRD MIMICRY!" Tory started to physically change starting with her arms into wings and feet into talons. After her transformation was complete she spread her black wings and attempted to fly. Except that didn't work since like her other eagles she froze and was unable to move.
"The winner is Sam." Hayate called out. While ninja went to try and dig out a fully buried Tori, I turned back to my dogs.
"Thanks guys, I'll see you another time." After a lot of licks a couple jumps and a few grunts all of my clan 'poofed' away.
"Yuki did good, don't you think?" Nami asked me while we walked back up to the box where out friends were waiting.
"Yeah, she's a really shy one but does well in a fight." I replied.

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