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Helen's POV

"MY BLOOD, ITS MY BLOOD!!" The painful scream coming from Gaara's sand shield made me cringe and flinch back grabbing onto the scruff of Kazan's neck for comfort. For the rest of the match I closed my eyes mentally bracing myself for what was about to happen next. Suddenly Temari and Kankuro jumped down to the arena and carried the exhausted sand ninja away with Sasuke close behind.
"HEY BACK HERE!!!!" I yelled after him shaking my fist.
"Let him go Helen." The board voice of my best friend rang out calming me down instantly.
"We have company." Nami walked up to Sam and motioned to where the 'ANBU' were stationed by the crowd under their genjutsu.
"Sam, me and Kazan will go after Gaara, Temari and the others while you go help them and catch up with us later." With a nod Nami and Sam jumped away.
"So Shino don't give Kanky Cat too hard of a time will ya?" Even with those shades in the way I could sense the confusion from the Aburame.
"Let's go Kitten." Quickly I jumped up and followed the route which the Sand siblings and Sasuke took.  
"HIBANA!!" I heard the enraged scream from Kazan as he realised that I had just called him by his dreaded nickname. I snickered as I pictured the cheetah running full speed to try and catch up.

Sam's POV

With Naruto on my left and Shikamaru on my right we followed Nami and Pakkun as they directed us to where the other guys were.
"Hey! Would you mind slowing down!?" Sakura's pathetic cry fell on deaf ears as we just ignored her and kept going at our fast pace.  Nami then broke her formation and fell back so she was now jumping through the trees by my side.
"Sam you have to go help Kankuro." WOAH!!! Where did that ish come from??
"And why would I do that Nami?" I asked with one eyebrow raised in question.
"Because you like him." Blunt but enough to make me go into a full on rage.
"OH YEAH???!!!! WELL I BEG TO DIFFER! WHY WOULD I LIKE THAT MAKE UP WEARING, DOLL PLAYING FREAK!!!!!" My eyes had started to glow as well as my body and the sky started to darken letting the start of snow fall.
"Why are you getting so hyped up Shizuku? I was just saying that you two made friends in the first round of the fighting; remember? It was when you were watching Temari and TenTen." My wolf cocked her big head to the side in confusion. I felt blood rush up to my face at how irrationally I handled the situation.
"Fine I'll go help him." Sighing I told Shikamaru that I would catch up with them but that I was going to check the perimeter.
"Be careful!" I head him call out to my retreating body while Nami got back in formation next to the seeming midget Pakkun. She thought it would be better to stay with the group since she doesn't trust Pakkun's nose; which means I'm going in this trauma alone.

Landing on a thick branch above the fight scene I watched as Shino sent his bugs towards the puppet ninja while Kankuro used 'The Crow' to block the attack. A glint caught my eye and I sharply turned my head towards it.
So that's where Shino does it. I saw bugs crawl up Kankuro's back.
Focusing back on the fight I saw Shino jump forward with a kunai about to slash Kankuro with it. Using my wolf speed I jumped down from my branch with my twin daggers and held them up in a X above my head so I was able to block Shino's kunai in midair.
Turning my head to Kankuro who could see half my face I gave him my precise replica of the Nara smirk.
"I came to save your ass Kanky Cat."
"Sam?" Both Shino and Kankuro asked in confusion.
"What are you doing Sam?" Shino demanded accusingly.
"Don't get your insects in a bunch Shino I'm still loyal to the Leaf Village but I have to help Kankuro this once because if I don't then it'll be on my conscience forever."
My eyes started to glow once more as I pushed back against Shino.
"Water release. ICE DARTS JUTSU!!" After racing through a few hand signs countless pieces of ice the size and shape of chopsticks flew out in all directions immobilising Shino.
"Nice work Sam!" A carefree voice came from behind me. As I turned round I saw Helen there holding up a peace sign with Kazan glaring up at her.
"Helen? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be following the others?" The red head just shrugged helplessly while Kazan scoffed.
"She decided she would check up on you because we can easily catch up to them. Ultimate cheetah speed remember?" The cat puffed out his chest in a proud manner.
"Yeah we're FLAWLESS!!!!" Helen jumped up pumping her fist into the air.
I whispered a quick 'whatever' as Kankuro walked over to us.
"Oh that reminds me..." Before I could register what Helen said her finger pressed against my forehead causing me to lean back and start to fall off the edge.
A small shock of fear pulsed through me as my feet left the safe security of the bark.
"Sam!" I heard Kankuro's voice as a hand reached out and grabbed my arm pulling me back to solid ground...... well solid branch.
Opening my just realised closed eyes I saw I was in the arms of Kankuro. Alarmed I quickly regained my balance and pushed away from him mumbling a short almost undetectable thank you.
"We're even now I guess." I said turning my head so I wouldn't have to look at him.
"SAY HELLO TO NAMI FOR ME!!" The shouts from the two idiots came from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Helen's POV

I was still snickering 10 minutes later when Kazan got pissed and tackled me from behind causing me to trip and in a quick reaction I hugged the trunk of the tree we were on, wrapping my legs around it and anime crying into the scratchy bark.
"Stop crying Hibana." In an instant my fake tears stopped, I detached myself from the tree and launched myself over to where Kazan was vulnerably sitting letting out a battle howl.
Alarmed, Kazan tried to escape but it was too late.
"HELEN WHY DO YOU TORTURE ME??!!!!" That's right I had my guardian in a 100% ultimate power 'Helen' hug.

"WE'VE ARIVED!!!!!" Landing in the centre of the commotion I saw Sam already there with one of her other wolves Tanken guarding her and Sasuke.
Wait! How did she get here before me?????!!!!!!!!!! I guess I was messing about a bit.
Then a scream of pain snapped me out of my self confusion.
Whipping round I saw Sakura trapped in Gaara's sand against a tree while it squeezed her.
"Summoning jutsu!"
"What do you want?" A deep voice growled at me threateningly.
"Shut it Hankon just go free the pink haired girl from that sand will ya. And don't hurt her." I demanded with my voice that told my dangerous scarred tiger that I was serious and not to try anything.
Hankon is a great warrior but he gets very impatient and is very rough.
With a roar Hankon leaped onto the tree and was about to clawed at the sand but it then fell apart letting Sakura go. But she was unconscious so was about to hit the ground, that was until Tanken, Sam's black and white wolf rushed forward and caught her.
"Interesting." Hankon stated before flicking his tail in a good bye and 'poofing' away.
Rolling my eyes at my tiger I flashed over to where Tankon was, patted his head in a thank you and took Sakura from him.
While Sam used medical ninjutsu on the still unconscious Sakura I turned to watch the battle between Naruto and Gaara.
Naruto had just summoned his gigantic toad Gamabunta while Gaara had been taken over completely by Shukaku.
This isn't gonna end well for us.
"Sam put up a water barrier." My best friend looked up from Sakura.
"Why me, I'm a little bit busy. Why don't you do it?" I pointed up to the titans.
"They're about to use water and air jutsus. The air won't do that much but I'm fire which is weak to water." I explained.
With a sigh, Sam pushed herself off the ground and raised her hands up to the sky, hair and eyes glowing blue.
A gush of water exploded from Sam's finger tips and flew high into the sky spreading into all directions which them formed into a sort of bubble over us, including Temari and Kankuro.
Sitting back down next to Nami and Tankon, Sam continued to heal Sakura mumbling about how troublesome I was.
I sat next to Temari and in comfortable silence we watched the epic fight between the two jinjuriki. That was until Temari broke the silence.
"Helen, I'm sorry but you don't understa..." I cut her off.
"It's ok Mari-chan I knew this attack was planned." Pure shock flew across her face.
"Then if you knew why didn't you tell anyone and want to become friends with me?"
"Because I knew this wasn't your idea and that you're a good person."
"Don't get sappy now Helen! But she's right Mari-chan!" Sam called from where she had finished healing Sakura and was now walking over to us.
A smile formed on our friends face as she looked at both of us and nodded.
"HUG!!" I bundled the two into a bone cursing hug as we all laughed despite the water shield pounding dangerously due to the powerful attacks hitting it. We pulled apart as Naruto used the transformation jutsu to turn Gamabunta into a fox. The nine tailed fox is what it looked like.
"Sam put the water barrier down!" She nodded and the bubble that protected us disappeared.
Using my full cheetah speed I ran forward and caught Gaara before he hit the ground while Kazan saved Naruto.
Gaara opened his turquoise eyes and he saw me smiling down at him.
"You ok Gaara?" He seemed to choke on his words which made me laugh. Lying him down on the ground softly I wiped  the blood off his forehead away and kissed him there, standing up I walked away with Kazan by my side so he could have that talk with Naruto to finally understand what he's been doing wrong.
"You use that camera?" I asked Sam as I reached her.
"Maybe." She said cautiously. I turned to look at her and smiled my biggest smile.
"Good." She laughed at my fangirlyness and slung an arm around my shoulders walking with me over to where Sasuke was staring at Naruto.
"Jealous?" I taunted. Normally he would of glared at me but this time he just looked thoughtful.
That's weird.
After saying goodbye to Temari and Kankuro who had the unconscious Gaara with them we put the exhausted Naruto onto Tanken's back and headed back to Konoha.
Unfortunately Sam and I knew what would be meeting us when we got there; while the others were in blissful ignorance.

Hope you liked it and the Kankam moment!!!!!!!

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