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Yes the title is a very bad pun but I love it ヽ(*^ω^*)ノ

Helen's POV

We were all back safely in the Village.
All except Sasuke.
I had just gone to check up on Kiba and Akamaru who were resting in a hospital room, luckily with few minor injuries thanks to Sam's and her wolf Sairen's incredible medical ninjutsu.
Smiling at the memory of Kiba laughing at the playing Akamaru, Nami, Kazan and even Sairen who had become attached to the little white puppy, I carried on walking through the hospitals corridors on my way to the room Choji was being treated in where Sam was helping.
"He'll be just fine." I heard Tsunade's voice round the corner.
Peeking my head around the wall I saw Sam standing next to Temari while they were both watching the reaction of Shikamaru.
Tear drops fell to the ground as he cried;
"Next time, the mission will go perfectly."
Just as I was about to go to him I saw Sam's eyes soften and walk over to his side and wrap her arms around him in a comforting hug to which he gratefully received.
Moved, I felt the warm feeling of fresh tears started to run down my own face.
Abandoning my hiding spot I rushed over to my best friends and joined the hug by embracing Shikamaru's other side silently crying into his Chunin vest.
"We love you Shika-kun." Both Sam and I whispered in unison just loud enough for him to hear.
His head jerked up in shock as this was the first time we had said those words to him.
All three of us turned around in surprise to see Temari holding Sam's camera with a big smile on her face.
Oh no! Now there's another one.
All three of us 'siblings' smirked at the blond who's eyes widened in realisation then smirked as well.
"We'll count to three." Sam, Shikamaru and I said at the same time.
Temari started to run.
"1." I began the count,
She ran past us.
"2." Shikamaru continued,
Temari jumped out the nearest window.
"3!" At Sam's cue we all ran after the sand ninja then one by one we jumped out the same window persuing her retreating figure.
Still running Sam flicked her hand turning the ground Temari was running on to ice so she slipped and lost her footing.
Then Shikamaru caught her with his shadow possession jutsu so she was immobile.
Increasing my speed I charged over to Temari who I saw brace herself for the impact.
Now both me and Temari were on the floor laughing with me hugging her tightly.
The other two ninja walked over to us laughing as well.
Suddenly an idea came to mind and I glanced up at Sam who I saw had the same idea based on her evil smirk.
Putting our plan into action, Sam once again turned the ground to ice and I teleported next to her leaving Temari on the floor with a baffled expression.
Standing behind Shikamaru,Sam and I held out a finger and pushed his back resulting in him falling over.
From where he was standing, Shikamaru ended up falling on top of Temari who tried to catch him.
Getting her camera back Sam took a picture of the two blushing ninja who were tangled in each other.
Both Sam and I high fived then doubled over laughing uncontrollably.
After a few more minutes of contagious laughter we parted ways.
Sam and Temari went to go find Gaara and Kankuro who were at the Hokage's tower talking to Tsunade and Shikamaru and I went to go check up on Naruto.

Sam's POV

While walking to the Hokage's tower with Temari we were looking through all of my pictures I had on my camera.
Most of them were of Helen and Sasuke to which she laughed at and a few of them were of her and Shikamaru to where she went quite, turned her head away and blushed.
Finally we arrived outside the Hokage's door.
*knock knock*
"Come in." Tsunade's voice came from inside.
I opened the door and saw Gaara and Kankuro standing before Tsunade. While Gaara had his back to us I saw Kankuro turn his head so that he was looking at me.
'Those eyes again.' I thought, remembering back to the forest.
I walked in with Temari just behind and stood next to Kankuro listening to Tsunade and trying to ignore the weird different feelings that were swimming around in my stomach.
"I thank you again for helping out my Shinobi." Tsunade thanked the Sand Siblings then dismissed them with a wave.
All four of us walked outside in silence.
That was until I felt a presence nearing.
I turned round to see Nami and Sairen running up to me.
"The boy and pup are fully healed. But I recommend they don't push themselves just in case." Sairen briefed me. I nodded my thanks and she then *poofed* away.
"Come on; I'll show where you'll be staying." Beckoning the sand ninja to follow me I led them to a small guest house the village keeps in case of visitors.
Making sure they were settled in, I went off to find Helen and Kazan.
Walking with one of my hands resting comfortably on Nami's back I headed back to the hospital, when suddenly Helen and Kazan appeared with their teleportation flames still flowing around them.
I smiled at the two as they came up to us.
"Come on." Out of nowhere Helen started to try and drag me in the direction of the Nara compound.
"Why?" Suspicious I narrowed my eyes at the red head.
"We have to get ready so we can go on the mission to find Orochimaru's hideout. I want another chance to burn that wannabe pokemon to a crisp." She growled, eyes blazing.
Now panting Helen moved to a new tactic by picking me up and putting me over her shoulder.
I sighed and just rested my chin on my hand not bothering to struggle out of Helen's grip.
"Actually you will not be going on that mission." Nami's voice rang out, Helen stopped and turned around facing Nami with her fangs starting to show.
"Why not?" She growled, her eyes then slit and turned bright yellow.
Kazan padded up to Nami so he was now standing next to her facing Helen with a stern expression.
"That's why. Both of you need to learn how to control your second state." Involuntarily my wolf ears came out and started to move around trying to get a better reading on what Kazan and Nami were saying.
Eventually fed up with the position I was in, I tapped Helen's back and she let me go gently on the floor.
I stood there amused as I saw Helen try to argue with our two guardians who were obviously having none of her ish.
"FINE!!! LETS DO THIS THEN!!!" Helen threw her arms up in the air then teleported away, probably to the team 7 and 11 training ground.
Giving Kazan and Nami a tired smile we all teleported after her.

-time skip-

"FINALLY!" Helen's relieved scream rang out over the training field.  
It was the day Naruto, Sakura and Pervy Sage came back from their mission and it was also the day Helen and I mastered control over our second state.  
Retracting my tail and ears I walked over to Helen who had grabbed Neji and was dancing with him while Lee cheered about Helen's youth and Tenten looked like she wanted to kill herself.
Saving Neji, I apologised on behalf of Helen who was still dancing with glee.
Then before I could hit some sense into the fire ninja, she stopped.
"What're you planning?" Kazan asked suspiciously with Nami and I narrowing our eyes.
She turned around and gave us an evil smirk.
And then she was gone.

Shikamaru's POV

I was watching as the sand siblings walked away from the Leaf Village after helping me with the academy students.
I had a small content smile on my lips as I thought about Temari.
That troublesome woman.
Not a second later a tree rustled and the sand siblings stopped walking and looked over at it cautiously.
Suddenly a red blur shot out of the leaves and bashed into Gaara resulting in him falling over with his sand protecting his back.
I ran over to them telling the students to go home.
As I neared I saw Helen sitting on Gaara's stomach with as great big smile plastered on her face.
"What's the matter Nee-chan?" I asked as she got up and swiftly hugged Temari.
"Oh! Nothing really, I just didn't want to miss you before you left."
"HIBANA!!!!!!!" A flash of blue charged out of the trees and tackled Helen to the ground. As the dust cleared I saw Sam holding  Helen down by her shoulders while her eyes changed and fangs came out.
Helen smiled up at her which seemed to anger Sam because she started to beat the red head up.
Getting up from the ground leaving Helen groaning in pain as if nothing had happened Sam walked over to us and said her own goodbyes to the Sand Siblings.
Helen quickly recovered from Sam's beating using the recently arrived Kazan and Nami to get back up off the ground.
"Have a safe trip back." Sam said waving at the sand shinobi. Temari waved back enthusiastically. Kankuro smiled at the water nin who I saw flinch slightly before composing herself and returning it with her signature two fingered wave. Gaara glanced over his shoulder shyly at Helen who noticed and winked at him. His pale blue eyes widened, cheeks dusting pink before he whipped his head back round.
"That poor boy." Sam joked.
"I admire him for putting up with you Nee-chan." I added light heartedly. The red head scoffed.
"I'm a gift." Flicking her hair over her shoulder she turned and fire teleported away followed closely by Kazan.
Sam and I looked at each other and smiled.
What are we gonna do with her?

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