Just Like The Old Days

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Kakashi's POV

Naruto needs to calm down because I'm the one that's gonna get the heat for it.
Lady Tsunade had just briefed us on our new C-rank mission and I admit this is a bit insulting for us but we can't argue with the Hokage.
'Tell that to Naruto'. I thought with a sweat drop.
This was just like the old days with Naruto and Helen complaining about almost all the missions given to them. Except Helen wasn't here this time.
"I'M GONNA KILL THAT BASTARD!!!!" An enraged scream echoed through the building and suddenly the door to the office was smashed open to reveal Shizuku in her second state growling and snarling like a wild animal.
Everyone in the room flinched in fear at the girl who had water swirling dangerously around her.
"TSUNADE!!!" Ok now I was truly terrified.
Nami- the only one who could control the always seemingly calm girl- appeared next to her equally angry.
"What's the matter?" Lady Tsunade asked with obvious fear in her voice at the duo.
"Hibana and the Kazekage have been kidnapped by the Akatsuki."
My eye widened as I saw Kazan in the broken doorway shrouded in raging flames while growling in frustrated anger.
Hold up.
Helen and Gaara were kidnapped by the Akatsuki?
No wonder Shizuku and Nami look like they're about to go and destroy an entire country.
"The Sand asked me to get help from The Leaf." Kazan barely managed to get out through his snarling.
"Team Kakashi, Shizuku, Nami and Kazan you are to go to The Sand and lend any backup needed." Lady Tsunade commanded after she thought about the situation and I have to be honest that it was a good idea on such short notice.
The members of Team 11 looked relieved and seemed to calm down a bit but they were still grumbling under their breaths.
At the gates, Lady Tsunade, Iruka and even Master Jiraiya (who asked me to look out for Naruto) came to see us off.
"Let's get going already." The sound of Naruto turned me around and followed the other younger ninjas as they already set off.
We travelled through the trees with Shizuku in front of Naruto who was ahead of Sakura and I.
"You guys stop rushing!" Sakura called out to them.
Shizuku, Nami and Kazan glared daggers back at her which shut up the pink haired ninja.
A while later we spotted Temari walking through the forest.
"Mari-chan!" Shizuku called out to her. The sand ninja stopped in confusion and waited for us to catch up to her.
"What?! Gaara and Helen?" She exclaimed in shock and worry after we briefed her on the situation.
I nodded solemnly and she bit her lip in frustration.
It didn't take long for all of us to be travelling again on route to the Village hidden in the Sand. 
"Gaara and me; we're the same and I will save him." Naruto stated with his knucklehead determination that hadn't changed over the years.
I couldn't help but also think about the little girl held prisoner by the Akatsuki along with Gaara.
I hope she's ok.
"Hey sensei. Don't underestimate Hibana, she's not that cute little girl you saved in the forest that first day you found us." Shizuku said to me without looking over her shoulder.
I guess she's right but I still feel protective of her as if she were my own daughter. Even though I'm way too young.
Before we knew it, two days had passed and we were travelling through the desert.
However luck seemed to be against us as a sandstorm kicked up forcing us into finding shelter.
The tension raised as neither Shizuku, Nami or Kazan talked.
Morning came quicker than expected and as soon as the sand settled we were sprinting the last leg to the village.
I sighed out in relief when I saw the wall surrounding the village.
We had made it.
Two guards met us at the gates and explained that Kankuro was in critical shape and was close to dying.
"No." I heard Shizuku whisper under her breath and she activated her second state running at a much faster speed to the medical building with Nami and Kazan hot on her heels.

Shizuku's POV

This was totally screwed up.
My best friend along with the Kazekage who also happened to be close to me was kidnapped and my other friend had been poisoned and might die.
Not if I can help it.
I ran as fast as my second state could allow and before I knew it I had arrived outside the room Kankuro was being treated in.
The medical ninja and the Honoured Siblings, Lady Chiyo and Lord Ebizō all turned to look at me in shock.
One glance at my leaf headband wrapped around my right arm and the core smiled and welcomed me in.
I was overcome with worry when I saw what bad shape Kankuro was in but pushing that aside I rushed to his side.
I tied up my long blue hair in a high pony tail and examined him barely registering my friends arriving.
"Kankuro." Temari called out his name as she walked to his other side.
"Hai Shizuku-chan!" The pink haired ninja stood to attention.
"The poison is attacking his cardiac muscles and will eventually cause his heart to stop. We don't have much time. Get the mixture ready." She nodded then started to direct the medical core in making the solution we would need to extract the poison out of Kankuro's body.
In no time at all the solution was ready.
Carefully I grabbed onto the mixture with my chakra and held it above Kankuro's chest in the form of a bubble.
Slowly but surely I pushed the bubble into his body causing him to scream and thrash around in pain.
"Hold him down!" I instructed.
Temari, Sakura and a couple of the core held him down with great difficulty.
Using my great amount and power of chakra I forced the toxins out of his cells and into the solution.
It took a lot longer than I expected to get all of the poison out of his cells but eventually most of it was caught in the mixture.
Satisfied I extracted it out of his body putting the solution and toxins into an empty bowl.
"That's it. Sakura go and find the medicinal herbs and come up with an antidote." She nodded and then asked for a list of all The Sands herbs. After she had instructed the core into getting everything she would need to make an antidote she turned to me.
"How did you do that in only one try?" I smirked,
"Training." She nodded slowly then walked away to make the antidote.
That Sakura.
Sometimes I think she forgets I was already well versed in medical ninjutsu before she even started to learn it.
I smiled as I saw Temari exhale in relief then give me a grateful smile.
Before long I felt Kankuro stir and start to wake up.
Everyone came in the room to see him.
"Temari?" He asked just as he regained consciousness.
"Kankuro are you alright?" She said softy leaning on the bed.
My eyes closed as I listened to the siblings interact; that was until I felt something squeeze my hand. 
Confused I peered down to see mine and Kankuro's hands intertwined and I just remembered that I had grabbed his hand after treating him.
Blushing I looked back up to see him staring at me with a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Sam?" He asked unsure.
I nodded and his smile widened grasping on tighter to my hand.
'What a troublesome guy.' I thought the corners of my mouth threatening to curl upward.
"I can track the enemies scent from the battle scene." Kakashi told Baki.
"There's no need for that." Kankuro interrupted.
"I assume my puppets were recovered?"
The pieces of Kankuro's puppets were brought into the room and he pointed out that we could track the one he fought since he got a scrap of his clothing.
"Summoning Jutsu!" Both Kakashi and I exclaimed.
When the smoke cleared two dog figures appeared.
"Pakkun!" Naruto exclaimed in happiness to see the small pup again and the two had a quick little catch up session.
"Lady Shizuku. Lady Nami." My grey wolf nodded at us in respect.
"Misuto." I greeted petting her on the head while Nami smiled at her warmly.
"Can you two track this scent?" Kakashi asked holding the scrap of clothing out for them to smell.
"I don't know about the pup but no problem." Misuto said smirking down at Pakkun who growled up at her.
I sighed. Why is it that my pack never get along with Kakashi's dogs? 
"Summoning jutsu!" Surprised I turned to see Kazan use the jutsu and once the smoke cleared there stood another member of Helen's clan, Hiiro.
"Hai Kazan-sama!" The cheetah stood up straight.
"Go with Misuto and Pakkun. When they find the hideout come and tell us." He demanded and Hiiro nodded in understanding and determination.
All three of the summons nodded to us and then were gone in a flash.
"Alright. Everyone out, give Kankuro some time to recover." They tried to protest but one glare from me and they were out of the room faster than you can say ninja.
"You haven't changed a bit. Always so bossy." I smirked and started to change his bandages,
"Yeah and you haven't changed at all, still getting your ass saved by me." He scoffed and looked away trying to hide his blush.
I stood up to keep myself busy with making sure everything was ok.
As I finished I looked down to see Kankuro sleeping soundly with a small smile on his lips.
'Idiot.' I thought sitting down next to his bed humming a tune under my breath.
"Shizuku-chan!" I jumped out of my seat in shock only to see Sakura running into the room holding up a cup in excitement.
"The antidote is ready." She said handing the cup over to me which I gratefully accepted not before I gave her a stern look for surprising me.
"Kankuro." I tried to wake up the sleeping ninja who just moaned but did not wake up.
Growling I moved onto more drastic measures.
Pulling my arm back I slapped him, hard, right in face which earned a few gasps from everyone who had walked in.
Yelling out in pain he shot out of his sleep and looked wildly around to room only for his gaze to land on me.
Putting one and one together he glared at me to which I returned with my own.
"Drink." I growled at him not breaking eye contact.
Keeping his eyes on me the entire time I raised the cup to his lips and let him drink it all in one go.
*WOOF!* Our staring contest was broken by Nami who broke it with an alerting bark.
Abandoning my place beside Kankuro I went to go stand next to Nami as I watched him beg Naruto to bring his little brother home.
That Kanky Cat.

Deidara's POV

"NO PLEASE STOP!" Hibana's pained cry rang out clearly through the cave.
She had woken up a few minutes ago and hadn't stopped wailing and crying.
It hurt my heart whenever she called out to us begging for us to stop the sealing.
Over the two and a half years she had trained with us she had become the closest thing we had to a little sister.
"Was this really necessary?" White Zetsu asked frowning down at the girl from his position on the statute.
All of us turned to look at Pain for an answer.
"Yes." Brief but it caused us to lower our eyes in disappointment and shame.
There isn't a member in the Akatsuki who didn't like the fiery red head. 
"PAIN, PLEASE DON'T DO THIS!" I flinched inwardly yet again at the pleads.
Shaking away the thoughts I turned my attention back to sealing the One Tail out of the Kazekage and into the statue.
I furrowed my eye brows and peered down to see Hibana punching and hitting the cage she was held in with all the power of her second state.
"Don't bother. That cage is made out of your own power." Sasori my man growled monotone as usual.
"Gaara." Hibana choked out quietly giving up on the cage and sliding down to sit on the cold floor, knees tucked into her chest.

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