Blood Tears

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Hibana's POV

My tears weren't falling anymore.
I think it's because I've run out.
My hands clenched the bars of my cage as I held on for mental support with my head bowed. I'm not sure how long I had been kneeling in this position but it felt like forever.
"Please. Stop." I whispered for what had to have been the hundredth time.
"It is done." My head snapped up only to see the limp body of Gaara lying on the floor, his lifeless eyes starring right at me.
Pain and rage whelmed up inside me causing my eyes and hair to fire up.
"NO!" I screamed out all my emotion along with the overpowering flames now surrounding me and the cage.
I screamed even louder as my power increased. The cage's containing abilities couldn't handle the flames and slowly but surely it started to melt.
Something wet trickled down my face which I assumed were fresh tears, but I soon realised I was crying blood.
After the cage had been destroyed beyond recognition I stumbled forward towards Gaara with the members of the Akatsuki watching me from up on the statue.
My feet dragged as I continued towards the red head, barely hanging onto consciousness.
When I reached his side I collapsed next to him, the blood flowing freely from my dead eyes.
The last thing I remembered before my eyes closed was the familiar sound of Shizuku calling out my name and the big boulder blocking the entrance smashing to bits.

Shizuku's POV

As soon as Sakura had shattered the boulder in our way I called out Hibana's name while running forward with the others.
My breath caught in my throat when I saw the scene in front of us.
Hibana lay slumped on the ground next to the body of Gaara, blood covering her face with her arm extended out to him.
Thankfully I could hear her still breathing.
"What.... Did.... You.... Do?" I snarled out feeling my power surge causing ice and water to swirl dangerously around me.
My second state activated and I extended my fangs and claws threateningly.
Deidara smirked but I saw that it looked slightly forced which confused me.
I held onto the scruff of Kazan and Nami's neck to stop them going over and tearing the two Akatsuki members to shreds.
Mainly because I wanted the honour myself.
"Shizuku, Naruto you have to calm down!" Kakashi called out to us desperately.
Turning my head ever so slightly I saw Naruto growling with parts of the Nine tails showing. 
Focusing back on Deidara and Sasori I stood there, my rage increasing while they argued over what real art is.
"Let me help you out. Art is something dangerously beautiful. Something like..."
The two members had barely any time to react to the gigantic ice spikes that pierced out of the ground aimed right for them.
Luckily for them they dodged just in time.
"Now this girl knows what she's talking about." Sasori said in his deep voice sounding impressed.
I growled again in their direction while Deidara made one of his clay birds.
The bird grabbed onto Gaara with its mouth and swallowed him, holding the Kazekage safely inside it while Deidara picked up Hibana with his one arm and mounted his bird.
"I'll go on ahead Sasori my man." With that he flew off.
"Wait! Come back here!" Naruto called after him before following him outside.
Nami and Kazan looked at me and I nodded running after Naruto and Deidara with the two animals just behind me.
"No stop!" Kakashi demanded but fell on deaf ears as we pursued the enemy.
We ran for a while keeping just behind Deidara.
Occasionally Deidara would send traps and assaults aimed for Kakashi and I but every time we would dodge them with ease.
That was until about 40 small clay spiders with big hind legs challenged us.
"Kazan, Nami go with Naruto-kun!" I said and they both nodded carrying on by Naruto's side.
Kakashi and I dodged a few of the clay spiders before they exploded.
What a drag.
I really hate spiders.
I called out to Kakashi who stopped to look back at me questioningly.
Smirking I controlled blue lightning to flow around my hands then around my whole body.
"It's time I show you what I learned through those years of training."
"Chidori stream!" The Copy ninja's eyes widened in surprise as the streams of lightning advanced towards the spiders, and in less that a couple seconds they were all gone. 
"Impressive; lets go." Adding chakra to our feet we sped off to catch up with Naruto, Nami and Kazan.
Finally we were able to catch up to them and needless to say Deidara was shocked to see us alive.
"There's only one way to beat him and that's with long distance attacks, luckily Shizuku, Kazan, Nami and I meet those conditions." Kakashi briefed Naruto who seemed to calm down.
"Then let's not waste any time." Kazan said impatiently as Deidara started to fly away again.
We continued to follow after the blond artist while Kakashi prepared for his attack.
It took a while but finally Kakashi told us he was ready and to fall back.
"Come on." Nami pestered already running off to the side with Kazan beside her.
I grabbed Naruto's hand and dragged him in the direction my wolf was leading.
She took us to a back route that lead us into the forest which cut off Deidara.
We waited for a while before the two ninja came into view; Deidara's right arm destroyed and Kakashi's sharingan eye changed into a new pattern.
The Mangekyō sharingan.
Before I knew it Naruto had disappeared and the sound of a loud 'THUD' caught my attention.
"Teleport." Kazan, Nami and I all simultaneously said and flashed away in our element.
When we reappeared I saw Deidara falling through the air into the forest trying in vain to reach Hibana who was falling right above him.
Kazan grew in size and then flashed over to her, grabbed her by her top and then brought her over to Nami and I.
"Hibana? Hibana!" I was desperate to wake her up and see her firery red eyes again.
Shaking her by the shoulders I called out to her again and again for her to wake up.
"HIBANA!" A single tear fell down my cheek while Nami tried to wake her by licking her hand and Kazan nuzzled his partners shoulder.
Suddenly the red head started to shuffle and she let out an uncomfortable moan.
"Mmm..sleeping." All three of us let out a sigh of relief as the ninja woke up.
As her eyes landed on me she smiled.
"Shizuku?" Smiling I nodded and she tackled me into the biggest hug I had ever received from her.
"I missed you sis." She whispered.
"I missed you to." I said hugging back tighter.
After we pulled apart she hugged Nami around her neck and kissed the top of her head while Nami licked her cheek then she threw her arms over Kazan, both purring.
All of a sudden she sat up straight eyes wide.
"Gaara." I bowed my head sadly and then looked into the direction where two of Naruto's shadow clones where holding the body of Gaara.
She tried to stand up but as soon as she tried she gasped in pain and grabbed her head slumping back down resting against the pelt of Kazan.
"Stay here." I said sternly before jumping down next to the recently arrived Team Guy who was facing off Deidara, Nami right beside me.
Before we could advance, the ninja bit into the remains of his clay bird destroyed by Naruto's rasengan and started to chew.
Ish I know what's coming up next.
"Everyone RUN!" Both Neji and I yelled already running away from the bulging ninja.
Where he stood was now a giant explosion gaining on us quick.
There was no time for me to use one of my water attacks.
I closed my eyes and waited but no such pain came.
Opening my eyes I saw Hibana standing in front of us with her arms spread out wide barely able to stand on two feet.
Kakashi quickly ran over to catch her before she fell over while Lee came over to me and helped me up after checking if I was alright.
"Sakura, Shizuku can you?" Naruto's voice caught my attention and I saw his eyes plead with us to help Gaara.
We nodded.
Sitting in an empty grass field we examined the body of Gaara only to confirm to the others what we feared.
Standing up I made space for Hibana to sit next to Gaara who held his hand with her head bowed low.
I listened with a heavy heart as Naruto made his speech about Gaara.
Shocked we all looked at Hibana who looked at Naruto with determination.
"Gaara had you. He had me. He had his siblings. He had his village. He had us and that's all that mattered to him." We all smiled ever so slightly at the wisdom of the girl.
"Move aside child." Lady Chiyo said softly to Hibana who shuffled to the side to let Lady Chiyo kneel next to him all while still holding his hand.
Just as I remembered from watching 'Naruto' with Hibana years ago, Lady Chiyo started to use a jutsu that exchanged her life for Gaara's.
However she started panting heavily and whispering about not having enough chakra.
"Please, take ours!" Both Naruto and Hibana held out their hands to her desperately.
She paused but then smiled ever so slightly and told them to put their hands over hers.
As soon as their hands touched the blue chakra increased dramatically in size.
"Shizuku dear."
I was surprised when she called out my name but replied nether the less.
"Take the scroll out of my right sleeve." I obeyed.
"I believe only you can learn this jutsu and not sustain the side effect. Do not open this scroll until back at your village; do you understand dear?"
"Yes Lady Chyio." I said solumly gripping on tight to the small yellow scroll.

Gaara's POV

Who is that?
Whose calling me?
Who is it?
Who am I?
I saw me.
As a little boy, crying.
Then I felt someone grip my shoulders.
I turned to look and I saw Naruto.
"Gaara." He smiled.
The background of plain sand had turned into a big grass field and I saw everyone.
My village had come.  
"Gaara?" A smooth melodic voice asked.
I slowly turned my head only to see the beautiful red head beaming with tears threatening to fall.
"Hibana?" I slowly asked hoping to any God that I wasn't dreaming.
She nodded and before she could move I threw my arms around her small frame and hugged her never wanting to let go.
"Hehe reverse Helen hug I see." She giggled cutely and hugged back pushing her head into my neck.
"Lord Gaara! Are you alright?" The sound of a girls voice made me pull away reluctantly only to see Matsuri running up to us.
I nodded and she smiled and blushed.
All of a sudden my village erupted into cheers and Temari and Kankuro came up to me.
"Gaara talk to me how are you feeling?" Temari asked voice full of worry and I saw Kankuro and Naruto exchange glances of annoyance.
Looking around I saw Matsuri and her friend hit one of my ninja saying what good a ninja I am and then run up to me pushing Naruto out of the way.
"Back up, or I burn you to a crisp!" A low growl came from Helen who stood up facing the two ninja fire flowing around her with her fangs showing. Needless to say they backed up instantly in fear.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kankuro talking to Naruto and almost instantly I knew what they were talking about judging from their expressions.
Lady Chiyo used that jutsu.
Forcing my body to stand up I went over to the dead body of Lady Chiyo.
"Everyone pay your respects." I commanded.
I closed my eyes.
Thank you Lady Chiyo.
For everything.
The feeling of a hand grabbing mine surprised me but without opening my eyes I knew it was Hibana from the warmth.
I squeezed back.

My home was insight.
Getting a better grip on Kankuro and Naruto who were supporting me up we walked over to my village only to see everyone waiting for our arrival.
"A moment of silence for Lady Chiyo." Baki told the village who bowed their heads in respect as the body of Lady Chiyo was carried through the crowd.
We were all in my office and Kankuro and Temari were trying to get the leaf ninja to stay at least a couple days because of their injuries.
However I wasn't listening to the discussion.
More like keeping eye contact with a certain fire ninja.
She winked then pulled on Kazan's fur both walked out of my office followed by Shizuku and Nami.
Later we found them outside Lady Chiyo's resting place along with Lord Ebizō.
"Is that?" Naruto asked which I conformed for him.
After saying our final goodbyes to the elder we walked to the gates of my village to say farewell to the leaf ninja.
Naruto was originally awkward about goodbyes but I just held out my hand with a smile tugging at my lips.
With a little encouragement we shook hands and I mentally thanked the ninja that I respected so much.
Out of nowhere a force hit me from behind and I knew instantly that it was Hibana also from her distinct laugh.
"See you soon Gaara." With that she kissed my cheek and stood in front of me giggling.
I couldn't fight back the large blush covering my cheeks.
"Stop getting your ass saved by me. It's troublesome." I heard Shizuku tell Kankuro who scoffed but also had a blush matching mine.
These girls.
With one last wave the leaf ninja were gone.

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