New Mission

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Sam's POV

Where is that troublesome girl?
"Nami, you found her scent?" I asked my wolf who just looked up at me and nodded.
We jumped up and headed over to where Helen was.
Her scent led us to where we and Shikamaru hid when we want to avoid work. Or our mum.
We landed just in front of the red head who was lying on her back staring up at the sky with Kazan snoozing on her stomach in kitten mode.
"Hey! Yo Helen! Get up, Shika-kun wants us for the rescue team for Sasuke."
I waited for a bit.
No reaction.
Ok I was starting to get pissed.
I clicked my fingers and a rush of water came down soaking both her and Kazan from head to toe.
With a scream she jumped up and her whole body lit on fire as she glared at me with blazing eyes.
"THE HELL WAS THAT FOR??!!!" Keeping a calm expression on my face I repeated what I had said before.
When I finished, Helen pouted and leaned back against Kazan who had returned back to his original size.
"Don't wanna."
What a child.
Then an idea came to mind and I smirked fixing the red head with my gaze.
"Then I guess I'll just go give these to someone else." Fake sighing I turned around holding up a packet of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies.
"ILL DO IT!" My smirk widened and I winked down at Nami who was giggling.
Too easy.
"Let's go then." Without looking back I threw the bag of cookies behind me to where I knew Helen had caught them.

"Sorry we're late." I apologised to the team as we all arrived.
Kiba crossed his arms and scoffed;
"Even Naruto was here before you."
Did it just get really hot or is it just me?
"Kiba." I heard Helen growl in a low threatening tone.
I laughed as I saw Kiba in a pile of mess on the floor moaning in pain and of course I just had to take a sneaky picture of it.
"Now that that's done." At Shikamaru's interruption I paused my laughing fit and concentrated back on the task at hand.
We all listened to the plan and then Shikamaru told us the positions we were going to be in for the mission.
"Sam, you'll be at the front. With your's and Nami's excellent senses and intuition you'll help out Kiba and Akamaru keep a look out."
Sounds sensible.
"Helen you'll be in the middle in front of Naruto. With your's and Kazan's abnormal speed and sense of direction it's best to have you in the middle so you can move to any direction fast if need be."
WOW Shikamaru really thought this through.
"Come on." With Kiba and I leading we started tree jumping through the forest following the trail of the Sound four and Sasuke.
We carried on for a while until I smelt something, glancing at Nami I saw that she had smelt it to from the way her ears were pointed straight up.
"Kiba, do you smell that?"
At Kiba's call we all stopped and perched on a tree on different branches.
"What is it?" Choji asked.
"They're up ahead..."
" far we don't know." I finished the rest of Kiba's sentence.
Shikamaru nodded then asked Neji to look forward with his byakugan.
"They are just up ahead. There are four of them."
"Where's Sasuke?" Naruto pressed.
"He seems to be in a coffin."
Everyone went completely quite.
"Wait, you don't mean?" The fear was evident in Naruto's voice.
Neji shook his head which made the other boys exhale out of relief.
"What's the plan Shikamaru?" Choji turned to the Chunin.
Shikamaru was silent for a little while then focused back on us who were all looking at him expectantly.

Even though we altered the plan to try avoiding the big earth trap made by the fat guy Jirobo we still managed to get caught in it.
All the boys were freaking out, Kiba tried to bust his way out and Naruto was yelling like a complete lunatic at Jirobo.
"Calm down Ruto-kun." The blonde glared at me and was about to retort something at me until Nami called out my name in panic.
I whirled round to see Helen and Kazan collapsed on the floor panting heavily. Concern ran through me as I rushed forward to inspect their condition.
"I can't find anything wrong! Neji look for me please NOW!!" I was starting to lose my cool as Helen and Kazan's condition worsened.
It seems they are suffocating." I was confused. How are they suffocating? They are in the same position as we are and none of us are showing signs of anything near to suffocation.
Then it hit me.
"Fire needs oxygen and fresh air. This dome restricts that resulting in a lack of breathing air." I saw understanding in the boys eyes but the fear was still there as well as in my own and Nami who was nuzzling both Helen and Kazan.
"Hey! You out there!" Shikamaru suddenly shouted to Jirobo.
"What?" The rough and merciless Sound four's voice rang out.
"Let my friend and her partner free! The rest of us will stay here."
Jirobo's cruel laugh echoed through the dome;
"Saving a friend and sacrificing the others. Now why would I let free a weak little girl when I could just kill all of you?"
Shikamaru had to raise his voice to be heard over the enraged and accused voices of Kiba and Naruto;
"You're right, never mind. I think we'll all just get out instead of all of us dying."
The boys who were just recently angry at Shikamaru were now really confused and just stood there like lemons.
"There Choji!"
"Expansion jutsu!" Choji's body had transformed into what looked like a big rubber ball which was rolling full speed towards a specific point on the dome.
As soon as his body made contact with the wall the earth crumbled and broke away leaving a giant hole for us all to escape through.
I picked up the limp body of Helen while Nami grabbed Kazan by the scruff and we both escaped through the hole to join the others.
Outside I saw Choji advance towards Jirobo who just blocked his attack with ease.
When I saw the Sound fours face I clenched my fists in an attempt to contain my rage with Nami growling next to me.
As my anger carried on surging through me, water started to flow around my now floating hair and glowing eyes.
"Water whip!" Jumping up so I was above the ninja, two whips made of water formed in my hands.
Using my wolf strength I cracked one of the whips down on the floor barley missing Jirobo which caused him to flinch. With that whip still of the ground I controlled the other to fly around his head and body barely missing him each time.
I saw him tense up and hold up his arms to try and block the attacks every time my whip grazed past him.
Then while he was still focused on my active whip, I flicked my wrist that was holding my other one. The whip still on the ground near Jirobo's feet moved ever so slightly but it was enough to wrap around his feet and keep a strong hold on him.
Once again using my wolf strength I pulled, resulting in him falling over on his back with a yelp of surprise.
While he was still dazed on his back I raised my free whip above my head and with a battle cry I cracked it down on him earning a short scream of intense pain.
As the dust cleared I saw him still lying on the floor in pain, I felt my anger ease.
My water whips dispersed and I turned back around to my team who all looked very impressed.
"You're good but it's not enough to defeat me." Surprised I whirled round to see Jirobo pushing himself off the floor but still in obvious agony.
"Get going!"
I turned round yet again to see Choji with a determined look on his face as he tried to persuade the others to let him take Jirobo on alone and for us to carry on with the mission.
"Let him do it." I heard Nami demand as she looked up at Choji with a face that showed she believed in his abilities. Well she should, I mean she can sense a persons power.
"Good luck." Shikamaru told Choji.
With another look at the leaf ninja we all jumped back into the trees in our formation following the trail of the other Sound four.
I carried Helen in piggy back mode while Nami had Kazan draped over her back.
We carried on tree jumping for quite a while until we were met with another of the members of the Sound Four.
The creepy spider dude, Kidomaru.
We all stopped in front of him and tried to asses his strengths and weaknesses.
It seemed he was doing the same since he was scanning over us.
When his eyes reached me they lingered for a longer time than the others.
Then he licked his lips and all six of his arms seemed to ripple.
"AHHHH!" I screamed, my body shivered which made me bump into Nami who was standing just behind me.
Due to the fact that I'm absolutely terrified of spiders I didn't realise until it was too late that Helen had fallen off my back, had taken Kazan with her and had fallen on the branch below mine.
The hell?
All of us including Kidomaru looked down to see Helen and Kazan wiping off sleep.
I started to growl and so did Nami next to me. We looked at each other and nodded.
Both of us jumped down and attacked the two.
With me having Helen in a full body hold and Nami pushing Kazan down so his face was squashed into the bark our two best friends started to protest and ask what they had done.
"YOU WERE ASLEEP THIS WHOLE TIME???!!!!" Both Nami and I screamed down at them.
"Only after we got out of the dome." Kazan barely managed to choke out.
Helen looked up at me and somehow was able to smile up at me with closed eyes and hold up a peace sign.
Scoffing we let them go and waited as they picked themselves up and stretched out.
"Nee-chan, Shizu-nee come on, we're going." We all looked up to see Shikamaru calling down to us.
"Huh?" Helen cocked her head to the side.
"Neji's going to take care of this guy. We have to keep going."
How long were we down here?
All four of us jumped back up next to the rest of group.
Then Helen fire teleported over to where Neji was seemingly having a stare off with Kidomaru and 'Helen' hugged him telling him good luck.
Then we were off once again.
We travelled all night keeping the same distance between the other two of the Sound Four.

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