Snake Hunting

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Sam's POV

We were relying solely on Nami's excellent sense of smell to find our friends and that creep Orochimaru.
"They're just ahead. The snake man is tied to a tree and smells a bit crispy while Naruto is unconscious." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nami just said that Orochimaru smelt crispy.
Time for a game plan.
"Helen you go for the first assault and try to stop Orochimaru from biting Sasuke while Kazan, Nami and I will wait in ambush." We're going to try our hardest in trying to stop the curse mark from reaching Sasuke. It totally messes with the plot line but like we care.
As soon as we landed on a branch above the scene, Orochimaru's neck stretched out and headed full speed towards the vulnerable Uchiha.
Well that's an interesting way to go. Helen had literally jumped on the ninjas head squashing it to the ground just before it had reached Sasuke.
"I'm sorry sir but you are not allowed to hunt the rare, last of its kind Sasuke Uchiha, so I'm afraid I must kick you out of the park." Helen then pulled out a giant baseball bat and got into a ready stance.
HOME RUN!!!!!!
Unfortunately Orochimaru decided that he wasn't done, so came slithering back.
"You're good but can you face against my genjutsu?" He locked eye contact activating his frightening genjutsu.
This is not good. Helen had been frozen in spot looking terrified. Ok, I've waited long enough.
"Kazan go and get Helen away from there and bring her to Sakura and Sasuke. Nami wait for my signal." Focusing my water powers on the snake man I held out my hands and engaged my attack.
"Whirlpool!" Orochimaru was sucked in the swirling water and was tossed around like a rag doll. I gave the signal to Nami to make her attack which then caused her to jump off the branch and sore downwards landing on the edge of my whirlpool which was continuously raging.
Nami's already long and ferocious fangs and claws lengthened and hardened into ice. Using incredible speed she ran through the water with ease up to her prey and attacked again and again.
After a few moments Orochimaru broke free of my hold and stood a safe distance away. Clearly frustrated that he had not reached his goal yet he lunged forward towards Sasuke who was standing protectively in front of a still petrified Helen.
No! I will not let him win! Running forward while creating hand signs I stood in front of my friends and called out a jutsu.
"Water wall jutsu!" A big wall of water came shooting out from the ground separating Orochimaru from us.
"I won't let you hurt them!" Unleashing a tremendous amount of power from my body I started to glow white and blue while my hair floated around my face.
"Ice duel blades!" My twin daggers blades were covered in unbreakable ice.  Slashing and jabbing I attacked Orochimaru with such precision and power that he was forced back until he reached the trunk of the tree.
"Enough." Snake man round kicked me in the stomach which sent me flying back; I would of been seriously injured if Nami hadn't caught me just in time. Then like before his neck stretched out and it headed straight for Sasuke who once again stood there like a lemon.
An inch before Orochimaru reached Sasuke, Helen had moved so she was now hugging Duck-butt with her back to Orochimaru who was now biting her instead. Sasuke's eyes widened because of either Helen protecting him or because she was hugging him. Either way I took a quick picture. I know it's defiantly not the right time but the temptation was just too much. Then it seemed the pain of the curse mark that had just been put on Helen had caught up with her as she screamed in agony causing all of us to call out to her in desperation.
Orochimaru used her weakness to his advantage and stretched forward biting down on Sasuke's neck. He also fell to the ground screaming.
"HIBANA!" This seemed to interest Orochimaru who looked like he was thinking about something important. Yeah, like his funeral because I'm about to KILL HIM!!!!!!!
"Hibana huh? The last survivor and heir to the famous Kasai no neko clan. This'll be interesting. Oh and remember Sasuke, the invitation to train with me will always be open." With that, being the creep that he is, he left by sinking into the bark of the tree. How the hell does he do that???!!!!

Well this is fun. Nami was carrying Duck-butt on her back, Kazan had Helen carefully draped over him and Sakura and I were left to attempt to carry Naruto; WHO IS NOT LIGHT!
"Hey Sam I like your hair and eyes." Sakura broke the silence. Hair? Reaching out for my hair which was tied behind my back I saw that it was a brilliant blue. And looking in a puddle would show that both my eyes had turned a similar shade of blue as well.
WOW I look Awesome!! Wait..... Deja vu.
After about 20 minutes of walking we came across a clearing and a cave. Finally we can rest.
"Sam? Do you know what's going on?" I sighed
"Sakura, questions are great but sometimes you need to know when not to ask them. It's not cause I don't care but it's because the answer is too dangerous to know or you're not ready for it." Seeming upset but thoughtful Sakura nodded and went back to checking to see if our friends were ok while I was standing guard.

I can't believe it. While I watched the fight scene between the leaf ninja and the sound ninja on the computer screen I never expected it to make me feel like this. Like I'm surrounded by people who would do anything for me. Lee showed up to protect us while confessing his love for me again, Team 10 showed up to help us and Sakura found out she wasn't as useless as she thought. Shikamaru seemed really distraught when he saw Helen lying there in pain; it's obvious he feels protective of her as an older brother. However now Helen and Sasuke had woken up and they were glowing purple and the curse marks had spread over a part of their body. They had just attacked the sound ninjas got them to give up their scroll then leave but still seemed fired up (see what I did there?).
"Helen you have to fight it!!!"
"Don't let it get to you Sasuke!!" Then altogether we all called out their names in one last try to reach our friends.
My best friend froze in spot and then let out a blood curdling scream that shook us to the core. Sasuke followed suit. Massive blue flames erupted from their bodies while they screamed and fell to the floor writhing in agony. Suddenly the purple aura that had surrounded them earlier started to what seemed like evaporate in the fire.
After what seemed like forever the flames died down leaving them panting on the ground. The first one to reach Helen was obviously Kazan looking really worried that she had been permanently damaged. Nami and I weren't far behind followed by Shikamaru then the others. We had all crowded round to see if they were ok.
After a few minutes they had regained consciousness and Helen was bouncing around 'Helen' hugging everyone in site; plus Tenten and especially Neji who had just arrived. Sasuke sat up slowly glaring at everyone. Typical.
"Hey Helen, why'd you trash my kitchen?" Shikamaru asked looking bored.
Huh, kitchen?

Shikamaru walked into the kitchen and was met with a horrifying site. Pots and pans were everywhere, food covered the walls and the oven was on fire.

We all looked at the girl who was now rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment.
"I tried to make cookies." So that's where she got them.
"We need to leave. Bye guys. Thanks for everything!!" Waving back to our friends we ran off to find someone we could take a scroll from.
"There's a group up ahead by the river." Nami stated causing us to run faster. Once we got to the river we hid behind a few trees ready for a sneak attack. Luckily for us all of the members had their backs to us while waist deep in the water.
Too easy. Commanding the water to bind them in place I could hear protesting and confused calls coming from them. Calmly walking out from our hiding spots we stopped right before them and politely asked for their scrolls........... Well kind of.....
When the fools didn't oblige to our request we had to resort to more drastic measures.

"So Sam how did you get your other scroll?" Right now we were at the tower and I was talking to Kiba while Nami was having some conversation with Akamaru.
How did we get it? I thought back to the river bank which now run red with the blood of those poor unfortunate souls.
"Urrrrrrrrr we asked. Oh look there's Helen!"

Hope you guys liked it! Please comment xxxx

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