Chapter 41

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There was a loud noise coming from outside the dorms.

I jumped up and ran outside to see Claire standing there, attempting to look menacing, when she failed horribly.

"Look who decided to show up," she paused. "I thought I could rid of your so called friends to give you even more of a reason to give up."

"That's where you're wrong." I sneered. What was with this chic, she's always out to get me. "That would in fact give me more of a reason to get revenge, even though your actions are so petty, just like your ability."

"Take that back!"

"Why should I? You've faked so much in your life, you don't even know who the real you is!"


I crossed my arms, then felt the presence of my friends all behind me.

"That's where you're wrong. This needs to stop, now."

"And what are you going to do," she lifted her arms, signaling something. "About this?"

Suddenly a bunch of classmates came out of hiding and grouped together.

"Claire, what you don't realize is, all of us," I signaled my friends. "Are high-tiers."

"Actually-." Blyke started.

"Shut it." I turned to him, loudly whispering. "I'm trying to make a point."

I turned back to Claire. "And what you have, are just a bunch of mid-tiers who have nothing else better to do than to mess with others and bully, that's the only reason they're on your side."

"You know, Kami?" She glared. "You're the one that actually changed. You were perfectly fine when middle school started."

"You're just saying that because I was easily manipulative back then," I growled. "But once I came to my senses, you realized you couldn't control me, and had to put an end to it."


"Weren't you the one that manipulated Evan? Weren't you the one that convinced him I was evil. Weren't you the one that purposely left school that next year and 'transferred' to New Bostin. Because you knew what was going to happen, so you left to protect your life, and didn't care about the rest of your classmates. You claim you have the best ability anyone ever has had, but you just abuse it and attempt to get your way. Even now, you have no strength, no stamina, no speed, so you manipulated these people into teaming up with you, to do your dirty work. You don't care how these people are, you don't care about their lives, you just thing they're your little marionettes, your toys that you control. You're just a selfish brat that abuses your ability just to get your way."

There was silence. No one moved, no one spoke. Did I really just say that? It felt good.

I seen everyone standing behind Claire just glancing at each other. I think now that they've heard all of that, they seem hesitant on even siding with her now.

"I, uhh, gotta go, I left the stove on." One guy ran.

"Uhh, I was with him originally." Another guy followed.

Soon after, everyone started leaving, making excuses as to why they needed to leave. A few just snuck away.

Claire was standing alone now, but she hasn't moved much.

Does she finally understand how she acted?


Hah, knew it, she is lost for words.

"I never would have predicted this."

"Would you quit it with the predictable shit? That's annoying too."

She then ran off. Thank god nobody had to fight. That's too much after what I been through just in the past 24 hours.

"Wow Kami, can't believe you did that."

"Me either, but I knew she was going to fight, and I never thought just telling her off like that would stop it."

"But it worked!"

"Yeah, but these wounds may never heal."

They just looked at me.

"Are you feeling sorry for that girl?"

"She's the one that tied me up and tried to get me to go against you, you know." Seraphina pointed out.

"Yeah, and this time you didn't have to physically hurt someone."

"I guess you're right." I sighed.

"Come on, you need some rest." Amber and Seraphina walked me into the dorm, while everyone else left for their dorms.

I went into the bedroom and lied down, and before I knew it, I was asleep.

The next morning, I woke up, and realized it was Monday. "Ohh great." I groaned.

"You're awake?" I seen Amber turn towards me, she was already dressed and ready to leave. "Thought you would have decided to stay out for today."

"Nah, I'll go, just give me a minute."

"M'kay. Sera brought us bubble tea, want some?"

"Sure, what flavor is it?"

"She got three different ones that are apparently new around here. There's rose, chocolate, and lemon."

"I'll take chocolate."

"Cool, I was going to go with lemon, so Sera gets rose."

I nodded as I finished getting dressed.

I realized I haven't worn my beanie in a while, so I should find it and wear it.

I searched everywhere and couldn't find it.



"Where's my beanie?"

"Didn't you leave it at John's and Blyke's that one day?"

"Shit, must have forgotten, I'll call one of them and have him bring it to me on the way to school."

I grabbed my phone and tried to call John. "No answer? Lemme try again."

Still no answer.

I sighed, then called Blyke, who answered immediately.


"What's up?"

"Did I ever leave my beanie there?"

"Yeah, we kept it on the couch so we wouldn't forget to give it to you."

"Can you bring it when you head to school?"


"Also, why is John not responding to my calls?"

"Don't know, he hasn't spoken much since yesterday when you were brought back. I would say I could hand my phone to him, but he's been in the bathroom for a long time now, I kept hearing him grumbling."

"Probably gelling his hair." I sighed. I never liked it gelled, and now that he's probably mad at me, he doesn't want to not use it. But honestly, not gelling it saves him time in the morning. "Just for get it, and don't forget the beanie."

"Roger that, see you soon."

I then hung up, grabbed my bag, and headed out with Amber and Seraphina.

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