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TITLE: Gossip Girl
OC NAME: Evelyn Schwartz*
FACE CLAIM: Yara Shahidi*

TITLE: Gossip GirlSEASON: 1LOVE INTEREST: N/A*OC NAME: Evelyn Schwartz*FACE CLAIM: Yara Shahidi*

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❝ you know you love me

xx — gossip girl ❞


There wasn't much gossip in the small town of Hawkins, Indiana. However, when there was, Evelyn Schwartz was on top of it. Just one thing: No one knew it was her. She ran an anonymous newspaper that went out the second any scandal happened, no one knew how she did it and no one knew how she got her hands on people's deepest darkest secrets. However, Evelyn gets in over her head when she reports on things like Jonathan's little photo session with an involuntary Nancy and Eleven's introduction to Hawkins. Now, she has to find a way to get her scoop but not get caught.


— I know her catchphrase is "xoxo" but while the "x" has origins tracing back to middle ages, the "o" is more believed to have started when the internet/sms messaging was invented so just to be safe, i just used "xx" to avoid any historical inaccuracies

— Evelyn can have a love interest, I was thinking either Nancy or Robin (Should you carry the fic into season three, but that alone is optional), but she is a lesbian so don't put her with a male character

— Her friend works on the newspaper with her and they're really close, but when the friend finds out she's gay, they argue about it and she outs her in the newspaper — this could be how her and Nancy or someone start to develop (by like, Nancy being there for her) but the outing shouldn't happen until season two

— Evelyn has like no friends besides the one and she's really quiet so she's able to hear a lot of gossip throughout the halls of the high school

— When she starts reporting on the stuff with the Demogorgon she starts noticing maintenance vans (a.k.a Hawkins Lab) outside her house and stuff and people following her and she's kind of a tech nerd so she figured out that she's bugged and stuff

— She's super good with tech and wants to be an inventor

— She's not some huge bitch who wants to ruin lives, she just hates liars because when she was younger her mom promised her that no matter how much her parents fought, she would never leave and then she did so

( plot by nicole! )

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