I'm Not Hungry

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"Minseo~ I made pancakes if you're hungry~" All signs of the drunk, rough man from last night had disappeared, and for a second I considered it. I sighed and ignored the pain in my stomach. I'm not going to eat anything he makes.

"No thank you. I'm not hungry."

He frowned and closed my door, locking it again. "More for me then."

I sighed and stretched out my legs since I had been curled into a ball all night. Without any windows in the room, it was hard to tell what time of day it was. I tried to look around for a clock and found one hanging above the door.

I reached up and tried to grab it so I could wipe off the dirt and dust from it to see if it was even working. I eventually had to move the bed over to grab the clock. Luckily when I wiped it off, it was working.

"It's ten already?!" I sighed and plopped down onto the bed. "I should be halfway through social studies class by now." I wonder if I could try and recreate lessons so I wouldn't forget anything. I quickly stood up and hung the clock back up before moving the bed back to the wall.

"Hmm, social studies is kind of hard. I know!" I tried to look around the room for something that could act as a weapon and ended up with a stick. "This works." I tried to quickly think of a battle and the commanders on each side of the fight before reacting out the scene.

Eventually it came time for me to do my math, so I put the stick under the bed and tried to find something to write with or on. "Is there seriously no paper in this room?" I sighed and sat down on the bed. "Guess I get to do mental math."

I started out with some simple multiplication and eventually moved onto long division. I had a hard time visualizing everything, so I traced my fingers against the wall.

By the time it came to what would have been my lunch break, I was mentally exhausted and starving.

"Minseo, a couple of my... coworkers are coming over for lunch, so you can eat when they leave." I nodded even though he couldn't see me. He didn't even bother to open the door and make sure I hadn't killed myself. How nice of him.


I heard the lock sliding out of place before I heard the door open. "Sorry about that. My... coworkers stayed longer than I thought. There's some leftover pizza in the fridge if you want it."

Pizza sounds really good right now. But I shouldn't eat anything from him. But he didn't make it. But that would be giving into him.

"I'm still not hungry."

He sighed and shut the door behind himself before walking over to me and sitting next to me on the bed. "I know you don't like me and you don't want to be here, but I'm family and you can't get rid of me." Youngsuk tried to put his arm around me, but I quickly moved as far away from his as I could get.

"I had to leave my real family so you wouldn't hurt them. You're nothing but my captor."

Fire danced in his eyes and he raised his hand to hit me, but something stopped him. "You came here of your own free will, so I suggest you make the best out of your choice." He stood up to leave and opened the door.

"Is it really free will when you forced my hand?"

I was hoping he would just slam the door.

I was hoping he wouldn't hear me.

But what I got was nowhere near what I was hoping for.

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