Dad's Turn

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Seungcheol's POV

I heard the sound of the boys cheering, so I stopped filing taxes to check out what they were doing. I almost made it to the kitchen, when I heard the sound of a video playing in Minseo and Jeonghan's room. I knew she had a project to work on, and I was just going to pop in and see how she was doing, but I stopped.

I knew the video all too well. It was the first day Jeonghan had video taped for Minseo to see. He had video taped every day after that for three weeks, after that he wrote down everything that had happened that day for her to read. Eventually he stopped. Around the same time, Minghao and Jun stopped taking turns on guarding the door. Sometimes while doing it, they would say they were waiting for Minseo. Others they would say they were protecting us from the man who took her.

During that time frame, the Americanos had taken over watching the triplets and Jihoon, along with keeping their Mother and I in check. Some days we would be so spaced out, we'd almost forget to pick up Jeonghan from school, or we wouldn't notice that dinner was burning.

Collecting my thoughts, I continued my walk to the kitchen. Minghao and Jun were doing their old talent show dance, and everyone was watching them. As soon as they were done, I realized everyone had been doing their talent show songs, and they had just run out.

"Appa! Sing for us!" I laughed and Jihoon tried pushing me into the middle of the kitchen. Realizing I couldn't escape, I pulled out my phone and pulled up lyrics to a song I knew at one point. The boys waited while I got ready, and I was soon singing.

I sang just enough so they wouldn't beg for more, but that was it. On the last note, I picked up Jihoon and started tickling him, causing him to break out into high pitched laughter.

Everyone else tried to run from me, but I managed to swing Jihoon onto my shoulders before catching Hansol, Minghao and Wonwoo in my arms. Jun was clinging to my leg for some unknown reason, and everyone else had run into Minseo and Jeonghan's room since I was still chasing them.

"What are you doing?" Minseo asked. I smiled sheepishly at Minseo who was still trying to work, and she raised an eyebrow back at me.

"Come on, out. Minseo needs to work." The boys pouted and muttered some complaints, but I was able to get them out. Jun had detached himself as soon as I put everyone on me down, so he must have been trying to stop me.

"So how's it coming?" Jeonghan looked over at me since he was still standing next to Minseo, and shook his head as a way to tell me not to ask. Too late.

"Turns out, I have no idea what I'm doing." She threw her hands up in frustration and I bent over a bit so I could see what was on the computer screen.

After five minutes of clicking around on the screen and trying to figure it out myself, I gave up.

"Are you able to just send in one video?" Minseo shook her head and sighed.

"I have to have at least three videos put together. I know which three I want, but I have no idea how to put them together." I looked over some of the computer program functions and tried to make sense of them.

"I think you just have to click on the box, add in the video clip, trim it if you need to, and then click on the other box next to it to add in another." She looked up at me with no emotions on her face, and I smiled sympathetically.

"Of course it's that simple. And of course I couldn't figure it out." She rested her head in her hands and I rubbed comforting circle on her back.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. It took me a while to figure it out too." Minseo lifted her head up a bit and tried out as I said. She was able to get it to work, so I left her with Jeonghan to go check on the other kids.

Shoot. I never finished paying the bills.

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