Dare for Zane

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Pandora: Hello everyone!

Everyone, grimly: Hi...

Pandora: Oh, lighten up. When you're not being laughed at, you get to laugh at each other!

Dante: I'm too busy worrying about being picked to have any fun...

Pandora: Well too bad! You're gonna have fun— *her voice grows angry* whether you like it or not.

Dante: Ah crap, not one of these. Okay. Whatever you say, badly designed werewolf lady.

Pandora: Great! Don't worry about being chosen this time, Dante, because this one goes to Zane!

Dante: But he has the same voice actor—

Pandora: Dante, the wall.


Zane: *groans* Fine, what do I have to do?

Pandora: Okay, so I have something for you to do after this, but for now, you need to stand on that table over there and breakdance.

And so, Zane pulls over the table and gets on top of it.

Pandora: What song shall we play?

Zane: Idk... Breaker's Revenge I guess?

Pandora: Deal's a deal. Now GO!

Zane starts doing all these breakdance moves. He stands on his head and spins, then jumps off and lands on his arm. He's spinning, doing all these acrobatic things that nobody has even seen before. The girls are all blushing from it. Even Aphmau's face was red.
"Look at the way those legs wiggle," she whispered as she stared intently at the table.
Zane did one more backflip and landed on his feet right as the song ended. Everybody clapped.

Travis: Wow, Zane! I never even knew you could move like that!

Zane blushes.

Zane: Thanks, Travis!

Pandora: Remember, we're not done yet! We've still got the second half! You'll... heh... love this one, Zane.

Zane: Oh no... let me hear it.

Pandora: I think it'll be better if I whisper it to you. *brings Zane to the corner of the room and whispers the dare in his ear. His face turns red as he hears it*

Zane: *Nods his head towards Pandora*

Pandora: *mouths "go for it!"*

Zane walks up to Nana. "Kawaii~Chan," he says, but then adds in a whisper voice, "or should I say Nana?" he continues speaking normally. "You are the single-handedly most beautiful woman I have ever met. From the moment you fell into me in Love~Love Paradise to the night we kissed in the haunted house, I have always loved you. I want to go on long walks on the beach, share our ice cream, go to skating rinks together, and cuddle every night. You have made me the happiest man in the world with your perfectly petite face and your luscious pink hair. And so, I would like to say that I love you, Kawaii~Chan." He spins her around and kisses her on the lips bridal style, then pulls away. Nana's in shock at his romance.

"So how'd I do?" he smirks.

"You're amaz— wait... THAT WAS THE DARE!?" Nana yells at him.

"Hehe, pretty good, then?" Zane snickers.
Nana slaps him across the face. "I WANT GENTLEMAN ZANE!" she sniffs.

Pandora: Okay then, break it up, you two. Zane, go get some ice for your cheek. It's in the kitchen. Kawaii~Chan, chill the f*ck out. I get you're sad that the dream husband you've always wanted and just had brief contact with isn't real, but that's just Zane being perfect for you.

Nana: I... I guess...

Pandora: Well, that was the dare! Make sure you leave your answers in the comments below, and I'll pick my favorites in the next episode of Mystreet Truth or Dare! See ya!

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