Dare for Kawaii~Chan

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Pandora: Another wonderful dare by Bjetissomeone! Jason, how you feel?

Jason: Actually, I feel a little better. Talking doesn't hurt so bad anymore. Can't stand up, though.

Pandora: Glad to hear you're feeling okay. Anyway, moving onto the dare, Kawaii~Chan, please step up. Actually, make that you and Zane.

Zane blushes. In his head, he thinks, Wow, oh wow! They're gonna make me kiss Nana, aren't they? Then we're gonna show them. We'll show them all!

Pandora: Cool. *she snaps her fingers and everyone appears on top of a towering building*


Pandora: Oh, thanks for reminding me, Zane! Zane, Bjetissomeone dares Kawaii~Chan to jump off the building and you to catch her by yourself whilst doing the chicken dance.

Zane: Y-you're kidding me, right? Tell me you're kidding.

Kawaii~Chan: Zane, you think you're afraid? I— I'm... *she's shaking violently*

Pandora: No, no, remember? You won't die, Kawaii~Chan! Jason, tell her.

Jason: Well first you'll black out. When you wake up, though, everything will hurt. You'll want to cry, you'll want to scream, but you're afraid that even the slightest movement or noise will make the pain worse. You'll wish you were dead because nothing could be worse than this pain. Every breath feels like a thousand shards of glass cutting into your lungs and every shift feels like a knife going through each and every nerve in your body. So... Zane... I'd suggest you catch your girlfriend.

Kawaii~Chan: ...THANKS FOR THAT JASON *she's tearing up*

Pandora: Whelp it's now or never. Half of the group with Zane down there, half of the group with KC up here.

She snaps her fingers and it's split equally in half. Zane and everyone else including Jason are at the bottom of the building standing outside. A faint song can be heard-- the tune of the chicken dance.

Pandora: Better go, Kawaii~Chan.

Kawaii~Chan: *Dies a little inside*

Pandora: KC, go.

Kawaii~Chan: I... I don't know...

Pandora: Kawaii~Chan.

Kawaii~Chan: N-no. No.

Pandora: That's it. *She pushes Kawaii~Chan off the edge*

A faint screaming can be heard as she falls down.

Pandora: Hey do you think she'll pass out from G-force?

Aaron: Since when did this reality have physics?

Pandora: True.

At the Bottom

Jason: Damn. That's a pretty long fall.

Zane, whilst doing the chicken dance: I don't want you to talk right now.

Travis: Life was so much easier when you didn't talk.

Jason: When I was in so much pain that I was afraid to make a sound? Yeah, thanks for that.

Just as Travis is about to reply, the high-pitched scream gets louder. Kawaii~Chan is hurling down right towards Zane's arms. Zane prepares himself while doing the chicken dance.

Zane: Oh no...

As she gets closer, Zane can hear something. It sounds like... choking?

Zane: What? Kawaii~Chan! NANA!

He runs to catch her, no longer doing the chicken dance. "I'LL CATCH YOU, NANA, I'LL CATCH YOU!"

Dante: *whispers to Jason* Who's Nana?

Jason: *whispers back* A nickname or something? I don't know.

Kawaii~Chan crashes down into Zane's arms, making him fall onto the ground. He preserves her body and head from hitting the concrete, rendering her completely unharmed. Everyone teleports back to the Truth or Dare Room.

Pandora: How's Kawaii~Chan? Is she in horrific pain?

Zane: I don't think so. She's passed out.

Jason: .....

Slowly, Kawaii~Chan opens her eyes. "Wh-what happened?" she asks, squinting from the light above her. "You fell from a twenty story building," Zane replies, holding her head. "Are you feeling okay?" he asks, concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine," Kawaii~Chan replies. "Oh, thank god."

Jason: Mark my words, one of you will relate to my suffering.

Pandora: Mark my woof.

Jason: Furfag.

Pandora: Shhh, that word isn't politically correct.

Jason: Oh, like the word midget? Or retarded?

Pandora: Yes, shut up.

Travis: Hey Zane, why did you call Kawaii~Chan 'Nana?'

Jason: Yeah, I was also kinda wondering that.

Kawaii~Chan gives Zane the death stare.

Zane: Oh, um... Nana means seven in Japanese and seven is my lucky number so I'm basically saying I'm lucky to have her!

Jason: Dora, Dora, Dora, the fedoraaaaaa~

Zane: Will you stop with that?

Jason: You can't make me. *giggles and rolls his wheelchair away from Zane. It's a sad chase— the fat man versus the disabled man*

Pandora: Wehlp that's it it's 2:28 in the morning on a Tuesday so g'night and as always

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